Yoga has no Shades of Gray – People do!

everyone is doing yoga… that yes is a possibility.. consciously or not.. that’s actually the difference..

Are you doing Yoga? or is Yoga doing you?… Yoga was already there before you, so you can’t DO yoga,  you mostly arrive to a point that you are practicing yoga… practicing… practicing.. practicing yoga or some techniques which are from yoga..

Some people these days.. funny days.. they think THEY are inventing yoga, re-inventing yoga, adapting yoga.. practicing the new yoga, the western yoga 🙂 … whatever they do, its most probable they didn’t understood yoga, stealing pieces from techniques, modifying them just enough to put a brand on top so that they can sell… but behind their *new* techniques… there is no 5000 years experience, there is no confirmation of results or of their benefits..

so this *contemporary* yoga.. what is this?.. just some shades.. some different levels of gray… could it at least lead to a spiritual path?… YES.. but not because of the effects of the practice as for the real intention behind the people which are involving in a practice.. it is because they SEEK the Truth, the Light.. that some of them are advancing.. and then they meet Yoga 🙂

so when people ask me for how long I am practicing Yoga.. I only refer to the starting moment when I was SEEKING, when I was AWARE and Yoga filled my practice..

so when you say… you practice yoga, what do you do? do you have your personal practice? or you just attend some classes because of some mystical, exotic or superstar, super popular individual.. do you think that is enough? for what?

As many seeds (of Light) one will put into you, remember, you are the (base) ground, you are the one growing (this Light).. all the seeds in the world won’t help you if you don’t play your part in nurturing this evolution… your every step is required.. this is your Journey!

Don’t accept everything you hear because its clicking somewhere in your head, don’t refuse it either, chew on it. Part of Yoga is also Self-Study, research and there are some traditional books to remind you about your path. People will teach you up to their knowledge and understanding, but there are lessons and things that can’t be put on words, they are not about visiting ashrams, India or any gurus… they are the self-experience of you, the moment you’ll meet YourSelf.

In the beginning Yoga was passed from a guru to a student in almost a secret way that the Martial Arts were. It was a guru which was looking for the student, not the other way around. The reason behind this, and why women and kids were not even considered to be suitable, is because the guru was seeking for that student which will not alter the Truth. So Yoga for thousands of years was not written nor transmitted to the ones found capable of changing it. These gurus if they were not able to find a good student to share their knowledge, in respect to the Truth, they preferred holding it to their death.

But here we are today, not far from the times people were practicing and struggling to recover the most ancient and traditional forms of yoga (1920-1940) to the times we are so eager to change it. Everyone with his own style of Yoga and do you wonder why you are lost in the shades, not seeing the Light? India has even a religion with 35 million gods, so even your attempt to make yourself and your style God-like, is not a surprise for them, you’ll still end copying something that was there for so much time…

So stop being an echo, stop being a shadow..
Some people say, read the books from the dead people.. if those books survived they might tell something.. Practice here from the most old and traditional styles of yoga.. if they survived.. there must be something worthy to investigate..
