danda dhauti –
- one of the cleansing techniques (shatkarmas), used to clean the oesophagus with a stick.
dandayamana bibhaktapada janushirasana –
- Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose, often used in Bikram yoga.
dandayamana bibhaktapada paschimottanasana –
- Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose, often used in Bikram yoga.
dandayamana dhanurasana –
- Standing Bow Pulling Pose, often used in Bikram yoga.
dandayamana janushirasana –
- Standing Head to Knee Pose, often used in Bikram yoga.
danta dhauti –
- teeth cleansing technique.
दर्शन –
- seeing a revered person or being either with physical sight or in vision.
- vision in the literal and metaphorical sense; a system of philosophy, such as the yoga-darshana of Patanjali; cf. drishti
देव – zeitate (masc.)
- a god or being.
- a male deity, such as Shiva, Vishnu, or Krishna, either in the sense of the ultimate Reality or a high angelic being
देवी – zeitate (fem.)
- additional name for the Great Mother.
- a female deity such as Parvati, Lakshmi, or Radha, either in the sense of the ultimate Reality (in its feminine pole) or a high angelic being
dhanurasana –
- bow pose, backward bending yoga pose, , often used in Bikram yoga.
धरना –
- duty, righteous path, self-discipline, work, duty, or destiny, the life of responsibility and right action.
- from the word dhri meaning “to hold firm”, practice of concentration, or one-pointedness, sixth of the eight fold path in ashtanga yoga, the sixth of the eight stages of classical Yoga.
- truth; the teachings of the Buddha; the path of truth
धर्म – Calea
- un drum drept, o lege naturala
- a term of numerous meanings; often used in the sense of “law,” “lawfulness,” “virtue,” “righteousness,” “norm”
dhauti –
- second of the shatkarmas, cleansing technique of the eyes, ears, forehead, tongue, stomach, esophagus, rectum and anus.
dhriti –
- Often referred to as ‘steadfastness,’ this is the ability to overcome fear, non-perseverance, and indecision.
- meditation or contemplation, single-pointed focus of mind on either a form, thought or sound, quieting the mind, the seventh of the eight stages of classical Yoga.
- meditation, the seventh limb (anga) of Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga
diksha –
- initiation given by a guru.
- the act and condition of induction into the hidden aspects of yoga or a particular lineage of teachers; all traditional yoga is initiatory
dosha दोष –
- the three humours of the body, see kapha, pitta, vata.
- The three governing elements of the body’s constitution, including vata (wind), pitta (bile and digestion), and kapha (bodily fluid).
- physical body type; there are three doshas in Ayuveda—pitta (fire), vata (wind) and kapha (earth)
दृष्टि – focus
- in atentia privirii
- A focused gaze, is a means for developing concentration and balance. It also relates to the 5th limb of yoga, pratyahara, regarding sense withdrawal as well as the 6th limb dharana relating to concentration.
- yogic gazing, such as at the tip of the nose or the spot between the eyebrows; cf. darshana
- gazing point used during asana practice
dugdha neti –
- nasal irrigation or cleaning technique with milk.
duhkha –
- suffering, a fundamental fact of life, caused by ignorance (avidya) of our true nature (i.e., the Self or atman)
dukha –
- misery, unhappiness, pain
durga –