Are we all entitled to heaven?~From Person to Self

Is there such a thing as a second chance? Or are we doomed to an eternal hell?

In one of my conversations with a religious person, I realized that this cannot be true. What I call as God cannot and will never doom any of his creations to hell.

He will give unlimited chances, but everyone will experience the consequences of each action. He gives you the freedom to create anything good or evil, but attached to everything is the consequences of each action, to creates thoughts but also take responsibility over them.

On the other hand is the mind, the whispers, temptation, that are testing you to see how much you treasure something, may that be love, health, God, wealth, peace or ultimately your soul.

The mind is also one of your abilities, powers, that you didn’t yet took control over. So it seems like it s acting on its own, but it is actually being used and programmed by everything that you pay attention to, consciously or unconsciously.

The mind alone takes no action, only suggests. It is you who take, or not, into considerations the suggestions of mind, friends, heart and act upon.

So you will support the consequences of your actions, even thoughts. Because your mind, is your responsibility. How you will educate the mind, what you will allow the mind to experience or taste, that will determine also how the mind will act.

You can see it as a dog, once you are the owner, if it pees you have to clean, if it bites, it is your responsibility, whatever the dog is doing is on you, because you didn’t educate the dog. Same with the mind it s going to do its own thing until you take responsibility for it.

It is your duty to discipline and educate the mind.

When I refer to the soul, many will say it is my soul, well in order to be yours, you had to create it. Nothing is really yours, because if it would have been yours, nobody can take it from you.

You don’t really have a choice, to have or not a soul, a self. You can chose to have or not a mind, a body, a family, possessions.

Somehow you where created, and this is an extraordinary thing. You will exist forever. It is also  in your power, what you will experience, to some extent.

But your existence, is not yet or may never be in your power, for the moment, only your actions are.

As long as someone can take something from you, it does not belong to you. We have a false sense of propriety and belonging, but all this with time will fade away.

Body, propriety, health, mind, relationships, energies, it will all go and you cannot do anything about it, you can prolong it, you can maintain it, but even so, there are forces which are not yet in your control.

In the process of life, your arrogance, all mightiness, “better than everyone else”, immortal,  power, will all fade so you realize you are nothing, and just because you exist it is enough.

Life eventually will make you a pure being, in service which is the highest form of action, not being served, but to serve.

The weak needs to be served, the strong can serve itself and others.

Everything is actually given to you, either to test you, or to learn a lesson from. But you cannot keep anything other than your soul, without which, you cannot be.

The self/soul is also the “place” where you start feeling the presence of God, which is nothing else than your own presence. But this is a place, where you cannot bring the mind, the moment the mind tries to enter this place-state, you have the impression you are leaving this state.

Where you put your attention is where the energies are directed and is what you experience. If you move your attention from presence to mind, you will experience the mind, and it is not a beautiful experience. Presence is formless, while mind is a form. The problem is you are formless and holding a form, keep it for too long and it will cause pain.

Even a prison can be fun, if you know you will only be in the cell for a few hours, just for the experience of it. But knowing you are stuck and you cannot get out for an unlimited amount of time, or a long time, amounts to great pain.

It seems to be like a choice, either be in heaven or in the mind. Sometimes you can experience states in between, while you are trying to be practical in life, manage things, but always return to your soul, to your self and you ll be fine.

In the self, in the “isness”, in the being,  we are all equal and eternal, we are all one, we are all you. If you can use this term as “we are” because there is all acting like a whole, all acting as one, one being all.

You need the mind, or a concept, in order to create separation. As you feel you body, your breath, your mind, your heart, you will also feel everything exists.

In all other cases, you experience something else than you, but in this case you experience yourself.

“You taste the honey and in the same time you are the honey”

Do not be deluded by the mind which will say, if it is me, i should be able to move it or to have some ability, or be able to exercise a power over it.

Your heart, blood, cells ,  liver, neurons, electrons everything is in your body ,  but do you have control over them? Can you tell to 1 neuron to stop?

Can you command your pituitary gland to stop? Or the kidneys to stop or move at your will?

It is working as a car. You have some pedals and a driving wheel, some buttons for comfort, for practicality, you don’t need to hold the car, the suspensions the cables, everything is created so it works as a whole, to take you from a to b.

But they all form you, they are all in service of the one occupying the body.

They help you function as you are now, they are not separated from you, they serve you. But you also have to serve them. 

Just like this, everything applies to all around you, with which you have a relationship, either you are aware of it or not. It is still a relationship, if there would be no relationship, you could not even perceive it, or being perceive by it.

The soul or self is the ultimate destination, destination in the sense, it is not a place where you can arrive, or travel, it is not something you do, it is something you realize, it was always there as part of you, and you cannot be anything else than that.

The purpose of the mind-ego is to keep you separated and deluded by this place “state”, and the farther you are from it, the more the suffering, the further you are from yourself, from your soul, the farther you are from God.

Universe is giving you this freedom, for you to chose, will you be apart from the universe, or part of it?   But even this is an illusion, which is happening only in your belief, in your mind, because you cannot be separated from the self, you are the self, it is just you didn’t realize it.

Once you are separated from the universe, from life 🙂 you are dead.

You are in relationship with everything. Either you like it or not. You can use it or be used by it. Served it or be served by it. And the totality of all, and beyond all, is God.

Being the self and not realizing it, is like looking for food, while caring a bag of food with you, but you don’t know how to eat or what food is.

Looking for something you don’t know, it will take eternity.

“The thing you are looking for, is in the place you are looking from.”

So sometimes this things are showed to you, by the self, your higher self, something you may see, a taught, a disease, a guru a spiritual teacher, or just a nobody in a bus station, unlimited forms of expressions for you to learn.

All the knowledge and abilities are given to you, but are hidden by the mind, so you have to transcend the  limitations of the mind and find out who you really are.

This is why enlightenment is also called realization, you actually don’t learn a new ability or something new, you just realize something that was there all along.

Being hungry, caring a bag of food which never goes bad or empty.

If you just smell the food and bring it next to your mouth you will eat it intuitively. If you feel is causing pain to the body, you will renounce it. If you feel is bringing ease and health, you will continue.

So it is with life, just a learning process, a discovery of the self and everything around you, pointing or sending you back to yourself, all is the self.

Trust it and be it, it takes no effort to be yourself, No mantras or practices, no prayer no process, no distance or time.

You cannot be something else, you can just act, but no act will last forever.

The only thing which is forever is God, is you.

Because of doubt, you brought yourself where you are now, and by doubting the doubt itself, which came from mind, you will get the lesson and arrive home which is no distance from where you stand right now.

This came to me while thinking, if it is ok for a prisoner to experience freedom. There are many masters and spiritual teachers going to prisons, no to free them from their cell, but to free them from their mind.

Some prisoners in their cell, they experience a sense of freedom more than in liberty .So how can a person who robbed, or killed or did I don’t know what, deserve this freedom?

Well because God would never allow anybody to hurt you, because once the soul was created, the soul will be eternal, like God. But because you identify yourself, with something else than the self, with a person, that one day is going to die, you have the impression you will die with the body, if you think you are the body, everything happening to the body you will suffer.

If you think you are the mind, everything the mind is experiencing you will experience. But if you know you are the self, everything is just a passing experience, you are not attached to it.

PERSON= Prosopon (UK: /ˈprɒsəpɒn/,[1][2] US: /prəˈspɑːn/;[3] from Ancient 

Greekπρόσωπον; plural: Ancient Greekπρόσωπα prosopa) is a technical term encountered in Christian theology. It is most often translated as “person”, and as such is sometimes confused with hypostasis, which is sometimes also translated as “person.” Prosopon originally meant “face” or “mask” and derives from Greek theatre, in which actors on a stage wore masks to reveal their character and emotional state to the audience. 

So thinking you are a person, is like believing you are superman, if you really are superman, your super power should be at your will. But because you are not, you will suffer all illusions created or imagined, but never experienced how you expected.

So drop the person that you are, the act that is tiring you, discover the original self that you where meant to be.

The mind, devil, or evil forces of darkness can touch only this person, but they can never touch you, the real you, the self.

You may think it is the end of the world, but it is just a lesson, it will pass, you may loose your body in the process, the mind, your abilities of the body, but you may never lose your soul.

So maybe in our perception, only good deserves a chance, but in the eyes of God, everyone deserves all the chances, but they must first endure their doings.

Eventually we will all be in heaven. We will all realize the self.

Because once you identify with your true nature, you can never do wrongs, only when you are a person, every action is contaminated by the mind which is not pure. When you are a person, it is impossible not to contaminate the world with impurity.

Pain and uncomfort will only push you to move from person-hood to divine, because this is the only way to experience peace, going closer not further from life.