my last trip to India was the richest experience (compared to the previous visits), one may say that this is because i visited the South, others might link it to Sadhguru & Isha Foundation.. personally i would highlight that each time was an improved experience because i embraced more, i was ready for more and everything else like South, Goa, Sadhguru, Isha.. was just filling that which I was ready to receive, to be part, to be present..
now because of time, language and also other barriers as also my previous post suffer from, I would try to offer a tinny impression.. what I would like actually is to seduce your hearths and follow me into this or that journey, but for that i have to start writing some books 🙂 or videos..
the plan
we wanted to visit this consecrated place at Isha Foundation and stay as long as possible to catch also Mahashivaratri there, but there was a condition, no more then 10 days for the people who didn’t had this Inner Engineering training..
what did I knew about this training? – nothing
i would only guessed that this is a program which is trans-formative in such a way that you either are more balanced with your energies either you will tune better with the place and customs… but since my brother wanted so much to do it i joined his boat 🙂 but my original plan was to stay in Bangalore, do some work & experience the city..
the arrival
we planned the trip in such a way – as was also suggested by the Isha Team – to don’t disturb the animals time (which was the night time) – so what our arrival won’t create unnecessarily sounds and lights or discomfort for the nature..
from all the airports i visited, the Bangalore one is the most beautiful one – they way they melted the nature, museum and the technology inside it is really inspiring.. so if you have to wait between the planes, you might consider this one as a stop over 🙂
there is a wall full of painted history, some inside faces of houses, ancient war and flight machines, agricultural tools..
arriving at the airport, we moved to a taxi office, where without even opening the mouths, one old bearded guy said “Isha Foundation” :)) so we confirmed smiling, get a non-AC taxi and drived thru a lot of Sadhguru’s advertising of Mahashivaratri
the time before the program
as we arrived to the “welcome point”, we presented ourselves to multiple windows, i guess the second one was the “overseas” where we met J[…]ish, a tall looking indian that was a very familiar and resembling face – like Jean Reno 🙂 – he quickly grabbed my right hand and looked at the ring, smiled and said something […] then looked into my eyes again and we knew this will be a start of a friendship… I told him that i knew him from somewhere.. then i realized that he was in Paris.. by the end confirming that he is part of the staff when Sadhguru is visiting some European places..
that was already cool, finding someone that close with Sadhguru, he was curios a lot about Romania and we ended our little conversation with the plan that i’ll read some of our poems that will be covering some of his interest..
we received a map with the place and some daily events that we could enjoy until the program starts

as everyone was talking about the Surya Kunda bath then a short visit to the Devi temple and at the end (if not directly after) to enter the Dhyanalinga we did so.. but we were also interested in the other activities which in the end we almost covered them all..
below is the place, where early in the morning, especially the male individuals was gathering to conduct their sadhanas (practices).. but is hard – initially maybe – to surrender to your practice when around you there are 100s styles and sounds everyone is making and i’m not talking about some breaths.. but one things he’s a monkey, another one a dog, seagull, the whole jungle :))) .. so i only once practiced here..

to the right a spring will fall into the Surya Kunda, not only a refresing place, but a purifying tool, on which you enter only sourunded by a orange towel, then once out you will continue your journey without getting dry or using any towel (the shower is mandatory before), the water that remains on your body will be conductive for the next steps (of your practice or Devi Temple / Dhyanalinga) – for women its a different place called Chandra Kunda which is not that “public”..

there are other places to be mentioned, like the Biksha were we eated before the program, the kinda coffeteria place – a small public pushing-table place where you could buy masala tea, coffee, sweets but also a full meal.. the Isha Shop, etc.. like this lotus garden full with fishes and water snakes..
but actually you were only allowed to make pictures in these areas – with the Bull and Shiva’s face:
the inner engineering
never been in a more luxurious yogic place before 🙂
when you attend this program, they want you fill as satisfied as possible with all the services, and this is how the perimeter might look:
there were wild peacocks flying from roofs to roofs.. and the food – OMD – amazing, maybe too amazing, too much, too rich, that we were talking at some point.. how is it possible that this is yogic food :)))
the program
we were asked to commit that we won’t divulge the content of the program, so I can’t say more than what is already known on the internet.. that there is in the end an initiation into the shambhavi mudra.. and some helping pre-shambhavi mudra exercises which are also led by upa-yoga..
we were around 130 participants, from all levels of India and from all places of the world.. with generally little knowledge or no knowledge o yoga.. which was a bit surprising to me.. but the techniques there are approachable by everyone..

there were always volunteers to greet you with a smile and help you in any way possible, you can say that you have an all-inclusive-service provided 🙂 as this is anyway the most expensive basic program one can follow – but mandatory for some govt. agencies in India or companies.. like some people were paid from work to get here and do the training..
a recent feedback
from the beginning i recognized some elements of the practice, some were familiar, some were different.. and i went everything to ask the teacher… “hey.. aren’t the women supposed to have the legs in different direction” or “why do we use this (configuration) and why the other (configurations i knew) were not ok”.. but each time i was getting a wall-response “this is how we practice for this” or “on this we all do the same”, etc.
so i was a bit curious and the answers didn’t ease my mind :-/ doing something without understanding.. with a promise that it will come.. surrendering in that way was not my thing.. so i was not enjoying this strictness and rules and blinded following.. but i was willing to continue and allow this… to manifest…
i was in the same time amazed (not in a positive way) how these Indian fellows, the majority of them, were not following the instructions.. even the most simplest i met.. they still were finding ways to do it differently.. even having one of the assistants or volunteers closed to them.. they were like still fighting not to obey direct personal indications 🙂 crazy.. so the thought come to my mind.. that.. just because they don’t want to leave space for debate for such type of characters… the teachers have an absolute no-deep clarification of the exercises outside of what was in the curriculum or videos.. in other words i think they were instructed not to give any personal feedback, instruction or information.. just to follow word by word what Sadhguru told them..
and when I say word by word 🙂 it could end in gesture by gesture.. habit by habit.. sound by sound.. as for one who watched several videos with Sadhguru could comment that this is Sadhguru quoting / impersonation 🙂 – initially frustrating, confusing.. but you eventually let it go.. manifest..
a maturated feedback
I understand now.. why.. or at least i found many reasons if not answers for many of those questions.. One has to surrender enough and let things come by their own experience.. it is a process.. a program.. for self-development, self-realization.. and I’m recommending such a personal experience..
hari aum, tat sat, namaste…