Yoga is infinity, infinity of perception. Sharing, union in sharing, the location where all this sharing take place is consciousness, where all awareness gathers.
This is all we are looking in this life to express what we are experiencing. To find the people that can empathizes what we are feeling. This is how groups take place.
And I experience yoga, a limited side of it, and the beauty of life. Sometimes is at such a higher level that you feel you just explode in love, and whenever you fell that, you look around to see if someone feels the intensity of feelings you are having.
“I don t believe people are looking for the meaning of life, as their are looking for the experience that makes them feel alive “
That is why I am trying to share this. I want everybody to express themselves, their uniquenes
s. And be appreciated for it. We are at the bottom level of our creation, love. Love for food, music, interaction, nature, people, everything.
They say yoga cannot be thought or explained, is 1% theory the rest is experience. Is like trying to put words to something that is infinite, poets, artists are trying, but whatever they are experiencing and trying to share is just a small percentage of what really is.
Life is amazing and beautiful, and melancholic for its temporary duration.
It is said that people can read mind, heal, levitate, fly and have all kinds of supernatural power. But this is not a goal, and I think it is painful to experience something as beautiful as this alone.
Life and experiences should be limited in order for every human being to be able to get there.
So we can equally enjoy life, we can increase the level of enjoyment. But a good example is what is happening on facebook, everyone is trying to share their feelings, their states… This is what life is all about, sharing. With the love one, with your partner, with your family friends.
We needed all this war, the crimes that where made, everything we experienced until now. Because now we have the intelligence, the capability to live with nature, in a balance way, we have the maturity to love, appreciate each one for their differences, we needed all 1000 religions, to create an image of a god that is almighty, beautiful, and that we can experience in our human form, even in a small percentage, but that can bring us so much joy.
Heaven is here, on earth, we just have to open our eyes. God is the space between us, he is the axis X,y,z,t ..etc we are all connected. Scientist finally come to the conclusion that space which is 96% of universe is black matter and dark energy, it is like an invisible neuron system, that runs trough all the universe. All connected, and this energy is intelligent.Our brain is the miniature of the universe. Like a spider web when you do something in one place, that can affect the end of the web. Everything you do affects everything else that came into being. A simple thing as a breathing, on one side of the word, can influence-affect-create a revolution on the other side of the world.
So instead of seeing space as something that divides us, we should see it as the only thing that brings us together.
There is a beautiful mantra that I use to sing as a startup of my yoga practice.
Shanti mantra
“Om Sahana vavatu sahnau bhunaktu sahavareeyam karvavahet
Tejasveena vaditamastu maa vid vishaa vahai
Om shaanthih, shaanthih, shaanthihi”
Meaning: May he protect all, may we all perform together the most heroic and divine actions, may our learning be prosperous to all, may we never quarrel on the different beliefs we may have, may we illuminate togheter, may we live in harmony, may there be peace for all and forever.
Let us all get the knowledge we need to change our perception about our existence, may we all illuminate and find peace and love, and happiness. There is place on this earth for everyone to be happy let us not be divided by our ego but rather be connected but our love.
Namaste and love to all. Wish you a beautiful experience here on earth.