cu o principala disponibilitate pentru Cluj, Yoga Alliance, E-RYT 200, RYT 500 – Registered Yoga Teacher – 500hr – Hatha Traditional – absolvental modulului 200 ore (11/05/2013) si 300 ore (26/04/2014) al scolii de yoga,Rishikesh Yog Peeth, Rishikesh, India. Avand o deosebita consideratie si pentru momentul in care doua inimi bat in acelas crop am urmat si absolvit cursurile de Prenatal Yoga Teacher – 100hr al scolii Trimurti Yoga, Goa, India.
In prezent sustin clase de yoga (la Worldclass Belvedere, Casa Holvital si IKWE Studio) pe baza stilului Hatha Yoga dar si forme mai viguroase de Yoga Flow (prin vinyasa) precum si clase mai speciale de Yin Yoga. Atitudinea este de a invata, de a lasa ceva in urma, nu doar de a experimenta si atunci undele clase – in functie de participanti – se pot transforma si in Posture / Technique Clinique.
In functie de disponibilitate imi dedic timp si pentru clase private, yoga therapy si masaje (in special Shitatsu si Reflexo). Yoga pentru mine nu este un job, doresc sa fiu mai mult o resursa si sa impartasesc cunostintele in acest domeniu, pasiunea pentru sanatate in general o mai desfasor si prin pozitia de HP Wellness Ambassador pentru Cluj sau aprofundandu-mi studiile cu a doua facultate in psihologie.
A very good teacher What I really appreciate about Darius is the fine balance he creates between identifying and respecting the needs of the participants, while pushing them to take the next step forward. His classes are dynamic and effective and they have a solid structure, with extensive explanations. Also, when he sings mantras, they seem to fit perfectly whatever pose you find yourself in. I’m happy I got to attend his classes because I feel this was the next step for me.
Este o persoană care nu incearcă să te influenteze cu absolut nimic, ci dimpotrivă, mereu ne prezintă elemete noi pentru a ne încuraja să ne dezvoltăm o practică personală care să ni se potrivească fiecăruia.
Este foarte atent , nu forțează și nu exagerează niciodată cu nimic. Se implică prin observarea noastră la executarea corectă a activitaților, corectându-ne daca este cazul , pentru ca mai apoi să putem dobândi o practică cât mai corectă.
Este o persoana dinamică, dedicată și pasionată de ceea ce face. Nu este genul de om care sa dea doar indicații teoretice, ci din contra, ne demonstrează fiecare tehnică sau poziție despre care ne vorbește , cea ce duce la o mai mare încredere în experiența pe care o are, dovedind că știe despre ce vorbește și nu doar predică din carți.
Felul în care ne vorbește despre orice pactică , dovedește că este foarte documentat, având răspunsuri relevante pentru pentru toate întrebările care ii sunt adresate.
Este ușor cinic, scopl lui nefiind să adune adepti. Mereu vobește și se comportă la fel , fie că este cu o singură persoană, fie că este cu sala plină.
Mereu ne împartășește din experiențele lui, fiind deschis să abordeze orice subiect.
Dedicația lui fața de YOGA se reflectă în fiecare activitate, constanța și seriozitatea fiind un punct forte pentru el.
Amazing experience
Darius leads engaging, transformative classes. He is extremely focused and invested in each participant’s experience. Overall an amazing experience!
Very dedicated and inspiring He is very dedicated, helpful and inspiring.Because of him i practice not only at his classes, but at home as well.He helped me understand it and love it.Great teacher.
Happy that I met you:)I learned a lot from your classes and YOU:);I became a more controled and emotional balanced person;and I discover myself reacting so different that I used to in some situations.My life is better now:)Thank u
awesome yoga teacher
I’ve started going to Darius’ classes about 2 years ago and I absolutely love them. He is always taking care of everybody in the class, he is very patient and always ready to answer questions.
After I got pregnant and I couldn’t go to the normal classes anymore, he did some pre-natal yoga with me and encouraged me (and helped me a lot) to make my own personal practice, which I still do every day and I’m 37 weeks pregnant. Regarding pre-natal yoga he focuses a lot on mother and baby safety, breathing exercises fit for pregnancy and labor and he has a way of making the mother feel very comfortable during the class.
He is definitely one of the best teachers I’ve ever had (and an awesome guy) 🙂
I started going to yoga to recover from a back surgery, but after attending a few of Darius’ classes, they now mean so much more than just physical exercises. I love the positive vibes of the classes and how everything is explained, I feel like he makes beginners and more experienced students fit together. I also like that there is something new to learn each time and this always makes me look forward to the next class. I feel grateful for the way I feel after, which is relaxed, but also refreshed and most importantly, at peace.
Dedicated, caring and knowledgeable.Ruben knows his stuff and is extremely approachable, also he is always available for his students. He provides unique insights and has a lot of experience to share.
Spiritual knowledge, smart, honest and all the qualities for a good teacher!
I prefer practice with explanation
It is obvious Darius has a lot to give from his experience and knowledge and he seems willing to share it with others. I enjoy his classes because I trust his knowledge and I feel free to practice under his guidance. I also like the fact that it takes you to a different level of your usual practice, which for me is important as I’m not exactly a beginner but I’m not that disciplined either so I need some authoritative voice to keep me on track. 🙂
Inspiration and Power
…these are the words that come up to my mind when I think of the yoga classes.
The yoga classes have helped me center myself a lot. I have discovered yoga for a while, but coming to your classes has helped me get more in touch with my body and my feelings (due to the explanations that came along with the practice). I have seen great improvements on the emotional side that have helped me a lot in the process of working with myself on different areas in everyday life.
The major discovery were the breathing exercises that now I cannot live without :).
Thank you!
Inspiring and knowledgeable
Darius was my teacher for a one week retreat and through him I discovered yoga. I had several classes before with at least 5-6 teachers, but it didn’t click until I went to his class. I am impressed by his dedication and patience with which he approaches the postures and especially by how he combines it with a lot of technical and in-depth explanations. He seems to always have an answer :).
Although, the fitness level of people in the retreat was very divers, Darius managed to conduct his classes to accommodate for everyone, which I found very skillful. I just think his classes are amazing.
Great teacher, extraordinary spirit, tremendous vibration; these are only few words that discribes Darius. I highly recommend his class.
No words needed… Just explore what you really are in a magic yoga class with Darius 🙂
The Best Yoga Teacher in ClujDarius Yogi is a very kind and careful teacher, he adapts his classes to his students’s levels and explains very good before he invites us to dive into the experience, I think he is a balanced person and I value his guidance, it is a pleasure and inspiration to learn and grow into my own practice in his classes.Namaste!
Balanced classes
Finally a balanced class. He pays attention to proper alignment, corrects you if needed, doesn’t get too impatient when you’re trying to figure out which one is your left/right limb when the sequence is to fast for you to process:)) Explains what physical and/or not so physical consequences are to some techniques or postures so you don’t freak out if something is out of the ordinary. There is always a chanting sequence at the end (has a great voice for that), which I really appreciate. Open to questions and to give further clarifications when needed. May(!!) seem smart-ass or full of himself at the beginning (he’s not…), get passed that or you’ll miss out on some osom classes. 😉
Oh, there is also pranayama…to complete the circle:)
The best yoga teacher!!!
If you want to have the most authentic yoga experience you should definetly go to Ruben Darius Moldovan yoga class! It’s beyond words, it’s like something touches your soul!
Spiritually oriented, Darius is THERE for your practice, supporting, guiding and explaining, not just practicing. I highly recommend his classes!
Took me to the next level
Through one week of classes twice a day, I felt my practice (and health) expanding, and my love of yoga rekindled.
I enjoy very much the taste of India in these classes! Each session surprises me with a unique structure, new elements, plenty of teachings, intensity and adjustments. There are pranayama exercices, asanas anatomy well described, and especially yoga philosophy. Thank you!
Very good teacher
I enjoyed his yoga class a lot @ Yoga Festival in Bucharest. Very beautiful flow. Thank you, Darius!
Very good teacher !
Thoughts from a beginner
Everything a beginner needs to explore himself through yoga. Darius is a perfect companion for this fabulous journey, being there also by letting you alone.
Amazing knowledge of body and spirituality
I started going to yoga classes out of curiosity and now I’m a yoga fan 🙂
I very much appreciate his attention for every student that attends the yoga class and explains how the positions can trigger certain emotions.
I enjoy the breathing exercises and the mediation moments.
At the end of every yoga class I go to, I fell like all the problems in the world no longer exist 🙂
5 stars *****
Cluj – Locatie Principala
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alte domenii asociate cu aceasta pagna:,,,,,,,,,
una dintre niyamele din structura ashtanga Yoga, propusa de Patanjali, mentioneaza termenul svadhyaya – care face apel la auto-studierea de sine, la o continua aprofundare, studiu si practica a tot ceea ce eleveaza.. pasiunea mea pentru yoga trece dincolo de cursuri sau certificate, inclinatia fiind spre descoperirea si cercetarea in domeniul yoga precum intr-un apropiat viitor si ayurveda.
buna ziua! as dori sa particip la cursurile dv de yoga. nu am mai practicat yoga pana acum.
Buna ziua, sunteti invitat in a participa la oricare clasa pe care o desfasor..
Hi , I’m visiting cluj and would love to have a few yoga sessions. Are u available tomorrow Saturday June 11? Send me an email please. Thank u alina