Practice (Yoga) with the Intent to Explore

Do you know why the light bulb lights? Do you? Do you really?

Yoga says that once you know a thing, anything, fully then you know everything. Because by knowing one at the level of vibration you know Vibration Itself manifesting into all other things – or not manifesting.

Once, when I had the body of a younger boy, I said “For me Jesus was one who was able to explain the divinity in everything”. Like he could pick up this light bulb in front of a crowd and ask / explaining why once the electricity goes through it starts glowing. For those who don’t know it purely a property e.g. of the metals that once they reach a certain temperature they emit things that you can perceive as light. So Jesus was a real guru, practicing yoga, but for those who didn’t knew yoga he was practicing Love and Light.


One of my inspiring teachers had posted almost yesterday on FB a reaction about some words that arrived to her too “Oh that’s the yoga for 13 year old boys. Or at least that what all the teachers at the studio I go to say.” .. i would not iterate on this idea explaining what’s behind.. as I would like to point this..

I often receive videos of beautiful flows, jumpings, almost yoga dancing, acro yoga.. you know this SHOW and to some extend beautiful practices.. but to rare to mention i receive videos where someone is expressing from his attempt to explore deeper into some yoga technique..

When I invite you all to practice yoga, i don’t mean only asana or pranayama..

I mostly want you to get curious and Self-attracted into exploring yoga techniques; so if its an asana, i don’t say i practice hatha yoga or yin because there we sit more into the poses.. my dear yogic travelers.. i do almost everything but I DON’T SIT into the pose.. I EXPLORE with with all my senses, with all the breath and I enjoy it for as long as i feel it – this technique or asana – wants to manifest, wants to express into me in that moment…

That moment when my yoga practice goes into exploring, to diving in the Self, that is the one of the widest yogic journey you can experience, some even call it, (spontaneous) meditation in the pose (technique).. because to arrive there you apply yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara and start tasting the fruits of dharana, dhyana with glimps from samadhi.

Practice Yoga with the Intend to Explore!
