Category Archives: yoga

What are we vegetarians, omnivores or carnivores?

At the present moment.. we are what we choose to be… that should be sufficient for any of you to choose the better path for your health and growth!

we humans, don’t have that special property in our genetics to say that we were born one kind or another.. from the analysis of our teeth and chew capacity, the way we sweat, incapacity of producing Vitamin C and many other reasons we are not carnivores.. as for the way our digestive system is.. stomach and intestines we aren’t herbivores or vegetarians.. so we decided to call ourselves omnivores.

But i must insist on this point.. there is no determination of the human body to be or not to be something… so naturally we are free from these diet descriptions / prescriptions. We learned everything by imitation, so our choice in food is pure based on education and i must add survival instinct.

One of the most popular wave on diet these days is paleo, which is actually saying we didn’t changed and adapted much our digestive system from the starting moment we were living in the caves, so we are “fast-food” eaters, that means everything that was around us.. we eat.

Then after some time we had this great revolution we called the Agricultural one, so the hunter-gatherer started to grew its own food. From there when the choice was on the table… the more fat you were the more rich and healthy you were considered. Today the topic is skinny under that illusion that this is the new healthy. But did we change our diet? nooo.. we just force to eat less, starve, vomit or shit more – trying to work with the digestion.

A healthy body, in yoga, has only 3 characteristics: proper alimentation, good digestion and deep sleep.

Now i’m going for me deep sleep.. but remember.. it is your choice what you eat. If you think otherwise, then you are not free.

I’ll be back on this topic… good night..


Yoga has no Shades of Gray – People do!

everyone is doing yoga… that yes is a possibility.. consciously or not.. that’s actually the difference..

Are you doing Yoga? or is Yoga doing you?… Yoga was already there before you, so you can’t DO yoga,  you mostly arrive to a point that you are practicing yoga… practicing… practicing.. practicing yoga or some techniques which are from yoga..

Some people these days.. funny days.. they think THEY are inventing yoga, re-inventing yoga, adapting yoga.. practicing the new yoga, the western yoga 🙂 … whatever they do, its most probable they didn’t understood yoga, stealing pieces from techniques, modifying them just enough to put a brand on top so that they can sell… but behind their *new* techniques… there is no 5000 years experience, there is no confirmation of results or of their benefits..

so this *contemporary* yoga.. what is this?.. just some shades.. some different levels of gray… could it at least lead to a spiritual path?… YES.. but not because of the effects of the practice as for the real intention behind the people which are involving in a practice.. it is because they SEEK the Truth, the Light.. that some of them are advancing.. and then they meet Yoga 🙂

so when people ask me for how long I am practicing Yoga.. I only refer to the starting moment when I was SEEKING, when I was AWARE and Yoga filled my practice..

so when you say… you practice yoga, what do you do? do you have your personal practice? or you just attend some classes because of some mystical, exotic or superstar, super popular individual.. do you think that is enough? for what?

As many seeds (of Light) one will put into you, remember, you are the (base) ground, you are the one growing (this Light).. all the seeds in the world won’t help you if you don’t play your part in nurturing this evolution… your every step is required.. this is your Journey!

Don’t accept everything you hear because its clicking somewhere in your head, don’t refuse it either, chew on it. Part of Yoga is also Self-Study, research and there are some traditional books to remind you about your path. People will teach you up to their knowledge and understanding, but there are lessons and things that can’t be put on words, they are not about visiting ashrams, India or any gurus… they are the self-experience of you, the moment you’ll meet YourSelf.

In the beginning Yoga was passed from a guru to a student in almost a secret way that the Martial Arts were. It was a guru which was looking for the student, not the other way around. The reason behind this, and why women and kids were not even considered to be suitable, is because the guru was seeking for that student which will not alter the Truth. So Yoga for thousands of years was not written nor transmitted to the ones found capable of changing it. These gurus if they were not able to find a good student to share their knowledge, in respect to the Truth, they preferred holding it to their death.

But here we are today, not far from the times people were practicing and struggling to recover the most ancient and traditional forms of yoga (1920-1940) to the times we are so eager to change it. Everyone with his own style of Yoga and do you wonder why you are lost in the shades, not seeing the Light? India has even a religion with 35 million gods, so even your attempt to make yourself and your style God-like, is not a surprise for them, you’ll still end copying something that was there for so much time…

So stop being an echo, stop being a shadow..
Some people say, read the books from the dead people.. if those books survived they might tell something.. Practice here from the most old and traditional styles of yoga.. if they survived.. there must be something worthy to investigate..



meditation is like coffee?

doar cateva paralele care mi s-au parut interesante intre acesti termeni, ce i-am mai regasit odata spaland presoul..

everyone think they can do coffee?

oricate cafele i-ar face bunica mea, bunicului, el tot o sa fuga la birt sa-si cumpere habar n-am cate cafele pe zi.. cu scuza ca bunica mea nu o face tare… asa ca odata in vizita la ei.. avand instrumente corespunzatoare i-am facut bunicului o cafea ce l-a facut sa exlame:
– Vai copile! tu vrei sa ma omori… Susanica.. adu’ niste apa…

intr-un final am aflat.. el nu se ducea la bufet pentru cafea.. ci pentru povesti…

la fel multi colinda lumea cu aceasta tema a meditatiei, ba dupa tot felul de persoane realizate, iluminate, gurus, locuri etc… insa pana si in cartile cele mai vechi de yoga este un citat ce zice ca poti sa traiesti 8000 de ani si sa vizitezi toate templele, toti maestrii, toate locurile pamantului si sa nu gasesti Lumina… Lumina e in Tine… la fel si meditatia este o practica personala.. iar pentru cei mai cunoscatori.. un fruct a altor practici personale.. 

deci pentru ce preferi meditatia intr-un alt loc decat acasa?

iar apoi sunt tot felul de tipuri de cafea, pentru toate gusturile… lumea aparent cunoscand ingredientele si procedura.. au raspandit si mai multe culori si intelegeri ale acesteia.. insa sa revenim la unele ingrediente..

Apa – este cel mai important ingredient, trebuie sa fie curata, pura, rece.. sub multe tejgele sau aparate pe le vedeti exista un tub cu o apa specifica pentru cafea, in functie de distribuitorul de cafea, ea poate este si imbogatita cu… oxigen..

La fel si respiratia se pregateste pentru meditatie, se curata (kriya) iar apoi prin pranayama se purifica si imbogateste atat cu energie cat si cu oxigen..

Insa daca cafeaua iese mai bine sau nu fara un tip de apa… in ceea ce priveste mediatia.. nici nu poti sa te atingi de ea fara o respiratie corespunzatoare… desi unii viseaza altfel.. ei pana la urma.. viseaza..

meditatia este o actiune-pasiva… nici cafeaua nu-si face efectul precum reactioneaza unii dupa prima inghititura savuroasa..

Meditatia este activ-pasiva deoarece daca pe deoparte prezenta ei o putem considera o stare activa celelalte evenimente care se intampla in jur sunt pasive.. respectiv exista o stare de observatie, nu o stare de analiza, ma las cucerit de o liniste nu de constructia unui gand sa unui vis, sau de un stimul extern..

Desi poate fi si o masura de gust, apereciem cafeaua dupa calitatea acesteia si nu dupa cantitate… la fel si in meditatie.. doar noi stim cat de adanc am ajuns in noi.. chiar daca au fost cateva secunde, de ce am imapcheta o astfel de experienta frumoasa cu inca 30min sau ore de pastrarea a posturii doar ca sa para mai real pentru cei din exterior? Este important ca am mai baut 6 Latte-uri cand doar primul expresso l-am putut savura?

Cafeaua, cofeina intr-un final si nivelul de dopamina – la fel face si meditatia insa forma in care se elibereaza dupa cafea este asemenea unui val urias – dezechilibrat – insa dupa meditatie eliberarea acesteia se face intr-un rimt natural si constant.

insa toata povestea asta cu meditatia si cafeaua mi-a venit spaland pressoul, mi-am dat seama nu doar cat de important este acest vehicol in care se pregateste sau de necesitatea acestuia de a fi curat.. urmaream in gandul meu distributia temperaturii.. si imi dadeam seama cum fiecare punct murdar, chiar exerior, schimba directia acestei radiatii termice.. cum fiecare “nod” din corpul nostru pe care-l consideram irelevant consuma sau blocheaza energia si vibratia acesteia sa se manifeste…

vrem sa fim corpuri luminoase, ingeri, insa tot ce facem este sa ne ingropam si sa adunam mai multa murdarie in noi, blocand orice expresie de lumina, orice drum al divinitatii sau sanatatii in noi..

sa ne pregatim cu adevarat de curateniea de primavara? 🙂

atat succesul in meditatie cat si in cafea sta in pregatirea de dinainte… ele fiind un rezultat.. un fruct.. pasiunea, practica facand deseori diferenta si nu materia bruta..


am inceput sa scriu mai multe posturi, ba despre cum a fost in Jamaica, atat versiunea de aventura cat si cea yoga, insa cum am ateriza la birou am fost preluat in sesiuni continue de workshops in echipa (2 saptamani).. stand 90% in sali de conferinta.. si cu atata ventilatie am inceput un sezon de frisoane si a trebuit sa ma retrag sa lucrez de acasa.. apoi intors spre un alt workshop prelungit – samabata… there is so much…

so care e starea mea curenta? procezez.. tot felul..

yoga te invata sa fi eficient cu energia.. iar zilele astea sunt un pas in plus inautrul meu observand..

spre exemplu odata ce au inceput frisoanele, temperatura si inima sa alerge eram aproape predispus sa schimb respiratia superficiala la care am ajuns cu una abdominala, sa pot sa-mi activez sistemul nervis para-simpatic, dar oare aveam sau nu nevoie de temperatura? apoi intr-o seara urmatoare muschii intercostali, claviculele si umerii imi erau asa de obositi incat puteam respira fara efort doar prin diafragma, plus alte si alte observatii…

iar despre martisor, traditia romaneasca povesteste despre cum barbatii primeau acest tip de mini-buchet de flori pe care trebuiau sa le poarte in piept… iar domnisoara a carei floricele ramaneau vii mai mult era probabil “aleasa”… cum ne place sa si zicem cand primim flori care palesc tarziu ca sunt din partea unei persoane care ne poarta multa dragoste..

zile pline de sarbatoare..

Draguta intrebare existentiala ;) De ce? sau Cum?

la sfarsitul unei clase am fost intrebat, printre altele, despre Karma la un nivel de “Big-Bang” – avand in nici 10 minute un masaj, nu m-am aventurat in a incepe un raspuns.. insa ca sa fac doar o paralela.. printre langa alte raspunsuri legate de ce exista universul am dat si peste acest video..


pe de alta parte ce am raspuns atunci, este ca o cautare in exterior a Luminii, la toate templele, la toate colturile lumii si daca ai putea trai 8000 de ani nu ai gasi-o.. respectiv unele raspunsuri, unele experiente, precum si Lumina, vin din interior.. iar un asltfel raspuns dintr-o alta parte nu este o scurtatura de drum, nu trezeste, nu ofera nimic specific, nu este mai multe decat o poveste.. insa yoga nu este o religie.. nu iti cere sa crezi povesti.. ci sa traiesti personal Adevarul..

— need to jet — TBC —


P.Y.S. 39 “When non-greed is confirmed, a thorough illumination of the how and why of one’s birth comes.

108 Salutari ale Soarelui / Surya Namaskar – Feedbacks?

De ce 108 Sun Salutations / Salutari ale Soarelui  / Surya Namaskars?

diametrul Soarelui este aprox. 109 x diametrul Pamantului,
distanta Soare – Pamant este aprox. 108 x diametrul Soarelui,
distanta Pamant – Luna este aprox 108 x diametrul Lunii..

deci cu 108 Sun Salutations.. salutam cele 108 instante ale Soarelui, cei 108 pasi de la lumina lui spre noi..

sau dupa A.S.V. o “calatorie spre Soare” 🙂

Ma gandeam ca ar fi mai dragut sa deschid un loc unde va exprimati din experienta ultimului drum spre 108 Sun Salutations sau oricare alta aventura cu aceiasi tema.

Eu am inteles azi cat de mult a contat 2mm de unghie in plus, cata grija, cata energie, sau cat de mult mi-a afectat echilibrul si cum a trebuit sa compensez, sa ma adaptez, sa-mi pastrez intentia si focalizarea pana la sfarsit..

Pe de alta parte “Data viitoare aduc boabe :)” ma invitat sa deschid post-ul decat sa scriu un lung comentariu.

Orice atasament spre un lucru exterior poate aduce nefericire, suferinta – credem ca avem control asupra acestor boabe, insa orice / oricine le poate schimba forma sau pozitia. Apoi intr- alta ordine de idei care ramane punctul de focalizare, numaratul boabelor, aranjarea lor artistica, alegerea – selectarea bobolui, cate alte surse de influentare, cate alte oscialtii vrei sa-ti ridici printr-o astfel de prezenta exterioara?

in alte cuvinte mai abstracte, durerea apare atunci cand iei drept adevarat ceea ce este fals, vesnic ceea ce este temporar, fix ceea ce este supus mereu schimbarilor..


unele “trucuri” folosite de mine in 108 surya namaskars este respiratia, schimb intensitatea la fiecare 10, apoi stiu mereu ca partea dreapta va este impara – respectiv partea stanga para.. repet numarul in cand de fiecare data cand cobor din hasta utthanasana spre padahastasana.. orice numar ar fi stiu ca e aproape de 100, pentru ca e parte din 100 🙂 sau tot asa motivational.. nu sunt la prima.. sunt in primul sfert, in prima treime, in prima jumatate…



Diferenta dintre Suflet si Spirit? (prin Karma)

exterm de scurt pe aceasta asa zisa dilema…

am mentionat cu mai multe ocazii ca sufletul este un termen mai degraba asociat cu respiratia, o proprietate a tuturor organismelor vii.. dupa cum si in Biblie este mentionat ca Dumnezeu ne-a dat suflare de viata.. (iar pe partea etimologica si istoria limbilor o sa gasiti origini ale cuvantului suflet lipite de cuvinte precum aer sau vant)..

pe de-o parte insa exista o confuzie ca spiritul si sufletul sunt sinonime.. inafara faptului ca amandoua fac parte dintr-o natura mai putin tangibila a organismului nostru, ele sunt extrem de distincte, mai ales in functile lor..

ceea ce este vesnic este Spiritul.. ceea ce este cu noi pe perioada acestei vieti este Sufletul.. 

cand vorbim yogic despre “suflet” am putea mai degraba sa zicem colectia de karma care se manifesta intr-un om in aceasta instanta / viata (prarabdha karma).. iar daca deseori auzim sintagme de genu “salvarea sufletului” intelegem de fapt limitarea culegerii de alte fructe karmice (agami karma) si/sau desfasurarea vietii fara strangerea de datorii, reactii ale actiunilor noastre..

ce mai stim spre exemplu din Biblie este ca Dumnezeu ne-a dat aceste Suflete, ca El ne cunoaste dinainte de a ne naste inca din semntiile parintilor nostri.. si nu in ultimul rand Dumenzeu este si Duhul Sfant, Spiritul.. in alte cuvinte Spiritul cunoaste (karmasaya) si partea care cere se va anima in vehicol / trup (prarabdha karma)

daca ar fi sa desenam o granulariate ea ar putea arata asa:

(Dumnezeu) Duhul Sfant -> Duh / Spirit -> Suflet

unii mai zic ca sufletul este (si) partea subtila din spatele respiratiei, ceea ce noi intelegem prin Prana, ca Sufletul este acea energie a noastra, prezenta in tot ceea ce este viu.. idee ce o sustin si eu de aseamea.. insa mai sus avand in vedere ca azi am povestit mai mult despre karma… am dorit sa va ofer si aceasta perspectiva..


Practice (Yoga) with the Intent to Explore

Do you know why the light bulb lights? Do you? Do you really?

Yoga says that once you know a thing, anything, fully then you know everything. Because by knowing one at the level of vibration you know Vibration Itself manifesting into all other things – or not manifesting.

Once, when I had the body of a younger boy, I said “For me Jesus was one who was able to explain the divinity in everything”. Like he could pick up this light bulb in front of a crowd and ask / explaining why once the electricity goes through it starts glowing. For those who don’t know it purely a property e.g. of the metals that once they reach a certain temperature they emit things that you can perceive as light. So Jesus was a real guru, practicing yoga, but for those who didn’t knew yoga he was practicing Love and Light.


One of my inspiring teachers had posted almost yesterday on FB a reaction about some words that arrived to her too “Oh that’s the yoga for 13 year old boys. Or at least that what all the teachers at the studio I go to say.” .. i would not iterate on this idea explaining what’s behind.. as I would like to point this..

I often receive videos of beautiful flows, jumpings, almost yoga dancing, acro yoga.. you know this SHOW and to some extend beautiful practices.. but to rare to mention i receive videos where someone is expressing from his attempt to explore deeper into some yoga technique..

When I invite you all to practice yoga, i don’t mean only asana or pranayama..

I mostly want you to get curious and Self-attracted into exploring yoga techniques; so if its an asana, i don’t say i practice hatha yoga or yin because there we sit more into the poses.. my dear yogic travelers.. i do almost everything but I DON’T SIT into the pose.. I EXPLORE with with all my senses, with all the breath and I enjoy it for as long as i feel it – this technique or asana – wants to manifest, wants to express into me in that moment…

That moment when my yoga practice goes into exploring, to diving in the Self, that is the one of the widest yogic journey you can experience, some even call it, (spontaneous) meditation in the pose (technique).. because to arrive there you apply yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara and start tasting the fruits of dharana, dhyana with glimps from samadhi.

Practice Yoga with the Intend to Explore!
