Category Archives: yoga

Gasteste ceva sa te Ridice

“Anything that will elevate your mind and remind you of your true Self should be studied: the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Koran, these Yoga Sutras or any uplifting scripture”

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Deseori primesc intrebari de la persoane care vor sa recupereze un drum in Yoga si atunci ma simt blocat in a le recomanda orice carte pentru ca pasiunea lor este atat de mare incat tedinta de a aluneca fara control intr-o directie le poate provoca suferinte. Pe scurt acest foc daca nu este controlat se va trasforma usor in auto-tortura, lucru observat atat in est cat si in vest de mii de ani, neaducand decat un dezechilibru mai mare.

In alta pozitie insa ma situez fata de persoanele care pasesc pe un drum si insist in asi consolida o practica personala. Cum ma si repet prea des, pozitia mea sau a oricarui alt teacher este in principal de a invata, preda yoga, nu de a creste sau intretine o comunitate; de a prezenta drumuri, nu de a le calauzi pana la sfarsit.

Una din formele de a practica yoga consta in studierea Sinelui (Y.S. cap 2 sutra 1), iar precum si in comentariul citat, acesta se poate regasi si prin ajutorul scripturilor sau orice reuseste sa-ti ridice mintea sau adanceasca prezenta in ceea ce estu tu cu adevarat.

In clasele pe care le sustin la Club Moving Cluj, am insistat la inceput pe controlul corpului (asana), consolidarea unei discipline apoi usor am continuat spre controlul energiei vitale (pranayama) si a simturilor (pratyahara) insa cum am anuntat si inceput anul trecut vom intra si intr-un capitol tangent cu kriya, cel al MMMM.. OM… AUM… al recunosterii si pastrarii atentiei asupra vibratiei prin mantre – fiind cea mai simpla si accesibila forma de studiu si practica (holistica) yoga… cateva dintre ele pe care le stiu se pot regasi aici, insa ramand deschis sa-mi prezetati alte lucruri care simtiti ca va ridica, va inalta, va face sa va regasiti ceea ce Sunteti..

hari om tat sat, namaste!..


Iarna si Soarele din tine (anahata + hridaya)

cum vine iarna.. parca o forta de atrage in tine.. in centrul tau.. si-ti limiteaza cuvintele expresile exterioare, eficientizand consumul de energie, cu o comunicare interna, ca si cum te-ai focaliza mai mult pe caldura, pe Soarele care se afla in tine..

atentia asta te face sa te recunosti printre sentimente, emotii, iti atinge o anumita sensiblitate, pentru altii poate o vulnerabilitate.. comercializata sub numele de “emotiile de sarbatori”..

suntem mai buni de sarbatori, mai umani? nu, pur si simplu raspundem si reactionam dintr-un centru mai natural noua, din suflet, inima.. in compania unor atribute precum dragostea, compasiune, altruism, devotare si acceptarea expresiei, actiunii divine.. pe scurt Anahata (chakra inimii)..


Ceva mai subtil si mai jos putin decat Anahata, in partea stanga, o chakra micuta numita Hrit (sau Hridaya, “inima”) care pe langa alte elemente simbolistice, centrat are un copacel rosu de dorinte implinitor (red wish-fulfilling tree) simbolizand manifestarea, implinirea dorintelor (in lume)..

HritHrit cakra mai poarta denumirea si de Surya (Soare) chakra cu scopul de a absorbi energia Soarelui de a o transmite catre corp si catre alte chakra (in principiu manipura pentru agni)

cat de intamplatoare sunt aceste coincidente? 

Sarbatoriri cat mai prezente ale vietii!



To be or not to be mindful?

Some days i just talk from my mountain trekking experience, moments when i was fighting against gods, when there was so much mind over the body that i was on the edge of loosing the other parts of this earthly presence, the body and the spirit. That i was shaking on last part of my conquest, that being so present in the mind i didn’t realize i wouldn’t had the body to return.. and because of the high goal and of the visible finish line, the ego was so big that left no other place for my spirit… so i had a divine intervention.. and for the next 2 mins i was present in my body… a balanced presence as i would say today..

so is mind over body some goal that we want to achieve? NO – why?  – because itself its an imbalance..

what is this term mindfulness all about? if you understand this mind-full as Jay E. Fields, “The problem with mindfulness is that it’s full of mind.”.. or being fully present on the mind.. then again.. this is also an imbalance..

“I can sit on my mediation cushion for hours – being mindful – and never really have a full, felt-experience of being in my body.”

Is this term born under the same (western) reason, to give power to the though, to the ego? something that in yoga is worthless.. or do you have other understanding of it?

To be or not to be mindful?

Porcul – Slaninta – Untura – Iarna..

e greu sa vorbesti despre detoxifiere si tot felul de programe nutritionale in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna.. asta pentru ca la nivelul general tot ce intelegem prin nutritie la un nivel brut este salata, fructe, legume, sucuri, ceaiuri.. insa toxinele sunt de mai multe culori, daca unele dintre ele ar fi solubile in apa.. o grupa foarte importanta, din care amintim mai ales neuro-toxinele (metale grele, pesticide, unele substante chimice si solventi) sunt solubile in grasimi.. nu o sa continuam ideile pe avocado 🙂 ci unele beneficii ale produselor din porc..

Oare este o simpla sincronizare ca alegem sa taiem porcul in timpul sezonului rece?

Iarna vine cu tot felul de surprize, vegetarienii si mai ales veganii ne recomanda sa culegem si pastram din timp cele necesare corpului in acest sezon, insa unul din lucrurile pe care nu le putem strange sub capac sau la congelator este Soarele. Pana si in DEX daca am cauta cuvatul untura gasim mentiunea vitaminei A si D. Iar pentru cine este curios sa caute mai adanc unde se formeaza vitamina D la vertebrate va intelege de ce am adus si slanina in calcul.

Pe scurt, o lingura de untura de porc in ceea ce priveste vitamina D este echivalentul la 5-6 ore de Soare, iar alte beneficii despre slanina si untura le veti gasi si singuri.

Insa sa fie aceste beneficii pe care le-am recunoscut, experimentat natural, ce ne-au indemnat sa consumul carnii de porc in aceasta perioada? de la consum la traditie? sau pur si simplu era mai usor de gestionat acest eveniment la o temperatura mai scazuta avad in vedere o alta bacterio-proprietate a carnii de porc (unul din motivele principale penru care a fost exclusa din regimul tarilor mai calduroase).

Exista detoxifiere si beneficii si in cele mai ciudate parti-produse din prelucrarea porcului, va invit deci nu sa consumati carne si grasimi ale porcului ci sa reflectati mai adanc, sa fiti mindful cu ceea ce consumati in aceasta perioada..

Spiritual Guru – is like wine tasting

I am new to this Spiritual World, what Guru should I follow?

yesterday I had the opportunity to share again about bahiranga yoga at work, between my engineering colleagues.. then after some moments, while at my desk, I receive a private message on a context of recommending some event, training, workshop about inner awakening.. the link I received was pointing me to something familiar enough to “press” a like or unlike “button”.. but that was my perception and immediately realizing that I had one of those moments we like to call divine intervention:

This part of Spirituality is like wine tasting… if you are new into drinking wine.. maybe you even don’t like the wine or you barely know it has different colors and maybe different taste.. you might notice on the label a year, some alcohol % some place where from its coming.. but there are some many other aspects, subtler and subtler  that even you will eventually understand and make a better difference.. So the difference between a guru and another or which one will be best for me needs some personal investment, a background, a base into the spiritual path and after either you find “love at first site” either you are in for some fine tasting..

Today I proposed that we know 2 mantras by the end of January, so one quickly investigated over the proposed one and asked me over a message: 

– when you say guru .. during the mantras.. at who you think?

I understood the question behind the Guru Mantra, but many don’t know even what the word guru stands for, so to answer without  going too far I said:

– I don’t think at anyone. I think on what guru is / means.. but if you are looking for “one of my teachers”.. actually I have many.. everyone who taught me something was my teacher. Some lessons I might realize sooner or later.. but in the end.. my Guru is my Self.. because Yoga is the journey between what I false-believe that I am and what is my Self.. so I allow my Higher Self to reveal to my, surrendering to the Self I start listening to the guru inside me..

There are traditional books pointing to a guru or to a teacher’s assistance when you start some yogic techniques, but this mostly to have an experienced or devoted practitioner close.

Why “Salads” are more expensive than their (processed) Products?

I’m writing this in English because i believe this is not a local (Cluj-Napoca), regional, country, but maybe a cultural situation.

today, i had a feeling to go for something else to eat at lunch then my traditional salads and went for some zucchini cream soup, cabbage dumplings with coarsely ground maize/millet (sarmale cu păsat) x 4 ~ 214g and spinach puree ~ 230g .. total cost ~ 19 RON but during each spoon I was wondering… how is this possible?

19 RON for aprox. 750g of processed veggie food vs. 18 RON for aprox. 400g salad

so, since i had this meals both at the same place, and the raw materials are for sure bought with a common acquisition, i guess everything else is pure marketing.. so what does the marketing says? Salads are more healthy and they should be sold more expensive..

10872489_10154895834155463_1022495130_n salate


what if we would only pay for what we eat (and the costs around it)… because i don’t see any value the added cost of the marketing, since the tail / crowd its always on the different part than the salads service place.. or is this a dark plan to keep world unhealthy?

be mindful on what you eat..

Sedimente la Rinichi – Terapie prin Yoga

atat pentru prevenirea cat si pentru indepartarea sedimentelor la nivelul rinichilor se poate adopta in practica personala urmatorul program. Insa pentru pietre mari cand aceasta forma de terapie nu poate ajuta, se poate considera restul interventilor medicale cum ar fi si chirurgia.

1. Surya Namaskar x 6

2. Asana

  • trikonasana
  • vajrasana
  • marjariasana
  • vyaghrasana
  • supta vajrasana
  • ushtrasana
  • shashank bhujangasana
  • shalabhasana
  • ardha matsyendrasana
  • naukasana
  • ardha chakrasana
  • merudandasana
  • hamsasana
  • mayurasana
  • kurmasana 😉
  • dwi pada sirsasana
  • tadasana
  • tiryaka tadasana
  • kati chakrasana
  • udarakarshanasana

3. Pranayama -> Bastrika cu bandhas (uddiyana bandha + moola bandha)

4. Mudra and bandhas: Pashinee mudra si yoga mudra, moola bandha, vajroli mudra, uddiyana bandha

5. Shatkarma:

6. Relaxare cu Yoga Nidra, atentia orientata spre respiratile abdominale

7. Meditatie: Ajapa japa, nada yoga

8. Regim alimentar: produse proaspete si naturale precum fructele (inclusiv sucurile sau gatite usor cat sa ramana usoare) legume cat mai suculente care sa alcanizeze urina. A se evita pana la a reduce consumul de carne, oua, peste si produse lactate, precum si a produselor care genereaza prin produsi acid, superprocesate din faina si zahar precum torturile, dulciurile, biscuiti, etc. Reducerea consumului de rosii, spanac care sunt ridicate in acid oxalic. Reducerea sarurilor si consumul a cel putin 4 litrii de apa pe zi, mai ales vara.

Perele sunt recunoscute pentru dizolvarea pietrelor daca se consuma pana in 10 pe zi.

9. Postul – impreuna cu consumul crescut a apei ajuta la curatarea sistemului urinar

Alte recomandari:

  • o plimbare scurta dupa fiecare masa
  • cateva exercitii (de preferat afara) 1-2 ori pe saptamana
  • ceai de patrunjel – la fiecare 3 ore


aceasta ar fi o sumarizare a recomandarilor terapeutice prin yoga pentru sedimente la rinichi.. am sa revin cel probabil cu un articol mai cuprinzator dupa sarbatorile de iarna..

Program Cursuri Yoga – Cluj, Decembrie 2014











Yoga 210





Foundational YogaS05E01





Evening Yoga





Morning Yoga Flow





Foundational Yoga – S05E02





Foundational Yoga – S05E03





Evening Yoga





Pranayama & Chanting





Morning Yoga Flow





Yoga Intro





Foundational Yoga – S05E04





108 Sun Salutation





Yin Yoga





Ancient Yoga Flow





Morning Yoga Flow

Pe langa program, mentionez ca toate clasele de yoga din luna decembrie 2014 se vor desfasura in incinta Clublui Moving Cluj, mai multe informatii pot fi regasite in spatele link-urilor de la descriere..

hari aum, tat sat, namaste!

Meditatie ghidata si tot felul :)

“si stii.. a fost prin Peru si prin Africa… si … … … si America de Sud..” si tot felul.. de discutii alimentate cu astfel de informatii survolau pe langa urechile mele, incat ma intrebam daca am aterizat la vreun agent de tursim si suntem si in secolul 16-17.. serios? ce legatura are toata calatoria asta cu meditatia? sau cine sunt si ce cauta persoanele astea din jului meu? care au mai discutat despre tot felul de programe de X zile si schimbari in alte persoane dar nu in ele insasi?

dupa cum cei mai apropiati stiu, nu ma inspira, nu ma intereseaza ci dimpotriva nu recomand astfel de experimente ca si mediatie ghidata.. din mai multe motive, insa mai ales expunerea unor astfel de idei intr-un public (cu cat mai mare cu atat mai iresponsabil) poate duce usor la generarea de proiectii, false impresii, asteptari, iluzii, etc pe care apoi avem cel putin de 5 ori mai mult de lucru in a le curata pentru a intelege personal, neindus ci prin autodescoperire, intuitie, revelatie, etc ce inseamna meditatia… [..] anyway…

daca m-as trezi sa port o discutie despre aceste idei, cu persoana care o conduce, inainte sau dupa, ma intreb daca nu as fi inteles gresit si produce fluctuatii in mintea unora, aproape violente.. iar in aceasta forma interventia mea ar putea sa calce ideea de ahimsa.. desi, recunosc, uneori am astfel de auto-propuneri cand ma intalnesc cu aceste momente..

Nu o sa discut despre ce inseamna meditatia, nici despre public sau evenimentul in sine.. ci doar cateva cuvinte ce sa sumarizeze motivul pentru care mai apar si eu prezent..

Eu recunosc ca divinitatea traieste si comunica mai usor prin anumite persoane decat altele, nu este ceva nou, ceva exotic, ceva ce nu ar putea orcine trai prin el insusi.. insa sunt momente cand ma predau unor alte palete de culori, cand sunt un student si imi regasesc un teacher, un alt canal prin care sa mi se vorbeasca.. Si chiar daca sunt aceleasi cuvinte, sau aceiasi persoana.. cel putin eu sunt diferit si atunci manifestarea, intelegerea este alta..

Imi ofer momente, locuri, in care sa ma intalnesc cu mine insumi (with my Self).. ar fi cea mai scurta descriere a unui workshop de meditatie..

Tu de ce vi la u astfel de eveniment? pentru ca Discovery Channel?

vise placute… namaste!..

Learn Yoga by Teaching Yoga

When one adventures into the Self, into the longest and blissful journey, there are many ways of understanding and different ways of learning..

There are books of course, there are many classes, many teachers and if one is lucky enough there is the discipline for the personal practice… and yes there are more sources, nature, meditation, etc.. but one in particular as title reveals by itself, its very interesting, learning yoga by teaching yoga..

“You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” A. Einstein

From my personal experience, seeing others stepping into this journey we call yoga, not only got me deeper with understanding, but brought efficiency by learning better and shorter symbols to explain even bigger, complex to abstracts.. that’s why and many other reasons i say:

“My teachers are my students and my students are my teachers..”

So, see yourself, where are you regarding this concept? Are you sometimes missing even your personal practice because you don’t really understand what’s going on? Are you addicted to your teacher? If yes.. free yourself!!

“Yoga is the fearless expression of the Self.. ” re-quoting with love my teacher, Roshan

during my initial training in India, Rishikesh, we were many practicing “on and off” yoga, some even came to enrich and get a personal discipline, personal practice with the help of the yoga teacher training.. some came with a lot of years and dedication and still left with more.. and this is not because of the teachers, training, colleagues, time or places to study.. for sure.. they all played and important role.. but this is also about the process.. about the mindset.. to come and learn.. whoever you are to take a seat.. and do a yoga teacher training..

very soon, 1-15 of February 2014,  I’ll manifest as a teacher for a Yoga Teacher Training, what a richful event event for me and for the ones attending..

surrendering to the Divine..

hari om, tat sat, namaste!