Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ego Spice…

azi vine la un moment dat asana teacherul spre mine, ne ceruse sa intram in Parivrtta Trikonasana si imi zice “your all poses are good, you know”… desi la inceput pare un pic spicy for the ego.. am inteles insa ca mi-a spus asta doar sa continui cu devotamentul si intensitatea de pana acum..

fata de anul trecut, multi dintre colegii mei stiu sa cred ca intra corect in posturi, dar teacherul in saptamana asta introductiva nu a vrut sa se lege prea mult la cap cu corectii personale, asa ca daca un numar semnificativ nu faceam corect.. repetam sub indicatile “now i show you correct position”.. atitudine care noah poate actiona ciudat… nestiind cat drecorect sau aproape ai fost tu.. asa ca aceste picaturi de cuvinte sunt de apreciat precum sunt si un semnal ca asta este minimul ce-l astept de la tine..

maine am o zi libera si am sa scriu mai mult despre punctele focus din aceasta saptamana.. exercitii aparent usoare ce pot fi executate de oricine.. dar care cu intensitatea si prezenta necesara ajung technici sau momente in yoga..

enjoy 😉

Mancarea este un invitat in corpul tau… asigurate ca-i acorzi atentia suficienta…

Returning to India.. ziua 1

Am dormit tun pe drumul spre budapesta. Cum am pornit facusem un checkin si o reincarare de pe telefon.. apelul de spus noapte buna in imparatie si inclinand bine scaunul pe spate nu m-am mai ridicat decat la aeroport.
Aveam doar mici intrebari daca o sa-mi recunsca barba din pasaport cand am trecut vama, in rest nici o pozitie nu s-a dovedit nici inconfortabila nici traumatizanta pentru somn – sa fi descoperit niste noi asane? :)))

Care e diferenta? intr-un Year over Year comparation?

Plutesc in ceva liniste.. cum am gasi-o in fiecare dimineata.. cand nimic din ce urmeaza, din ceea ce speculez ca ar putea urma, nu ar face ziua nici mai amara nici mai dulce.. ca si cum ceea ce simt acum.. e indeajuns incat sa ma poarte si sa-mi pastreze un zambet bland, calm…

If you experience Love, you can truly say you experience everything, but do you experience Love?

Special Yoga Classes S01E03 :)

Last Special Classes from the Season:
– i’ll be leaving, mid of March to the end of April, for India, Rishikesh to complete my 500h in Hatha Yoga, with an additional 300h TTC by Rishikesh Yog Peeth

Yoga 180min – Sunday Feb 23, 2014 starting 9:00->12:00 @ Club Moving Cluj
Yin Yoga – Friday Feb 28, 2014 starting 20:00->21:00 @ Club Moving Cluj

these yoga classes will not be announced on the online program of the club so please if you know someone who’ll like to attend, point him to this group ask him to join and respond there to the events.

Yoga equipment:
– yoga mat’s will be provided by the host
– please bring comfortable clothes
– yoga means connecting, union, so we advice to practice without shoes or sox
– some prefer to have a towel on top during the shavasana time

Important note: we enjoy the silence during the pranayama session, so please be on time or wait for the warm up exercises to start (when all eyes are open).

Namaste! 😉

PS: for the next 6 weeks, aside to my teaching schedule,  i’ll be for at least 1h each day at Club Moving Cluj for some yoga practice, please feel free to engage me in any yogic or wellness topic..



I came out alone on my way to my tryst. But who is this
me in the dark?
I move aside to avoid his presence but I escape him not.
He makes the dust rise from the earth with his swagger;
He adds his loud voice to every word I utter.
He is my own little self, my lord, he knows no shame;
but I… I am ASHAMED! to come to thy door… in his company.


Cookie Thief (Because sometimes we’re so full of ourselves, that we think we’re always right)

Cookie Thief

(Because sometimes we’re so full of ourselves, that we think we’re always right)

A woman was waiting at the airport one night,
With several long hours before her flight.
She hunted for a book in the airport shop,
Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.

She was engrossed in her book, but happened to see,
That the man beside her, as bold as could be,
Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between,
Which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene

She read, munched cookies, and watched the clock,
As the gusty “cookie thief” diminished her stock
She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by,
Thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I’d blacken his eye!”

With each cookie she took, he took one too.
When only one was left, she wondered what he’d do.
with a smile on his face and a nervous laugh,
He took the last cookie and broke it in half.

He offered her half, and he ate the other.
She snatched it from him and thought, “Oh brother,
This guy has some nerve, and he’s also so rude,
Why, he didn’t even show any gratitude!”

She had never known when she had been so galled,
And sighed with relief when her flight was called.
She gathered her belongings and headed for the gate,
Refusing to look at the “thieving ingrate”.

She boarded the plane and sank in her seat,
Then sought her book, which was almost complete.
As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise.
There were her bag of cookies in front of her eyes!

“If mine are here,” she moaned with despair.
“Then the others were his and he tried to share!”
Too late to apologize, she realized with grief,
That she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief!!!!

Love for Yoga

aici, din nou, scriu ce am tot zis in ultima vreme cu gandul ca poate o sa zic mai putin 🙂

cand auzim pe cineva ca iubeste yoga, oare stim la ce se refera, indiferent de cata yoga practicam sau credem ca o intelegem?

Eu am inceput cu pilates si cum eram mai singurul Yang intre o turma de Yin, toata lumea credea ca frecventez pilates, pentru ca iubesc anturajul Yin. Dupa o vreme insa s-a inteles si am fost poreclit Mr. Pilates, mai ales prin comentarile mele asidue la orice – si atunci, puteam sa spun ca iubesc pilates?

anyway dupa cateva luni am avut curajul sa ma duc la ora speciala de yoga si cand am descoperit am zis da.. imi place.. complexitate, claritate, etc – poate ca ma indragosteam de yoga.. mai ales ca incepeam sa urmaresc tot felul de personalitati in yoga, care m-au inspirat pe un drum pe care sunt. Dar si o frecventa regulata si interesul adecvat puteau oare sa-mi intareasca expresia “iubesc yoga”?

dupa 1 an am fost chiar la un workshop, care m-a luminat frumos cu adancimea ce-ar trebui s-o ai sa intelegi fiziologia si anatomia din spatele yoga ca sa practici corect.. si aproape de acel moment am dorit sa fiu si eu o astfel de resursa in yoga.. (poate doar atunci am fost atat de inspirat incat sa ma consider indragostit de yoga..)

urmand training-ul de yoga teacher 200h in india am reusit sa cunosc sau sa recunosc ce inseamna yoga, iar in timp prin practica iar apoi prin teaching multi ar putea considera ca iubesc yoga.. si totutsi..

in ultima luna, am avut o experienta in care a fost nevoie sa-mi aplic yoga intr-o forma terapeutica, dupa cateva asane in care ma adanceam din ce in ce mai mult in mine, cu fiecare respiratie.. parca mi se bulbucau ochii de fericire, parca imi tremura pieptul de emotie, simteam cum creste constant o placere in mine, ceva ce nu vroiam sa se mai opreasca, ceva ce am inteles ca as putea face oricand, oriunde si vrea as avea nevoie doar de mine.. si atunci am inteles o frantura din ce inseamna sa iubesti yoga…

i love to teach & share yoga, now @ Club Moving Cluj






We say that we cannot trust others…that trust has to be gained

But we trust people we don’t know, everyday.

We trust the pilot of a plane, we know he will not crush the plain intentionally, even if we don’t even see the person.

We trust other drivers on the road when we drive 180 km an hour that they will not direct their car into us, we trust doctors, we trust everyone we don t know, so everything starts with trust.

But when it s about new ideas , when it s about things and efforts we should make in order to get a better version of ourselves, we question everything. We don t even try it but we know it s not working,not true.

It s like we re just waiting for things to happened …

If we hear someone that meditation will help, that just by breathing correctly 10 min a day all our life will change, that changing our belief, we can alter our DNA , just by being more positive more loving more human…
It just sounds ridiculously.

New ideas, new mentality…It s like everything sounds stupid, abnormal.

We just expect to improve by doing the same things, over and over again. And after, we get nervous, frustrated that things doesn’t happened the way we imagined. This is Einstein definition for insanity, repeating the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

How come we don’t question a doctor, we just take medicine/drugs and know that if a scientist approved it, than it s ok, Or if the news/tv say something it has to be true.

We are brainwashed every day…

A doctor could as easily give us poison, small dosage every day and numb us till we die but we do it with a smile on our face believing that s the cure, because he s a scientist, and a piece of paper gives him the right to be right.

Last days I have read a story, about our limited minds, and ignorance, just because we know too little we believe we re right in everything.

We call ourselves atheist, because there is no scientific proof to infinity, higher intelligent forms of energy. Yet there are billions of galaxies, billions of years more evolved, with 99.9% chance of more evolved forms of life. Earth is just like an atom in a human body….and now imagine how significant you are, your desires, your ego….

But still we can change the whole course of the universe by our gesture, let s just chose the right ones, get closer to our true nature, to nature… and appreciate more our existence….by being more grateful every day, for everything….

And direct this society in a new direction, where we respect and appreciate not only every living thing, but everything….

There is a story about two embryos in a belly communicating:

-Do you believe in life after we get born?

-Of course! After we’re born, there must be something, probably we’re here only to prepare for what s to come.

-Ha ha !! That s so stupid, after we’re born nothing follows, but still how do you imagine life is after?

-I don’t know exactly, but at least there will be lighter than here. Maybe we ll use our own legs to walk and we’re going to use our mouth to eat.

-That s so weird, you re crazy. It’s impossible to walk. And the idea to use your mouth to eat… it’s even more stupid, you make me laugh. We use our umbilical cord to eat. But I ll tell you what, we can exclude life after birth.

– I m sure it’s going to be something different that we got used down here.

-Hey let me make it clear to you: Nobody returned from there. Once birth happened, life just end as simply as that. Even more life itself it’s just a tiny space which is covered in total darkness. There s nothings outside, only death.

-I don’t know exactly how it will be, but of course after birth we ll find our mother, and she will take care of us.

-Mother?!?! Haha…You believe in a mother? And how do you expect she ll be like and where!?

-I believe she s everywhere around us. We live in her and we re always surrounded by her. Without here we wouldn’t exist.

-I don t believe in that, I never saw a mother, or something that looks like that, it s a fact, it doesn’t exist.

-Sometimes, if you sit in silence, if you open your heart and pay attention we can hear here sing, feel her touch the world around us, feel her love, she s feeding you, maintaining you alive… I believe that true life will only happened from that day further.

Start believing in a magic world, create your own reality, fake it till you believe it and it will happened, surround yourself with new ideas.

Change your perception, accept new ideas, and the world around you will change also.

Start being your own hero, the change you want to see in this world… small acts of kindness individually can become exponentially.