Category Archives: Uncategorized

Special Yoga Classes

In ianuarie 2014, revin cunoscutele clase speciale de yoga:

Yoga 180 min – dedicata celora care urmaresc nu atat o clasa intensa sau de enduranta in yoga, cat o densitate mai mare de asane cunoscute in hatha yoga

Yin Yoga – o clasa foarte linistita, cu asane specifice yin, desfasurata la o ora de seara pentru a rezona cu energia specifica yin.

ambele evenimente se vor desfasura in incina Club Moving Cluj, pentru inscrieri va rog apelati la link-urile din descriere sau printr-un mesaj scris cu cel putin 1h inainte.

Namaste! 😉

Sins – woman brought to Jesus

Some people brought a woman to Jesus and they said, “She has committed adultery, so she has to be killed. And this has been the law — to kill her with stones, by throwing stones at her.”

Jesus said, “The law is true, but only those persons can throw stones at her who have not committed adultery ever — not even in the mind. So come forward only those persons who have not committed adultery, actually or in imagination.”

The crowd had stones; they were standing ready to kill her. But now people started dispersing because there was no one who had not committed adultery in the mind.

Finally, Jesus and the woman were left. The crowd had dispersed. The woman said, “I have done wrong! I am guilty, punish me.”

But Jesus said, “Who am I to punish you? Who am I to punish you or condemn you? It is between you and your God.”

3 x Yoga Classes – Easy (Guest) Access

Clasele speciale* se vor desfasura in incinta Club Moving Cluj:

Yoga 180min – Duminica, 1 Decembrie – orele 9:00 -> 12:00

Yin Yoga – Vineri, 6 Decembrie – orele 20:00 -> 21:00

Surya Namaskar (Workshop) – Vineri, 13 Decembrie – orele 20:00 -> 21:00


*puteti veni cu un invitat daca sunteti deja membrii Club Moving Cluj (indiferent de tipul de abonament)
**va pot invita si personal la aceste evenimente daca ma anuntati in scris (pe orice cale) cu un nume si un numar de telefon/email inainte cu cel putin 1h de la inceperea claselor

Programul obisnuit al claselor de Yoga va fi intrerupt pe perioada 23 -> 31 Decembrie 2013.


Yin Yoga proposed journey:


numar secundele in mine..
nu caut nimic..
doar din moment in altul ma observ pe mine ca exist..
tic tic..


A journey of 1,000 miles starts with one first step… This can be the start of an inner journey to your true self…While we set a goal, this time we ll enjoy the process more…Because life happens when you put a future-thought in the universe…

ida-pingala yoga short thoughts


Short version
“don t get lost into too many details…” R.

yoga or doing yoga…
it s not only about the asanas…
there are 8 limbs….only one of them is the asanas…
but in order to be happy you have to satisfy all aspect…
mind…body…soul…everything has to be in one line..
what you say..think and feel….

we are all in search of happiness…
and there is something about the physical practice…
it not only releases the endorphin…the happy cells….
they are aware …intelligent…use tens of trillion of them and you have your body….
but there is something more..than only you can experience…
and just because you re unique .. the feeling it s going to be unique also
like reading..a book…in everyone of us each lecture
awakens something else…
and …we re not learning new..things..
we just remember what already we knew before

we try to create a balance…between ida and pingala..
ida is about our feelings emotions…our feminine side…the moon..
when this part is dominant….we get….to be emotional…to be sad..
to feel too much…and don t enjoy every aspect of life…

pingala is more about … the reality how we put it…”the society”…being logical…mathematical…the sun masculine side.. and this..makes all the magic from this magnificent world to disappear…when is dominant

yoga is about being honest at least to yourself..
we are not saints…
but we are not criminals either…
you will never be happy if we re not complete…
too much control….will bring one day the lost of control…
actions..that put us in a place …that after we leave this place…
we think how could we do that..or be like that..

we have to mix them… sometimes we act…sometimes.. we think..
but no matter what action we take…we re doing what we re supposed to do
is like a path of reaching a mountain…

there are many paths..easy hard…each choice…puts us on another path…

but it s not about the destination..because we ll all reach s about the journey..that …has to be …a beautiful one…

yoga no matter which type of it…is a short path to
…happiness…yourself everything else…
will come ..once we start this journey
but you have to pass trough fire… to reach the heavens…
and it s not about god and the devil..hell and heaven…
it s merely an metaphor..

this is no random arrangement…and every choice we where given was already us in advance…before we started this life… the only thing to remember..because it seems like we are the “captain of our faith…….”
…is to realize after each choice..that did we put ourselves in …
what s the lesson behind it….what was so important that we need to learn
from each encounter…each person..each “coincidence”….

and it all leads to knowing ourselves better…to understand
different aspects about our personality about our true self…
and be happy because that s the purpose of life….
to love and be grateful for every moment that we experience…

everyday it s the first day of your life..

success trains ….failure complains…
start training..:))


Paulo Coelho – Manuscript found in Accra

Does a leaf, when it falls from the tree in winter, feel defeated by the cold?

The tree says to the leaf:

That’s the cycle of life. You may think you’re going to die, but you live on in me. It’s thanks to you that I’m alive, because I can breathe. It’s also thanks to you that I have felt loved, because I was able to give shade to the weary traveler. Your sap is in my sap, we are one thing.’

Does a young man, rejected by his first love, declare that love does not exist?

The young man says to himself: ‘I’ll find someone better able to understand what I feel. And then I will be happy for the rest of my days.’

Losing a battle or losing everything we thought we possessed will bring us moments of sadness, but when those moments pass, we will discover the hidden strength that exists in each of us, a strength that will surprise us and increase our self-respect.

Wait patiently for the right moment to act.

Do not let the next opportunity slip.

Take pride in your scars.

Scars are medals branded on the flesh, and your enemies will be frightened by them because they are proof of your long experience of battle. Often this will lead them to seek dialogue and avoid conflict.

Scars speak more loudly than the sword that caused them.


Albert Camus 

“Real generosity towards the future consists in giving all to what is present”

Failure is important to personal inner-growth, expansion , psychic reward.

Never regret the past, embrace it as your teacher.
