Category Archives: training

Urmeaza 42 de zile extrem de oportune

am inceput sa va povestesc atat pe la clase cat si in alte spatii mai private despre momentele ce urmeaza, ma refer la urmatoarele 42 de zile

42 de zile

incep maine, 30 Septembrie 2016 si se termina pe 11 Noiembrie 2016


e sensibil sa vorbesti despre motivatie in yoga, practica ar trebui sa se desfasoare sub propria observatie, discplina si recunoastere.. un target, un motiv intarzie mult manifestarea libera a proceselor

Imi este destul de greu sa va impartasesc potentialul zilelor ce urmeaza, pentru ca nu as vrea sa alergati dupa anumite asteptari, nici cautand exact implinirea unora sa nu le observati pe restul..

Daca ai asteptat pana acum un moment anume, sa incepi ceva, sa faci ceva pentru tine, sa te apreciezi mai mult, sa te dedici tie, acesta este valul. Sincer, cu mult drag iti zic, nu rata momentul asta.

Este evident pe de alta parte ca o sa incepem cu o Luna Noua, ce ofera o anumita prosperitate in general. Insa abundenta se va manifesta in dezvoltarea personala, iar din cauza unor altor detalii focalizarea mai exacta este pe adulti, respectiv nu pentru cei tineri sau batrani.


Alege 2 momente in zi, unul sa fie dimineata si unul seara, in care ai putea executa cateva tehnici simple ce vor fi descriese mai jos. Incearca sa pastrezi cat mai corect acele momente alese, astfel cand ne vom adapta la ora de iarna sa poti tine cont si modifica si aceste momente cu o ora, respectiv in data de 29 octombrie iti vei desfasura practica cu o ora mai devreme de timpul initial ales (pastrand insa momentul deja experimentat de corp / minte  /etc).

Nivelul cel mai simplu

doar pentru ca este simplu, pentru ca aceste tehnici sunt usoare – fizic – exista o tendinta de a le abandona. Yoga nu este cu “no-pain no-gain”, ar trebui sa observi si sa-ti ascutesti aici disciplina si seriozitatea, iar cand o sa inceapa sa apara efectele, beneficiile sigur nu o sa te mai intorci din drum..

Nadi Shodhana

aceasta se va executa timp de (minim) 3 minute / sesiune

spatele drept

indiferent ca stai pe o pernita, pe marginea unui pat, scaun sau salteluta.. gasesteti o postura suficient de confortabila in care sa pastrezi spatele drept pe durata executiei posturii

ochii inchisi

pentru a creste eficienta respiratiei, eliminam consumatorii atat de oxigen cat si de atentie, pastram observatia exclusiv pe respiratie, ochii inchisi!

gresturile / mudra

degetul aratator si cel mijlociu se inchid in palma, cel inelar si mic se lipesc: Vishnu Mudra

Inspir incepand cu nara stanga, fara retentie, alternand narile – respectiv expir mereu pe nara opusa fata de care am executat inspiratia. Inspiratia este calma si lunga, incepand cu 3 secunde apoi usor cand este confortabil urcand spre 4, sau chiar 5 secunde pe fiecare moment al respiratiei (repet: fara rentetie / retinerea aerului).

Shavasana 5 min

iti poti pune lejer telefonul cu o alarma de 5 minute, in timp vei observa ca nu va mai fi nevoie si iti gasesti un loc drept pe care sa:

  • iti intinzi spatele (exclus pat si de preferat salteluta sau covor)
  • mainile usor / putin departate de langa corp + palmele orientate spre cer / tavan
  • picioarele usor dezlipite + varfurile orientate spre exterior
  • iti retragi toata atentia (cu ochii inchisi), te relaxezi si
  • te focalizezi exclusiv pe o respiratie (abdominala), clara, calma, lunga

Nivelul mediu

adaugam intre Nadi Shodana si Shavasana exercitii care sa elibereze circulatia / incheieturile:


Nivelul avasat

pe langa ce a fost descris mai sus, inaintea executarii celor 5 minute de shavasana, poate de asemenea sa intre o practica personala, ceea ce stii, ce ti-ar place sa faci atunci in acel moment insa si

  • 12 serii de Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskar – pe fiecare parte

recomandarea mea este excutarea seriei traditionale descrisa aici, insa fiecare poate avea o practica, o forma de manifestare a lui asupra caruia nu vreau sa intru acum in detalii.

Alte mentiuni

Daca o sa ne intalnim in decursul aceste perioade sau daca vrei sa-mi comunici din practica si experienta ta, te voi asculta cu placere. In functie de experienta si detalii voi putea indruma, orienta si spre alte exercitii – doar zi-mi ca urmezi cele 42 de zile si voi intelege asupra caror tehnici sa acorzi o deosebita atentie ca sa le adopti in practica personala.

Am incercat sa fiu suficient de scurt, incat sa puteti incepe de maine, sa pot posta in timp, voi reveni, corecta si edita cu informatii ulterior.


  • alcool
  • mere si suc de mere (avand in vedere sensibiltiatea pe rinichi si vezica a perioadei din an care urmeaza)




last 7 weeks of India – part 4 – Inner Engineering

my last trip to India was the richest experience (compared to the previous visits), one may say that this is because i visited the South, others might link it to Sadhguru & Isha Foundation.. personally i would highlight that each time was an improved experience because i embraced more, i was ready for more and everything else like South, Goa, Sadhguru, Isha.. was just filling that which I was ready to receive, to be part, to be present..

now because of time, language and also other barriers as also my previous post suffer from, I would try to offer a tinny impression.. what I would like actually is to seduce your hearths and follow me into this or that journey, but for that i have to start writing some books 🙂 or videos..

the plan

we wanted to visit this consecrated place at Isha Foundation and stay as long as possible to catch also Mahashivaratri there, but there was a condition, no more then 10 days for the people who didn’t had this Inner Engineering training..

what did I knew about this training? – nothing

i would only guessed that this is a program which is trans-formative in such a way that you either are more balanced with your energies either you will tune better with the place and customs… but since my brother wanted so much to do it i joined his boat 🙂 but my original plan was to stay in Bangalore, do some work & experience the city..

the arrival

we planned the trip in such a way – as was also suggested by the Isha Team – to don’t disturb the animals time (which was the night time) – so what our arrival won’t create unnecessarily sounds and lights or discomfort for the nature..

from all the airports i visited, the Bangalore one is the most beautiful one – they way they melted the nature, museum and the technology inside it is really inspiring.. so if you have to wait between the planes, you might consider this one as a stop over 🙂

there is a wall full of painted history, some inside faces of houses, ancient war and flight machines, agricultural tools..

arriving at the airport, we moved to a taxi office, where without even opening the mouths, one old bearded guy said “Isha Foundation” :)) so we confirmed smiling, get a non-AC taxi and drived thru a lot of Sadhguru’s advertising of Mahashivaratri

the time before the program

as we arrived to the “welcome point”, we presented ourselves to multiple windows, i guess the second one was the “overseas” where we met J[…]ish, a tall looking indian that was a very familiar and resembling face – like Jean Reno 🙂 – he quickly grabbed my right hand and looked at the ring, smiled and said something […] then looked into my eyes again and we knew this will be a start of a friendship… I told him that i knew him from somewhere.. then i realized that he was in Paris.. by the end confirming that he is part of the staff when Sadhguru is visiting some European places..

that was already cool, finding someone that close with Sadhguru, he was curios a lot about Romania and we ended our little conversation with the plan that i’ll read some of our poems that will be covering some of his interest..

we received a map with the place and some daily events that we could enjoy until the program starts


as everyone was talking about the Surya Kunda bath then a short visit to the Devi temple and at the end (if not directly after) to enter the Dhyanalinga we did so.. but we were also interested in the other activities which in the end we almost covered them all..

below is the place, where early in the morning, especially the male individuals was gathering to conduct their sadhanas (practices).. but is hard – initially maybe – to surrender to your practice when around you there are 100s styles and sounds everyone is making and i’m not talking about some breaths.. but one things he’s a monkey, another one a dog, seagull, the whole jungle :))) .. so i only once practiced here..


to the right a spring will fall into the Surya Kunda, not only a refresing place, but a purifying tool, on which you enter only sourunded by a orange towel, then once out you will continue your journey without getting dry or using any towel (the shower is mandatory before), the water that remains on your body will be conductive for the next steps (of your practice or Devi Temple / Dhyanalinga) – for women its a different place called Chandra Kunda which is not that “public”..


there are other places to be mentioned, like the Biksha were we eated before the program, the kinda coffeteria place – a small public pushing-table place where you could buy masala tea, coffee, sweets but also a full meal.. the Isha Shop, etc.. like this lotus garden full with fishes and water snakes..

but actually you were only allowed to make pictures in these areas – with the Bull and Shiva’s face:

the inner engineering

never been in a more luxurious yogic place before 🙂

when you attend this program, they want you fill as satisfied as possible with all the services, and this is how the perimeter might look:

there were wild peacocks flying from roofs to roofs.. and the food – OMD – amazing, maybe too amazing, too much, too rich, that we were talking at some point.. how is it possible that this is yogic food :)))

the program

we were asked to commit that we won’t divulge the content of the program, so I can’t say more than what is already known on the internet.. that there is in the end an initiation into the shambhavi mudra.. and some helping pre-shambhavi mudra exercises which are also led by upa-yoga..

we were around 130 participants, from all levels of India and from all places of the world.. with generally little knowledge or no knowledge o yoga.. which was a bit surprising to me.. but the techniques there are approachable by everyone..


there were always volunteers to greet you with a smile and help you in any way possible, you can say that you have an all-inclusive-service provided 🙂 as this is anyway the most expensive basic program one can follow – but mandatory for some govt. agencies in India or companies.. like some people were paid from work to get here and do the training..

a recent feedback

from the beginning i recognized some elements of the practice, some were familiar, some were different.. and i went everything to ask the teacher… “hey.. aren’t the women supposed to have the legs in different direction” or “why do we use this (configuration) and why the other (configurations i knew) were not ok”.. but each time i was getting a wall-response “this is how we practice for this” or “on this we all do the same”, etc.

so i was a bit curious and the answers didn’t ease my mind :-/ doing something without understanding.. with a promise that it will come.. surrendering in that way was not my thing.. so i was not enjoying this strictness and rules and blinded following.. but i was willing to continue and allow this… to manifest…

i was in the same time amazed (not in a positive way) how these Indian fellows, the majority of them, were not following the instructions.. even the most simplest i met.. they still were finding ways to do it differently.. even having one of the assistants or volunteers closed to them.. they were like still fighting not to obey direct personal indications 🙂 crazy.. so the thought come to my mind.. that.. just because they don’t want to leave space for debate for such type of characters… the teachers have an absolute no-deep clarification of the exercises outside of what was in the curriculum or videos.. in other words i think they were instructed not to give any personal feedback, instruction or information.. just to follow word by word what Sadhguru told them..

and when I say word by word 🙂 it could end in gesture by gesture.. habit by habit.. sound by sound.. as for one who watched several videos with Sadhguru could comment that this is Sadhguru quoting / impersonation 🙂 – initially frustrating, confusing.. but you eventually let it go.. manifest..

a maturated feedback

I understand now.. why.. or at least i found many reasons if not answers for many of those questions.. One has to surrender enough and let things come by their own experience.. it is a process.. a program.. for self-development, self-realization.. and I’m recommending such a personal experience..

hari aum, tat sat, namaste…

last 7 weeks of India – part 2 – Goa & Prenatal

I want to express some gratitude, so I thought, initially to post this in English, now I think that i’ll alternate between Romanian and English between these parts..


here i was, landing in GOA.. where, we were announced that NO PHOTO is allowed to be taken at the airport, so i already started to ask myself why? Is it this airport maybe so small? is it that jungleish? or dirty? or diseases? security issues? anyway..

dressed all in black mountain clothes – with the idea to be protected against the cold (Romania & Germany) as also against the hot/sun in Goa – i already started to have the feeling that i need to breathe more with my skin.. got my heavy backpack.. the phone was not registering to any service – another reason to be happy (when you charge your prepaid phone with a lot of $ so that you can use it in roaming and there nobody wants to accept you 🙂 ). I sit myself on the taxi line, then trying to find an ATM, cashing out at some tourist agency (with a 10% fee for minimum 10000), then finally going to the taxi…

it started to look like a rich environment, comparing the Green with Jamaica and already feeling that it would be a great experience.. then after maybe 1h I arrived into some place a bit more deserted that expected..  somehow i was expecting it to be closed to the beaches, to the ocean..

i don’t know what was in my head that moment, but when I looked at this map.. i thought.. hey.. this green/forest whatever could be foot-passed for the beaches


getting of the car..

I was remembering my 1st arrival to India [2013].. shortly someone run to me, asked my name and took the luggage to the room… the house, was just over the street of the school,  BIG, trying to impress with a green like american grass before the porch, then a large day room – except of big closet the room was empty (while on the right side of the house, the same space was filled with a kitchen), then ahead after one door there was the bedroom with 2 beds and ants/mosquito nets over them and one bathroom..

bed india guest house trimutri

dropped the luggage and went straight to the school, the staff from kitchen area were very friendly and smiling faces, they asked me to sit, have a drink, asked about my travel and communicated a short schedule of the next day and the services they provide inside.. what the travelers would say.. a WELCOMING and smiling ATTITUDE 🙂

the 1st day

the previous experiences in India, my plans to have some remote working from there as also that my phone was not registering to any network turn the remaining time of that day to the journey of getting a phone prepaid sim card..

with a small, sketched on paper, map to Chaudi Market 🙂 I planned a 5-6km trip, on foot, to experience the surrounding, maybe make some shopping.. but i didn’t realize how tired I was.. and I had to walk a lot until some shops started to arise..

starting to experience the Sun set on the way to.. Great.. or not so great :))) because in the end it was a long tiring trip, with no results (i had to had passport copy and a lot of things for get a sim card).. so the only things i bought was water..


the road back was filled by darkness and thoughts, hurrying to catch at least the dinner as a comfort way to end the day… and so it was.. 1st day summary: we are deep enough in the nature, if you want to reach something better ride a scooter (or bike)..

the 1st impressions

trimurtri goa panorama

The school looks great is like yoga camp Oaza, the staff are very friendly, everything looks clean, the food included in the course is great as also there would easily prepare you something else from an option list in change of a specific money donation – like if you are craving for sweets or for something else to drink they can please you to some degree, still in a healthy way (e.g. kombucha).

The Training

initially when I thought Prenatal Yoga, you’ll view some postures and some techniques that need to be avoided.. you’ll focus on the space and how not to touch it.. but as an outsider.. that’s how you’ll consider it.. basically.. and this was the space of my preconceptions..

From the 1st day we started, we were asked to find ourselves a story, about your pregnancy, where we are, etc. then that during all prenatal yoga classes we’ll be practicing with a pillow sticked to our abdominal alea, that we would start to feel & understand our future students by limiting ourselves to what we believe is the available expression. Hearing that, our first class was very strange, we want so far pretending that on the end-class feedback everyone felt that was sick/ill – that was our primary lesson – these beautiful women are full with energy, they kick life with two hearts in the same body and without any reason.. we are tagging them instated of understanding.

Like this, day by day, we grew on understanding and learning things that we didn’t know nor had any idea they were there. Karo had a beautiful structure of the course so that each part of the program was a step further and higher.

the group

the expecting yogis

We had the honor to have with us also a pregnant colleague, Adriana, which was almost each time teaching us that pregnant women are way more stronger, fit for exercises and willing to get involved that we estimated. Then by the end of the course we understood why Karo was so into (street-)picking even local women to train with us or hear their feedback, as also why everyone wanted to pair with Adriana if there was any activity demanding a partner 🙂

Erica Prenatal Yoga Teacher

some other colleagues were experienced with pregnant women or kids, either by teaching prenatal Pilates, dancing, arts or sciences. I don’t want to explicitly associate them with their background, just that here I wanted to thank them for their presence and sharing: Niha, Sandra, Celine, Letitia, Paula, Vicky, Nanika & my brother.. thank you!

Kad local indian prenatal yoga teacher

the material


we had 6 teachers during the prenatal phase of the course, where Karo was leading the majority of the hours teaching us about the 1-3 trimesters, special conditions and the labor as also leading some classes (some very thematic as openings, warm-ups, standing & walll, mat sequences, etc). Beryl took care of the anatomy and Bhaskar of philosophy. For our experience we also had normal and prenatal yoga classes lead by Claire, other prenatal by Erika and Kad (an local indian prenatal yoga teacher).

Bhaskar teaching prenatal philosphy

The remaining time was filled by classes where we were teaching something that we learned that day (or the previous one) in a small group or full class.


following a familiar structure but a bit faster we went over what’s the need, place of postnatal yoga.. having experience from almost all the previous teachers.. learning also more about props, restorative, adjustments, nutrition (with Susan) and partner yoga..

the feedback

just to leave some numbers, we had 7 teachers, each with their specific focus, who lead about 37 sessions + 17 other assisting (were we had some teaching practicum). The information and the knowledge that was shared exceeded all my expectations, in such a way that this part of the journey became one of the richest experiences (training & location included). I will return to this place, to this school, to these people with open heart as I also recommend it, starting from my closest friends and family 🙂



De ce sa te trezesti la 5AM?

Acum cativa ani era un val in presa internationala in care se prezentau tot felul de modele care isi recunosteau sau macar atribuiau partial succesul lor unei treziri cat mai devreme dimineata. Majoritatea acestor persoane prezentate erau si unii inca sunt lideri in anumite industrii, iar pentru ca isi incepeau ziua intre orele 4 si 5 dimineata, cititorii au conceput ideea ca poate fac parte dintr-un grup secret, numindu-l intr-un final Clubul 5AM, clubul de aur a celora care se trezesc devreme dimineata si tot felul de alte denumiri..

“The early morning has gold in its mouth.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Pentru ca toata lumea alearga dupa o cheie a succesului, au incercat sa copieze acest model, fiecare dandu-si cu pararea a ce se intampla cu adevarat – ca corpul este mai energic, ca poti planifica ziua, ca e liniste, ca poti face mai multe daca te trezesti mai devreme.. iar cei care nu puteau realiza o astfel de trezire.. nu dadeau vina pe disciplina sau alte idei mai inalte.. ci au inceput sa cocheteze ca e o propaganda capitalista, ca vor sa puna oamenii sa lucreze mai mult, sa-i faca sclavi.. ca nu functioneaza.. si asa mai departe..

Acum in Romania am observat ca s-a importat si aici acest concept si ca se si vinde, 5am club, 5am coaching.. 5am cu X, 5am cu Y.. noah tot felul de personaje isi atribuie masterizarea acestei arte si nu m-ar mira ca unii sa creada ca au si inventat-o 🙂

Oricum.. toate aceste site-uri ce fac ele pe langa in a vinde acest concept.. incearca sa explice.. la un nivel dezamagitor.. de ce e bine sa te trezesti asa de dimineata.. iar daca nu iti explica public in detalii – poate o fac in cursul unor workshop-uri.. sau poate nu.. si marea majoritate (ma refer aici la intregul internet) vorbesc – scriu despre pasi, modele, rutine prin care sa-ti incepi si sustii un astfel de comportament – de a te trezi dimineata la 5AM. Unii vorbesc din experiente personale – iar altii cu copy paste, cel putin asta am gasit eu cand am cautat informatile specifice pe care le stiam, cel putin cele medicale (ce lipseau cu desavarsire).


Pai pentru practicantii Yoga (in modelul traditional*) acest lucru cu trezirea de dimineata este pe departe de a fi vreo noutate.. iar o alta diferenta este ca majoritatea stim de ce acest moment al zilei este cel mai bun de fructificat, atat pentru yoga cat si pentru alte discipline.

Nu vreau sa intru in toate detalile, aici, acum.. ci voi incepe pe scurt in a va lasa cateva seminte esentiale, pentru ca ulterior cu putin studiu sa va asumati pe deplin informatile – poate chiar sa mi le completati, sa aduceti si sa descoperiti si altele.

*Iar cand ma refer la Yoga in modelul traditional, vorbesc despre acele persoane care au o practica personala (nu doar urmeaza clase de asana), exerseaza tehnici de pranayama, kriya si cu dedicatie si auto-disciplina continua sa invete / descopere despre ei Insasi..

Unul dintre factorii confirmati medicali este legat de ritmul circadian, respectiv de dansul hormonilor in corp. Unde incepand cu orele 3 se stabilesc nivelele minime de cortisol si in acelas timp nivelele maxime de melatonina, iar aproximativ la orele 5 nivelul acestora aproape se echilibreaza in sange. Dar oare ce inseamna asta?


Alt moment foarte interesant care incepe aproximativ tot la orele 3 (indiferent de pozitia pe Pamant) este exprinarea unui varf al campului magnetic, ajutat si de vanturile solare – care este pozitia oficiala a naturii, a majoritatii creaturilor vii la aceasta ora? – un somn foarte adanc – expertii spunand ca este afecteaza la un nivel critic circulatia. Artistii insa alteceva, ca gasesc momentul electrizant si plin de inspiratie.

Yoga are ca scop si eliberarea totala… avand capitole dedicate in special pentru tot felul de categorii de constrangeri. Spre exemplu acest moment al diminetii este foarte important pentru Pranayama – controlul energiei vitale si Pratyahara – controlul simturilor, acesta confluenta de factori, in atentia practicantilor si confirmata peste mii de ani, este ca o poarta deschisa tuturor transformarilor. Daca Medicina confirma oportunitatea reglarii sistemului hormonal, a ciclurilor de somn, etc. .. Yoga vorbeste despre reglementarea si controlarea intregului sistem nervos, ulterior despre o capacitate nestingerita de focalizare si fructificarea in mod spontan a momentelor de meditatie.

Cuvintele in sine poate nu reusesc sa aduca fiecaruia atata lumina incat sa dizolve suficient ideile mai departe.. asa ca va rog sa va imaginati un moment in care ati putea fi atat de liberi (fara senzatia de foame, fara senzatia de oboseala, fara conceperea vreunei limite, nici macar perceptia corecta a timpului) in care sa fi treaz si prezent in tine (constient de fiecare gand, ele fiind atat de rare incat sa poti discerne inceputul si sfarsitul fiecaruia), emisferele cerebrate sa aiba o activitate echilibrata (astfel incat sa nu simti nici dorinta de a face ceva fizic, nici macar de a schimba postura corpului – nici o debordare de a concepe sau exploata ceva artistic, creativ – toate insa aceste posibilitati sa existe, dar sa le poti alege )… capabil sa controlezi fiecare intentie, fiecare gand, fiecare calcul sau operatie intelectuala… incat unele persoane sa favorizeze acest moment in a-si genera cele mai complexe si vii vise in care pot participa si schimba actiunea cum doresc.. altii sa se situeze intr-un “birou virtual” deruland si jucand toate stragiile posibile unui plan si alengand pasi cei mai scurti, cei mai de success – pre-intampinand si pregatindu-se ulterior pentru variate alte situatii…

Capacitatile de exprimare ale acestui moment fiind aproape nelimitate si totusi dependente, controlate de personalitatea, intentia si dorinta fiecaruia.

Cam asta se intampla in universul persoanelor care se trezesc dis de dimineata, in jurul orelor 5 si poate chiar mai inainte. Nu prin a reduce numarul de ore de somn ci si prin forma in care ne asternem inainte sa dormim – orele de aur, procesele digestive, postura corpului, intentia etc.

Revenind la mentiunea ca Yoga stia de cu mii de ani in urma aceste informatii si toti practicantii recunoscand si experimentand aceast valoros moment.. au ales in continuare ca atunci cand se trezesc, sa includa in rutina lor mereu Yoga… de ce? Raspunsul imi sta pe buze 🙂 .. si poate.. poate.. o sa vi-l spun..

“The mind must be fully made up that to rise early is a duty, wherever it is practicable and safe; that the habit is attainable and possible and that a strong effort and a sustained one, must be made, to overcome all obstacles to it.’” – Benjamin Franklin

..poate celor prezenti la clasele de la orele 7:30 🙂 ..
urmeaza un articol despre ce ar putea contine o rutina sanatoasa de dimineata..


Spre exemeplu in  Londra dar si alte capitale ale lumii se desfasora tot de prin 2013 un eveniment numit  Morning Gloryville..  incepe la 6:30 si se termina la 10:00.. este sa zicem.. o alta forma de a incepe ziua..


Learn Yoga by Teaching Yoga

When one adventures into the Self, into the longest and blissful journey, there are many ways of understanding and different ways of learning..

There are books of course, there are many classes, many teachers and if one is lucky enough there is the discipline for the personal practice… and yes there are more sources, nature, meditation, etc.. but one in particular as title reveals by itself, its very interesting, learning yoga by teaching yoga..

“You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” A. Einstein

From my personal experience, seeing others stepping into this journey we call yoga, not only got me deeper with understanding, but brought efficiency by learning better and shorter symbols to explain even bigger, complex to abstracts.. that’s why and many other reasons i say:

“My teachers are my students and my students are my teachers..”

So, see yourself, where are you regarding this concept? Are you sometimes missing even your personal practice because you don’t really understand what’s going on? Are you addicted to your teacher? If yes.. free yourself!!

“Yoga is the fearless expression of the Self.. ” re-quoting with love my teacher, Roshan

during my initial training in India, Rishikesh, we were many practicing “on and off” yoga, some even came to enrich and get a personal discipline, personal practice with the help of the yoga teacher training.. some came with a lot of years and dedication and still left with more.. and this is not because of the teachers, training, colleagues, time or places to study.. for sure.. they all played and important role.. but this is also about the process.. about the mindset.. to come and learn.. whoever you are to take a seat.. and do a yoga teacher training..

very soon, 1-15 of February 2014,  I’ll manifest as a teacher for a Yoga Teacher Training, what a richful event event for me and for the ones attending..

surrendering to the Divine..

hari om, tat sat, namaste!

Intensive – Yoga Teacher Training – Jamaica

I was invited these days to step as a teacher for an Intensive Teacher Training in Jamaica, February 1-14, 2014 by Blackbird Yoga in collaboration with Yoga Bless Jamaica.

Find more about the team, Kelly Thornton E-RYT 200 ,RYT 500 & Amber Aten E-RYT 500 as also of the even by joining the info event on the 10th of Octomber 2014.


Blackbird Yoga is a 5 star***** Rated Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Program

For more info, please email:
Contact phone:  +1 876 278 6484