The Wish fulfilling tree – Thought and “matter”

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.Nikola Tesla

Now Nikola has observed that everything works best when in harmony with nature. Nature is a mirror of the universe, so you don t have to look to far away in order to balance your mechanism called body and make it in tune with creation, and the creator.

Life and the perception of the world today is all about matter. It seem like in order to believe it or understand it, we need something that is tangible, that we can see. So even speaking to some people today about atoms or energy, or electric or magnetic power, for them it is still a SF movie.

Is it really so hard to believe that all matter is actually formed out of atoms- molecules? And the core of atoms and molecules what today we refer as matter they are really just “vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating“.

This sound as unreal, as I would say to the majority of people that the images they see on the screen are only hundreds of thousands or millions, of very tiny lights of different intensity and colors that change at least 50 times in a second in order for your brain to perceive it as an image.

Is like trying to say to them that a song or a melody are just different vibration of different lengths and intensity that your years are perceiving as a melody.

So the world we see today is only through the limits of our perception and brain, and for most of us, ignorance and lack of knowledge.

But this can be regardless, what does matter, is for you to know that, your individual consciousness is connected to the energy of every single atom, every single matter. Your thoughts and action influence not only matter but everything that exists around you.

It is like sending “a msg or a request” on your computer which has an internet connection, you don t understand the process of it, but some does, and you get in instants something related to what you asked for, now the more accurate you are in your “thoughts” the narrow is the number of possibilities to get exactly what you asked for.

Try searching on google, the less you know of what you are looking for, the more millions of answer you get, the more specific, closer you are of what you want the less possibilities the universe will provide and create that kind of circumstances for you to get what you wanted for.

Now it sounds like a fairy tale, just because you don t see some of the requests instantly. But that is because you are requesting complexed-matter-like things and just as in a fabric this things take time and has to be in “line” with nature and cosmic balance.

If every wish got fulfilled, probably most of us would be dead now 🙂

There is a beautiful story about this wishing thing J for those who are never satisfied and want more instead of, appreciating and accepting the reality they live in, being grateful for this.

“Into a room full of children at play walks their uncle, who, of course, knows better. Laughing at their preoccupation with make-believe games, he asks them to go out to the massive banyan tree, which will grant them whatever they wish! The children rush out, stand under the branches of this huge tree that cover the sky, and ask for what all children crave: toys and candy. In a flash they get what they want, but along with an unexpected bonus: the built-in opposite of what they wished for. With toys they get boredom; with candy, tummy aches.

Sure that something has gone wrong with their wishing, the children ask for bigger toys and sweeter candy. The tree grants them their wishes, and along with them bigger boredom and bigger tummy aches. Time passes. They are now young men and women and their wishes change, for they know more. They ask for wealth, power, fame, sexual pleasure–and they get these, but also cupidity, insomnia, anxiety, and frustration/disease.

Time passes. The wishers are now old and gather in three groups under the all-encompassing branches. The first group exclaims, “All this is an illusion!” Fools, they have learnt nothing. The second group says, “We are wiser and will wish better next time.” Greater fools, they have learnt less than nothing. The third group, disgusted with everything, decides to cop out and asks for death. They are the most foolish of all. The tree grants them their desire, and with it its opposite: rebirth, under the same tree. For, where can one be born, or reborn, but within this cosmos!

All this while one child has been unable to move out of the room. Being lame, he was pushed down in the scramble and when he dragged himself to the window, he was transfixed watching his friends make their wishes, get them with their built-in opposites and suffer, yet compulsively continue to make more wishes. Riveted by this utterly engrossing Lila of desire and its fruits, a profound swell of compassion welled up in the heart of this lame child, reaching out to his companions. In that process, he forgot to wish for anything for himself. In that moment of spontaneous compassion for others, he sliced through the roots of the cosmic tree with the sword of non-attachment, of nishkama karma. He is the liberated one, the mukta purusha.”