[English below] #helpneeded
dacă simpla decizie de a porni pe un drum a mișcat câteva suflete la distanță, prin vise, emoții sau curiozitate, atunci poate chiar am nevoie de ajutorul vostru…
În 6 Aprilie voi începe câteva procese de purificare ce vor fi susținute atât de unele forme cunoscute de practici din yoga, kundalini sau tantra precum și ayurveda. Aproape 300 de plante, flori și alte substanțe ce sunt mai greu de achiziționat (prin raritatea lor sau timpul de procesare) vor fi implicate în acest process, ceea ce-l face și suficient de scump. Timpul de reacție pentru prima jumătate din el mă susține să vă cer, să vă accept ajutorul.
Suma pe care o am de pregătit pentru acesta parte din proces este aprox. 3000 euro
în detalii despre ce înseamnă o să vă descriu puțin mai jos (precum am și scris putin aici), dacă deja știți și doriți să contribuiti, următoarele sunt cele mai accesibile forme:
private/personal: or
Revolut (on my phone number), transfer / bank transfer:
Titular: RUBEN DARIUS MOLDOVAN IBAN RON: RO92 RZBR 0000 0600 1588 9374 IBAN EUR: RO17 RZBR 0000 0600 1716 7632 Nume banca: Raiffeisen Bank BIC/Swift: RZBRROBU
prin asociatia AUM TAT SAT / through our AUM TAT SAT org. :
Titular: Asociația Cultural-Sportivă AUM TAT SAT IBAN RON: RO60RNCB0106151744390001 IBAN EUR: RO33RNCB0106151744390002 Nume banca: BCR (Banca Comerciala Romana) BIC/Swift: RNCBROBU Descriere tranzactiei:sponsorizare [+ numar telefon]
urmând ca ulterior să revin cu contractele corepunzătoare sumei și detalilor fiscale ale entității care sponsorizează.
this comes as an answer for some of your feelings, dreams or curiosity; i guess that if reached some of you like that, would mean that i need your support on this
On the 6th of April i will start my personal path with some purification processes, some practices could be familiar to you from yoga, kundalini, tantra as also ayurveda. Almost 300 plants, flowers and other substances will be involved in this process, which is making it pretty expensive. Due to the time left to act on it, i am inclined to as for your support, to accept your help.
The amount that I have to prepare for the next journey process is about 3000 euro.
I will be following below with some details about this process (also some of them were already captured here), but if you already know them and feel to contribute, these are the most available methods.
Sometimes the journey is not only a one man’s job
One of the elements below shouldn’t be disclosed, I didn’t remember which so i had to obfuscate a little more. But what we have below is the 1st half of the process, 8 samskaras that are scheduled for this year, where 4 of them I’ll be doing in India and the other i will have them done home. Those 12 days represent just a quarter of the process and I’m reaching to you for this support for the start – but if the helps exceeds that milestone, I’ll try to continue to have more done there, in the ashram – which means the possibility to reduce the from the 2 years time to probably 2 months – this is why, here, now these money are important.
You do good, good will happen…
This also comes to me as an exercise of accepting…
You don’t have to contribute much, if each of the “facebook likes” would donate 0.5 euro we’ll reach that easily, it can be just a matter of giving just a bit of your energy here.
While you do the donation, you can chant: Aum gam ganapataye namaha..