They say that on 2.5 square cm of skin you have more than 600 pain sensors, 1300 nerve cells, 9000 nerve endings, 36 heat sensors, 75 pressure sensor, 100 sweat gland, 3 million cells, 2.7 m of blood vessels, 3.6 m of nerve fibers.
The human body is a sensible body, but it seems like trough time it become more insensible, stiffer, bones are fusing together, mentalities are thinking in a box, minds take control over people and we lose awareness of everything we do in life.
We become machines, programmed to think, feel, work and chose on command. Society is so well constructed, for the vast majority, that nobody questions, nobody thinks he’s a modern slave, nobody is even aware of the difference between their own choices or the choices someone arranged in your mind unconsciously.
Yoga is trying to reverse this process, making you take control over the mind, the body and all your actions. Yoga is questioning even the root of your existence. Everything you do becomes a question.
We are all in pursuit of happiness, without knowing what happiness is.
We think happiness is something material, tangible that can only be acquired by material things, a house, a job, a lover, new car, new everything. We are all sick of what was old, and in pursuit of what is new, without knowing ever the real value of that “old” thing.
We move through life like intellectuals, so full of ourselves, just because we have a diploma telling us we are PHD students, or Managers, CEO, or other kind of titles society give to someone just to fell less frustrated by his own achievements. So we can go and brag to everyone how smart we are. :))
But just imagine, that when you achieve something, you cannot say that to anyone! So what are the real value of the things that you do, to you personal, not to impress others, what is really fulfilling and make you happy? Now … what are the things that are really valuable in your life.
The truth is we don’t know nothing, we don’t know the most basic of things, we don’t know our own body, we don’t even know how to breathe, but we expect to be happy and well.
Experiencing even the most basic of postures in yoga, the physical aspect of it, will make you more sensible to life, to breathe, more aware of your body, your skin, the way you move. You start connecting back to your body.
Happiness for me, is experiencing that 2.5 cm of your skin to its full extent.
Sitting on your back breathing freely, moving the toes and fingers, head, in the same time, having your attention on all the sensation the body is giving you in that moment that is bliss, and the more you feel the more excited you get. It’s like having a massage, or someone touching every inch of your body in the same time.
The same effect, some drugs can induce artificially into your body, just making you more sensible, exciting every cell of your body to a simple sound, or movement, or emotion, bringing your attention to the present.
After a class, when the body is “happy and well“, and you aligned yourself with the cosmic system, the moment when “you, the mind and the body” had the same purpose, working together, you’ll feel the whole body energized, a percentage of your billions and billions of cells, vibrating, in a ticklish sensation, like telling you in their own language “thank you”.
Happiness comes In moments and you are creating each and every single one of this moments, by just paying attention to the present and improving your own being, you are responsible for everything you are experiencing.
The world outside your body is just an image of what you are feeling inside. Changing the outer world starts by changing the inner one, working on your perception, growing your consciousness.