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What is happiness to you?

People just want to be happy without knowing what happiness is to them. They need somebody to point out the things that brings happiness in their life, because they on their own they don t have time to do this. They are so busy with life 🙂 .

Their happiness is provided by watching commercials on TV, seeing yachts and sea and some smiling faces, Yes that must be happiness.

But those people are actors, and normally it includes champagne, drugs and prostitutes for them to alter their reality, because  it seems they have reached a high level of richness but they are not happy. So in their frustration they have to do something anything, to alter their reality.

The moment you will be blissful you need no alcohol, drugs, or going out partying. Just sitting and walking, and being is more than enough. You don t feel the need of doing anything to reality because is so beautiful to just be focus and to pay attention to everything.

How much time do you spend daily trying to know what is happiness to you?

Driving an over expensive car, that must be happiness.

Most of us are trying to accumulate more and more, to cover the less and less we feel inside. We try to figure out the whole world, but never the universe inside of us. Such a big task!

After 5 years of working and wishing they finally buy a Maserati. Such an amazing day, and week, and slowly, slowly the happiness from that thing fades away. And it fades away because you need a car, and it s nice to have some gadgets inside, but an over expensive car is not your dream, is  somebody else idea of a dream.

We need people to tell us how lucky they are, and what a beautiful car we own. We have to brag for everything we are doing or having. Because what we think is not enough.

If everybody could afford the things  we buy, suddenly we lose all interest on all material things.

Just imagine you can have everything you wish for materially, you will come to a moment you have experienced all, and your next step will be looking inwards. So why don ‘t start now?

So is that happiness?

If you had bought a 10 000 euros Chanel Bag and the next day everyone had that bag, you would be very unhappy.

So your happiness is mostly based on the misfortune of others, on bragging. Because everything you like has to be approved by others.

When you get a girlfriend everyone has to approve, only your own decision is not enough.

So how can you expect to gain freedom and be happy on your own, if for everything you do, you need social approval?

People they want to be ecstatic, but they don’t know how an ecstatic person looks like.

Did you ever seen a person running naked, screaming on the street? Drunk, full of life and adrenaline?

Well that is how ecstatic looks ! Do you want to be like that?

No! You want to be happy, but to be admired by everyone else. You want people to envy you. Even with the price of sacrificing your happiness, the opinion of others is more important to you.

So happiness for you is a very strange concept that you, you don t know what it is but you want it!

Did you veer saw a person just start hugging every tree, kissing grass talking with birds, sleeping outside, the whole world is his home. Talking with ants, crying over a falling leaf?

Now you want that kind of ecstasy, but you don t want to look like that, what would people tell? They are going to think I m crazy!         

This is how ecstasy looks like, you would think he is mentally insane, but this is how a person ecstatic looks like.

Don’t ask for something, anything that even you didn’t try to define it first, meditating on it, do you really need it, how is going to affect your life?

You want to be ecstatic but too look normal, you want to be totally free, but not look ridiculous, you are still trying to define yourself trough the eyes of other.

You are still trying to prove your feelings to other, you have no freedom.

You, that thing, you define as you, is actually defined by others. You don t define yourself, so how can you expect to achieve happiness if you are 100% dependent on other?

Your whole happiness is defined by others, everybody has to make you happy, if not your partner has to make you happy, happy for you is something that has to be brought from outside. But thee are times, no matter how much they try it is never enough for you. You should know and feel by now happiness is a state of mind, and it comes from inside.

So what do you want? How much time you spend analyzing your wishes? How much time are you involved in acquiring this happiness? How much time you contemplate on what you already have?

Look at children screaming and running around, very exhausting to be ecstatic all the time. They run in circles for 30 min, and after they have to stop and breath, or sleep. When you are bliss’ed out you don t need anything,you just sit, and enjoy, nothing, enjoying nothing :)) just watching,observing, smiling on your own, you and your mind, you and your ego, is like a whole cosmos of personalities inside your brain, like a council gathered 24h a day, for your betterment. And you are the ruler, you are the one who takes the decisions over everything. You are the god over your universe.

Buddha was blissful all day long. He didn’t jump and run, scream or danced naked, he was just filled by calmness. He had a feeling that everything is how it is supposed to be, everything is good. A slight smile on his face. He had his moments of ecstasy but a general blissful state.

Now Buddha is state of mind, like Lama’s and Jesus’s and Mohamed. These are just human possibilities you may acquire using different techniques, you cannot become them, you become like them, in that state of existence.

You can become rich and happy in matters of seconds. Your happiness is a thought distance. You just have to order it for free. You just have to be capable to cultivate your own mind, own thoughts.

Going on a vacation is just a state of mind. When you say that you take all responsibility of your shoulders, you dance and act like nobody knows you, you don t care about appearances anymore. Nobody knows you, you can become whatever you want. Your mind is set on enjoyment. You are just free, from all social pressure, from all your thoughts and consciousness.

For a time you give yourself a break, a free pass to enjoy anything without feeling guilty about it.

It should be like this everyday.

Why do you have to go anywhere to do this? SO it is basically just a lack of freedom that you are trying to achieve.

Don’t blame your mind for what is thinking, blame yourself for what you are feeding it.

If you read every day inspirational books, go to nature eat healthy be honest, surround yourself by wonderful people your life is heaven.

But just try to analyze what are your habits? Are they against your wishes? Are you postponing things? Are you postponing your present happiness for that thing you assume is going to make you happy in the future.

You are constantly planning the future. Not realizing that the only thing you are always living is the present. This is the only thing you have on a daily basis.NOW

How can you be so arrogant thinking that your future self, you from the future, will enjoy a wife, children or a home, when your life can change drastically in a matter of seconds.

If now you will know you would live only for 2 years or 1 month or 1 day, your whole life will change.

But you think you are immortal, you will live like anybody else until a certain age. You refuse to think you will die.

Why do you wish for things, when you are not even sure what you want for?

You wish for a boyfriend. You get one, but then the boyfriend is annoying you.

You ask for another boyfriend which is charming and smart, but then he cheats on you. Again you ask for something else.

So the universe provides for everything you ask. But he fills the small details with something you didn t think about, just to balance it.

The universe is showing you that everything you have is already enough. You are already accomplished and good, you are just so blind to see it. 

The only thing you can do is, totally give yourself to the present, to now, this is the only thing you can manipulate, this is the only thing you are living.

This is all you have!

Yoga is a mean to make you realize this, is a technique that will make you rich in the present. Yoga is a freedom for your mind and body. You just have to let it go, to allow for things to happen. To observe and understand.

Billions of people are trying what you are trying every day, accumulate, is a contest you cannot win.

And how come is only a small percentage of people that are enlightened, enjoying this life, just a few the most rich on the planet, just a few that have nothing and feel amazing?

Probably they did something different than you. Instead of following the herd, be yourself.

I promise you there is another herd 🙂 waiting for you, with an open mind and soul. Appreciating you more than the most richest or smartest person  on earth. Because their love is not conditioned by what you accumulate.

They understand that who you are and what you can do, nobody else on earth can do that, and your uniqueness is what makes you extraordinary. And that is the only fantastic thing that matters.

Explore yourself more.

Digestion, Enzymes, Nutrition The reason you have a brain so big today.

My whole paying attention to nutrition came once I understood that the terrible skin problems and acne I have on my body are due liver failure and digestion problems.

Just because 1.5 months I have been on a diet no alcohol-no meat-no smoking- and partially no desserts, I have noticed an increase energy, my body was getting more rested, I felt less anxious and my frustrating skin problems are starting to heal after trying different strong medicine that was constantly destroying my immunity.

So I paid more and more attention on what I eat, I still have a lot to learn but the small improvements that I did in my life have such tremendous effects that it’s an effective beginning. Explore to learn dentist’s recommendations on this issue.

It all started by “eating a small salad before your main course increases the number of enzymes and helps breaking down food and with digestion” a piece of information that I gathered I don t know where.

Since today I didn’t pay any attention but to contradict a person very dear to me, I had to go deeper.

*So ego is a very good friend, stop blaming it for everything ugly that you do, he is the reason why sometimes, or most of the time you evolve. People want to destroy the ego and do nasty things to it, well that is their problems, we know aggressivity is never the answer. You say the ego is talking and puts thoughts in your mind, but you don t have to follow them, you know better. If a child is telling you to jump from a building, would you do it? So the same is the ego, he can be pretty cute and imaginative but not necessarily right. But let’s go back to our story …*

SO what are enzymes and what is their role in nutrition?

Nutrition is the ability to metabolize food. Nutrition is the body ability to use and metabolize food. There are 45 known essential nutrients that are required in specific amounts for the body to function properly.

They are called essential because the body cannot synthesize them internally, so they have to come from outside sources. So you need carbohydrates, complete proteins, minerals, vitamins, water for the body to function.

Now once you consume a food, that food containing nutrients must be digested, broken into pieces and reduced to a state from which they can be absorbed and transported into blood stream to all parts of the body.

Our body’s cells are programmed to direct each nutrient to combine and interact with other nutrients and chemicals to create still other chemicals and compounds which, in turn, are used to build and repair the body’s cells, bones, tissue, and organs. The process is called metabolism.
Each metabolic reaction is started, controlled, and terminated by enzymes.

Without enzymes, no metabolic activity will occur. A body that does not consistently and efficiently metabolize the essential food nutrients necessary cannot maintain optimum health.

What are the types of enzymes?
Enzymes are classified into three categories.


Metabolic enzymes run the body. They exist throughout the body in the organs, the bones, the blood, and inside the cells themselves. These enzymes are instrumental in the growth of new cells and the maintenance of all tissue. Every organ and tissue has its own group of specialized enzymes. They are trained to run and maintain their host. When these enzymes are healthy, robust, and present in adequate numbers, they do an excellent job carrying out their mission.

The two kinds of enzymes we are concentrating on here are DIGESTIVE ENZYMES and FOOD ENZYMES. These two are active only within our digestive system. These enzymes have one main job — to digest our food.

DIGESTIVE ENZYMES are made by our body’s organs. Digestive enzymes are secreted by the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and the small intestine. [Technically, digestive enzymes are also considered to be metabolic enzymes whose metabolic role is to digest food. We are specifically distinguishing these particular enzymes here, because they deal with digestion and they can be supplemented from an outside source.] You should take special care of your intestine health to prevent some serious medical conditions that can result in surgery. Ostomy support from Stealth Belt helps to return to normal life after surgery and ensures a comfortable fit that you can rely on.

FOOD ENZYMES are already present WITHIN the food we eat. Food enzymes exist naturally in raw food. If the food is cooked, however, the high temperature involved in the cooking process will destroy the enzymes.

Digestive enzymes and food enzymes basically serve the same function, which is to digest our food so it can be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the blood stream. From this viewpoint the only real difference between food enzymes and digestive enzymes is whether they come from inside our body or from the food we eat.

Why are digestive enzymes so important for digestion?
Most food, when it is uncooked, contains enough natural food enzymes to digest that food. When you cook the food the enzymes are inactivated (denatured) and can no longer assist in the digestive (breaking down) process. Eating raw food is totally acceptable in some cases and quite unacceptable in others. We eat raw fruit and many raw vegetables, but less often do we eat raw meat, raw fish (not withstanding sushi), or raw pork. Eating uncooked rice is nearly a guaranteed trip to your dentist! So, obviously we cook our food.

Here’s where the problem occurs. Cooked food contains no enzymes because they have been destroyed. If you eat a meal consisting of a salad, a steak and a baked potato, there are likely enough food enzymes contained in the salad to digest it (break it down so your body can use its nutrients). But, there are no extra enzymes available to help digest the steak or the baked potato. Because the steak and potato are cooked, there are no FOOD ENZYMES available to digest them, so our body must take over and internally create the needed amount of DIGESTIVE ENZYMES to handle the digestive task.

Now this is a very important matter. The energy you consume on digestion.

The more we depend on our internally generated DIGESTIVE ENZYMES, the more stress we put on our body’s systems and organs and the less time these systems and organs have for rebuilding and replacing worn out and damaged cells and tissue and keeping our immune system strong. Your body’s top priority is making sure it has enough nutrients to run its systems. This means digesting food and converting it into nutrients. There is no activity more important to the body than this. This takes a lot of energy and enzymes, particularly if the body must make most or all of these enzymes. Remember that no food can be digested without digestive enzymes.

Dr. DicQie Fuller, in her book The Healing Power of Enzymes, emphasizes the importance of enzymes for digestion:

“Eighty percent of our body’s energy is expended by the digestive process. If you are run down, under stress, living in a very hot or very cold climate, pregnant, or are a frequent air traveler, then enormous quantities of extra enzymes are required by your body. Because our entire system functions through enzymatic action, we must supplement our enzymes. Aging deprives us of our ability to produce necessary enzymes. The medical profession tells us that all disease is due to a lack or imbalance of enzymes. Our very lives are dependent upon them!”

Now this is a very true and strong statement. Since at least 20% of the energy is consumed by the brain and another 80% on the digestion, during these time your organs are not protected. They are not properly taking care of. SO it is not only wrong to eat meat because you are hurting someone in the process of your eating, but also it takes tremendous effort for the digestive system to break down all the proteins and nutrients, and also a lot of enzymes from your body since, the meat is cooked and bring no enzymes with it.

I want you to realize there is a documentary about the evolution of human kind. Humans have started developing intelligence and a bigger brain the moment they have “discovered” fire. Because in that moment they started “Cooking the meat” before they eat it, it is like they start having 2 stomachs. So the stomach shrink and the brain has grown.

Just using the energy on something else than digestion, had increase the capability of your brain. Now imagine if all organs are increasing their capacity, we could talk of longer span life, more enjoyment. All yoga is doing, is making understand all the body function so you can efficiently use this body and life in your own betterment.

Not only this but most of our great minds where vegetarians:

Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Nikolai Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Sir Isac Newton, Srinivasa Ramanujan, one of the greatest mathematicians of the past 1,000 years

I wonder why…

Which digestive enzymes digest food?

You know that proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are the three main food groups that make up the bulk of our daily diet. A “balanced” diet means we consume the proper proportions of these three basic food groups on a daily basis. This balance, when combined with the assurance that we also get the essential nutrients, can help provide a healthy life — IF we properly process and metabolize these nutrients. To do this we also need an adequate source of the major types of digestive enzymes: Proteases, Amylases, and Lipases.

% OF
Proteins 20-25 % Protease Digests Protein
Carbohydrates 50-60 % Amylase Digests Carbohydrates
Fats 20-30 % Lipase Digests Fat (lipids)

Do I have an infinite supply of digestive enzymes?
No. Until recently, many within the scientific community labored under the misconception that the digestive enzymes in our body are constant and last forever; that they can be used and reused; that they never get old and never wear out.

Researchers now know that we lose digestive enzymes through sweat and body waste. Through constant use, enzymes lose their strength and ability to do their work. As we age, the organs responsible for producing our digestive enzymes become less efficient. Today’s environmental pollution, overly processed fast foods, genetically modified food, and microwave cooking can result in free radical damage, which lowers the body’s effectiveness to produce enzymes. To offset this loss, we need to supplement our system with oral digestive enzymes.

What happens when we start to run low on enzymes?
Proper amounts of enzymes are a key part of optimum health. DIGESTIVE ENZYMES are needed to properly digest and metabolize nutrients.

When our body is stressed by a shortage of digestive enzymes two things can happen and both are bad:

  1. Our body continues to work overtime to create the needed enzymes required to digest our food. This extra stress adversely affects our immune system and lowers our ability to protect ourselves from and fight off disease.
  2. Because our body finally becomes so overworked, it can’t make enough enzymes to properly digest our food. As this undigested food begins to pollute our body, the chances of chronic disease increase.

Supplemental digestive enzymes will deliver the necessary nutrients to fortify your body and can enhance your body’s healing system often resulting in improved overall health and vitality.

Understanding how you function, who you are

We always put ourselves in some kind of experiences in order to know more about ourselves, the self. The truth and the most scary thing is that we don t know nothing about ourselves, so in this confusion, it s easier to know anything about someone else, or anything that we think it s outside of us.

During an experience I realized that everyone around me is just another individual of consciousness experimenting itself.

I am just a possibility of existence, born and grow in different circumstances than others.

At a fundamental level we are all the same, we are all coming from the same place and finally going to the same place.

So the truth is, you cannot judge anyone, because that person which you are judging is just another form of you. All the Judging you are doing should come to an understanding. Understanding is the only thing will release you, from that habit.

It gets even deeper when you realize that actually, the person next to you is only one self, experimenting itself. So it is actually you, you having a different gender, different life and different mentality.

It is like there is only one person, in the whole universe, living infinitely in different forms of existence, of life.

You are an elephant, a human, an alien a planet, the sun, a stone everything in the same time, all interacting with each other.

What you experience as reality, as this life, for your soul, is really just like a wind, on a sunny day, passing having a short impact on everything and then moving to something else.

But it would never be as deep as this, knowing you have infinite amount of time to deal with it. So you have to suffer a memory loss, in order to be totally focused and give your full attention to life, here, now, to the present moment. Believing this is the reality you have to handle right now.

And how to handle life?

Handle everything with grace, precaution, be mindful about your steps and soft. Instead of thinking what is the right thing? ask yourself what is the thing that bring peace. Because what is right will always change…

Be more conscious about your choices

One of the main causes why you cannot enjoy life to its fullest is because you have forgot something. You have forgotten to pay attention to everything like it is the first time you see it or experiencing it.

Now when you see a tree, you think “Oh is just a tree, I have seen so many.” And you are neglecting a very unique tree, without knowing anything about it.

You are more preoccupied to plan and create a comfortable environment for your future self “What will samy of the future enjoy, how can I make his days more pleasant? A nice car, good bed, nice job etc”

But who do you think you are to know what your future self will like? Will need? And in what kind of circumstances you will end?

So you are so consumed of creating a future, planning, and thinking of the infinite possibility of enjoyment, that you actually forget, that the only thing you are living always, is the present, and you pay no attention to it.

Now if you are not paying sufficient attention to something your existence is questionable.

If it where for you to be in a coma, having no connection to your sensors, being blind, deaf, paralyzed, feeling no taste or smell, how do you know you exist?

Is like being in a deep sleep, if you are unconscious, you don t exist. If there is no memory of you, you feel very confused, like your life has just started now, and there is no past and probably no future.

Now being a child you were totally absorbed of everything, everything was new, and you had no concept of time.

I smile now when I say to my nephew “see you in 2 weeks”, and he is like “How many nights do I have to sleep until next time?”

Now the moments you start thinking like this, your thought process is starting to create problems in your life. Because you don t enjoy the present anymore, you are postponing a percentage of your attention and enjoyment in the future. You are expecting things, like you are entitled to them.

And this kind of attitude creates most of our problems, we think we have the right to request for things. Nothing you have, where not given by someone else. Your body your mind, everything was given, now people make you to sign a paper and you become an owner of something. But it s just for a time, it is not yours, and it was never theirs to give.

But let’s go back to our “problems”

“With one eye on the goal, there is only one eye left on enjoyment”. So some part of the brain is blocked for future use. Is like saying you will use until next week only one hand, or one eye to manage your life.

This would not be a problem if that is the only full capacity you possess, because you get used with it. But you can only manage a small percentage of life.

And as you get used with it, you lose an important aspect of your life.

Everything you experience trough the senses, is in duality, comparing. Now you don t want to experience fear? How can you experience and enjoy comfort, security?

If there was no sorrow, happiness will lose an important side of intensity.

You are human and life is about ups and downs, sometimes you are hungry, sometimes you are full, sometimes in love, sometimes in sorrow.

Life is beautiful just because there is this mix of feelings.

Denying any of them you are denying your humanity, and this will create problems. It is like trying to be something else that you are, one day or another your true face will show.

Saying you are not hungry, when you are, like it or not, you need food, denying it will not make it better, it would just damage your system.

So make peace with what you are, and make small changes towards betterment each day. Replace the thing you don’t like about you with the things you admire in others.

Because if you are something, you are anything you like to become. You can be whatever you want.

“In this life you are nothing, you chose to be something, but that something can always change. This does not mean that once you have chosen something you became that thing forever, it just means where your attention goes, that is what you become, even for a short period of time.

You saying you are something in this life, is like sitting on a stone, if you sit on a stone sufficient time, after a while you will think you are that stone also. This is false, you may own that stone, become that stone but you are never a stone. Like this is with the body, you are occupying a body but you are not the body, you are not your job, and you are not fat. You are that thing that you cannot separate, that cannot be divided.

And there is only one thing which is that, your attention, your focus. If you lose that, you lose who you are, you lose any proof of your existence. When you pay attention to nothing then where are you?

Because when this happens, society will classify you as dead.”

So your only purpose of life should be enhancing this focus, this attention, and create an even deeper gap of the idea of who you really are. Until you reach the point of something that cannot be divided.

And that thing, cannot be touched. It can only be transferred.

Feeling alive is about feeling, everything more intense, you can only feel the intensity of one thing, paying tremendous attention to that. Be absorbed by that action, or feeling.

Is like getting a massage and you are playing on your phone. When you get a massage, you stop everything and concentrate all your attention on that touch and how it feels. On breathing and feeling.

Why would life be any different that this? 

The false image of ourselves

 During my last experience I learn 2 very important things. One is how consuming it is to keep a false image of yourself and the second how we always ignore the bad stuff, the negative things in life instead of using them.

What is stopping you from being free most of the time is the idea that you create about yourself, the idea that you are trying to sell to everyone.

That Facebook image, where you are so perfect in every single point, no defects.

A dear person to me, had a big party not too long ago, in the morning she was a total mess, almost in tears telling me:

“Why do I feel like this, why do I do the same mistakes over and over again, it s like I never learn…”

So I was trying to push her in the direction of the true answer.

“So what happened? you seem to have fun last night, dancing long hours, nice discussions, why the guilt?… of course you are going to feel awful physically but that is no reason to feel like that. ”

Finally, after some time she had come to the conclusion that is not about the night, it s about the image she so hardly built and in one night everything was ruined.

But I had to continue “You mean the false image, that office girl, into sports, reading, always doing only the good stuff, eating healthy, that person that everyone tries to become, that perfect woman, that idea that you are better than everyone.

We all know that is not true, you know that too, you know you are lonely, you know you need attention, you know you do mistakes, you know that there is so much shit going to your life, that you will feel very vulnerable making this public. Ohh that image :)”

We all pretend to be something we are not, and we do it so hard, working hard every day, keeping that false image, so people can look up to us, respect us, like us, so we can be part of this society. People are to scare of being alone.

The truth is you are building this image, just because, what you are inside is not enough, you feel like empty, you feel no passion about life, you feel you don’t really know who you are and you need somebody from the outside to make you feel good, because you’re not capable on yourself.

So this is the problem you should address, trying to know more about you, rather than spending years trying to be something else, impressing others.

This life is about your enjoyment, not pleasing others.

So happiness, true happiness, not the one you put on Facebook and publicly, true full happiness will never happened until you are honest with yourself.

Start from the bottom, admit you are stupid, you are weak, you are human, sometimes you don t know how to act, what to do, accept your fears, and then start doing something about them.

This is the moment you gain some freedom, when you care about your development and investing in yourself rather than raising to the expectation of others.

There are 2 beautiful story about this kind of experience.

The one is about your freedom and when you know you start being an achieved human being.

In the beginning when you go into a room, full of people,  your first thought coming in your mind is “Will somebody like me?”

Now this is the begging of your life, later on, something changes in the phrase “Will I like somebody?” Because life is not about them, or making them like you, is about you being comfortable in your own skin. This is the moment you start growing.

It is the same way we start relationships 95% of them are all going to the toilet. Every time you meet a person you always showing your good stuff, all the things you are proud of.

“Yes I am an engineer. I have a big Porsche and i own a vacation home in Ibiza. I am such a good athlete, during university I was the first in my class.”

And this conversation goes  on and on, until you finish all the things you can brag about.

Then, silence, and she starts 🙂 …it is like a competition of who is the best and how great they are. Who is dominating.

The problem is that you start wrong, you should start with your bad stuff, and if that person will love you for the worst thing you may have, everything that you will do good will be a bonus.

So start being you, every one of us is human.

The next story is a story that I really come to love…

Sadhguru bullshit joke

(This is a funny joke, often told by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev to emphasise on the importance of right philosophy)

It once happened, on a certain day, a bull and a pheasant were grazing on the field. The bull was grazing on the grass, the pheasant was picking ticks off the bull; they are partners, you know?

Then the pheasant looked at a huge tree which was at the edge of the field, and very nostalgically said, “Alas, there was a time when I could fly to the top most branch of the tree, but today I do not have the strength in my wings, even to fly to the first branch of the tree

The bull very nonchalantly said, “That’s no problem! Eat a little bit of my dung every day, you will see, within a fortnight’s time you will reach the top of the tree.”

The pheasant said, “Come on!! What kind of rubbish is that?

The bull replied, “Really, try it and see. The whole humanity is on it…

Very hesitantly, the pheasant started pecking at the dung, and lo, on the very first day it reached the first branch of the tree. In a fortnight’s time, it reached the topmost branch of the tree. It just went and sat on the topmost branch and just enjoyed the scenery. The old farmer saw a fat old pheasant on the top of the tree. He took out his shotgun and shot him off the tree. So the moral of the story is: many times even bullshit can get you to the top, but it never lets you stay there.

So please stop eating shit. You are like us in the same boat, stop acting like you are a god sent here to save us.

Life is beautiful, when you stop thinking shit about yourself. You are what you are, and you’re doing your best to be a better version of yourself, and guess what you are not alone we are all doing the same thing.

So start doing small changes to your life, release yourself of this fake image, and you will see how life will become this easy thing to carry on.

You are just you, and it is amazing, extraordinary, be more confident, pay more attention, fear less.

What is truth? Why ahimsa?

Is there good or wrong? Or are they just concepts, which if they not affect you in any harmful way, there are good, if not they are bad.

Is there truth and lie? And is it bad to lie? What is more important telling the truth, or the intention of a lie?

“What is the appropriate thing to do in every situation? This is how life should be lived…” Sadhguru

Paying attention to life and trying to understand each action, will just bring joy and calmness to your life. Once you understand, if there is no other way, you can endure with a smile on your face, if there is another way, manipulate the “rules” of the universe in your own betterment, your own convenience.

“Yoga teaches us to cure what needed not to be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” bks iyengar


One day in Rishikesh, India “the capital of yoga”, a teacher was finishing his class. Now this is a thing that happens on a daily basis, monkeys where gathering at the door steps of the class. Very intrigued by the dozens of shoes lying in front of the room.

When alone, the monkey are peaceful, but sometimes they turn out to be aggressive.

The people in the class where afraid of coming out from the room and they were all looking at their teacher to go first, so he could scare the monkeys away.

Now the teacher knew, that the monkey can turn aggressive and he turning aggressive, himself it will lead to a bad example to class, he was just talking about ahimsa the whole hour.

Ahimsa (Sanskrit: अहिंसा; IAST: ahiṃsā, Pāli:avihiṃsā) is a term meaning ‘compassion’ and ‘not to injure’. The word is derived from the Sanskrit root hiṃs – to strike; hiṃsā is injury or harm, a-hiṃsā is the opposite of this, i.e. cause no injury, do no harm.Ahimsa is also referred to as nonviolence, and it applies to all living beings – including all animals – according to many Indian religions.

Ahimsa is one of the cardinal virtues and an important tenet of 3 major religions (JainismHinduism, and Buddhism). Ahimsa is a multidimensional concept,inspired by the premise that all living beings have the spark of the divine spiritual energy; therefore, to hurt another being is to hurt oneself. Ahimsa has also been related to the notion that any violence has karmic consequences. While ancient scholars of Hinduism pioneered and over time perfected the principles of Ahimsa, the concept reached an extraordinary status in the ethical philosophy of Jainism. Most popularly, Mahatma Gandhi strongly believed in the principle of ahimsa.

But as he was coming out the class the monkeys were in shock and attempted to attack him. He just stood there, and their attempt happened, so they started biting the teacher, people were screaming and come into the rescue of this person.

 People as the monkey where filled with anger and scared about the event that just happened.

But the teacher had an epiphany, he remembered a resembling story about a guy called Jesus, when he was attacked and put to a cross, because he was different in the conception of others, as he was a strange concept to monkeys, and out of fear they decided to kill him.

Now he could never understood the peace on Jesus face and he was apologizing for the acts of these lost people for God to have mercy on them.

The teacher understood that this is happening every day, this is the response of most of beings here on earth, respond to fear with power, destruction.

Destroy that which you don’t understand. He understood that compassion, diplomacy and a certain understanding is needed towards all situation. Because aggressiveness will just build more aggressiveness, but peace will slowly soften the heart of all living beings and slowly build a peaceful world and sometimes ones suffering cannot be avoided in order for others to take a lesson.

He was just smiling with tears in his eyes, raising up, felt that he was actually touched by life, he had a sense of understanding life and the universe, as he was recovering from his shakedown. Because life sometimes give you lessons trough pain.

His further steps were to feed the monkey, every day if possible and make them used with human presence, and treat them as superior, like this they will never feel threatened again. Because he was superior, he had the understanding, he was more aware so it was his duty to raise others. 


Life is full of such events, but when you understand there is a higher purpose to your life than the “difficult” steps that the universe brings in your path, life gets a lot easier.

After all, we really are just spirits occupying a body and every matter has a start and an end.

Live your life purposely, and even if it is for a second a day, act and be what you have been before you were born here, a compassionate living being, be grateful for every moment you exist in this human form and help others to raise with you. Not for them but for you, because is so boring to be the only enlightened person on earth.

Nap, listen to beautiful music, move, think, feel, breath, bath, love, read and try to live your life through the experience of all your senses. And when you start getting tired of them, develop new ones.

The kind of senses where is enough just to stay with your eyes closed, shutting down all other senses, bringing you in a state of peace, comfort, joy and  gets you in touch with your “grandmother”, which is not earth, but the universe itself.      

Waking up in the middle of the night… Don’t forget who you are…

Waking up in the middle of the night…

A normal person if it wakes up at 2.00 AM would just go back to sleep. There is work to be attended in the morning.

And the thought, if you allow it, can fly in so many direction on this particular theme. Your brain is trained to do whatever you want, or whatever someone else wants. You decide what direction the mind goes, so don’t stop the mind just because you cannot control it. Is like trying to kill every single person on earth just because they are not obeying you.

Is this a real solution!? Make small steps and train your brain to think and do how you say.

The first one is, who has created this habit for the human being to work early in the morning and sleep the whole night?

It seems to me that the night is the moment of the day when you connect more to yourself, your DMT level is so high, that It remembers you, of who you are.

Whatever you have forgotten during the day, the night will remember you. It is the moment where all the magic happens. When you heal yourself, when the mind is calm knowing that nothing can be done, just for you to connect to the divine. This is the moment “God” or The Creator speaks with you.

Just sitting in silence and darkness. Feeling comfortable, like you are at home, you are in the same kind of circumstances than before your creation. This is a familiar place. Meditation should not be more than this, just finding your peace of mind, in stillness, in darkness, in silence, where the mind and everything stops.

Stops and in the same time is vibrating at the highest speed possible.

In all scriptures, stories or myths, the most interesting events happens at night. Why dreaming also, is more lucid, more euphoric, more calm at night? That is for you to search….

The first person in my life who made me realize the power of the night, was Wayne Dyre …

 “When you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t go back to sleep, the night has secrets to whisper you.”

God just chooses to talk to you at night, and don t imagine him speaking, or voices, he is the most abstract of things, he is silence, no sound, in order to see him you have to close your eyes, the most abstract of seeing, is not seeing, darkness. So God is the absence of everything, he is the one that allows the space, the nothingness.

Shiva –Shiv’ah that which is not. Always present, always self-sustainable, there is no need to exist, because how can you define the existence of something which is not, for the mind, there is always something.

Ohh trying to understand infinity, with the mind. This is meditation, so big questions for the brain, that it just prefers to shut itself down.

But I m going off track.

So who wants you to be busy, sleeping, who wants you to be busy in particular, who wants you to forget this, who is not allowing you to understand the infinite potential that exists in you?

And I could not sleep because of this, I had to wake up to talk with someone who is in India. To realize that my soul is not in someone, but in something, in the very thing that awakens people, in the beauty of a thought, that questions one-self, In yoga, in passions, in everything that is human, in nature and in the people who manage to awaken this in other people.

There is where my love goes.

Everything that is trying to put people to sleep, it awakens me from mine. Torments my mind and focuses my attention to either neutralize this or at least bring it to everyone’s attention.

And I woke up reading this article.

7 Toxins Harming Your Brain Right now

The whole society democracy-absolutist-monarchy-republican etc is just a name, like all religions Buddhism – catholic – Hinduism – Taoism – agnostic – orthodox etc  there are all names and hopes, dreams, and incomplete.

They create discussions to keep you busy to fight among ourselves, to keep you distracted from the most basic of things that stands between you and your God-like-awareness. There are all right, there are all perceptions, and you should extract the essence, the best thing of all of them and create your own individual-universal belief system.

They don’t want you to realize who you are.

In every food every product, every cloth, water, air, action that you do, they are trying to add something that is harmful to you. Very small dosages of poison every single day, enough to keep you in a sick state, not too much so you can notice, enough to keep your body busy healing rather than raising its energy and taking you to your full potential.

You are in a numbed state. You are sleepy.

Something that is preventing you from raising your energy and be in a nirvana state all the moments of your life.

To be a realized human being…

Increase your sensibility and awareness. Try reducing this poisoning and this manipulation they are trying to do. Increase your immunity towards external factors. Start bringing more from the inside.

Today I had a discussion with someone telling me “When I will have children I will protect them from all this crappy food, I will feed them only organic.”

And I remember how we force the kinds to eat more than they need, or how every child is refusing to eat, is like they feel something is wrong, they have a sense of perfection in their every act, and food is just a NO to them.

Don’t worry that your child is not eating a “normal children portion” his digestion system is perfect, he is young, his body is healthy not yet poisoned by all the chemicals, he can extract from an apple enough energy that can be used for 1 full day.

Somebody used to say “In 1 square meter of air, there is enough energy to dry all the oceans of the world.”

So if you know how to handle your energies and how to extract them efficiently, you can just sit in one place breathing and that is enough, like a seaweed,

You are a semi-god already. And please don’t disappoint your god, your creator, and start acting like his son, be your own hero, be your own model, be something you are proud of, be an arrangement that sustains life and nature!   

yoga on? never off…

“Once yoga is on! Yoga is never off” R.

Why do we say this? How is this possible?

You hear people say this often “I was doing yoga for 4 years than new job come so no more yoga for 2 years, and now I m back!”… “I am on and off, depends how much time I have…”…”I have periods, sometimes I practice 3-4 times a week, sometimes I take a break for 1 month.”

This is like saying sometimes i take a shower every day, sometimes i take a break from it. Probably you don’t feel it, being so busy, but those around you definitely will start feeling it.

The smell doesn’t come from the body, but from your behavior. It is harder to concentrate, getting stressed to quickly, frustrated and the way you deal with frustration. Paying too much attention to one aspect of your life. Neglecting the others.

You need not only to feed your job or career, even if you love it. Take time to nourish your human needs, social needs, take time for nature, physical activity, meditation.

Most  people see yoga as an asana practice, physical exercises, for them yoga is happening 1-1.5 h per class. After this when the practice is over, yoga is over.

Many times i hear “Back to reality!”. SO what was before? where you dreaming? Wasn’t that as necessary as any other needs of the body-mind?

It is like going for a walk in nature, or seeing some friends, or eating food, after “Back to reality?” which one? If it is reality what you call work, or dealing with people which don’t have the means yet to handle their anger, or personality or frustration, probably it is your way of being that will make them move question their habits.

But it is a big difference, even if only during that particular day. The one you where before and after physically, mentally, even your face is changing.

You reached a certain state of mind, where there is more space, calm and ability to handle situations.

Asana, or the more physical, gross part of yoga practice is just 12.5% of all the practices yoga sums, just one of the 8 limbs of yoga.

Not only this, it is called practice, because after you finish your practice, you go and do the real yoga, and that is life.

Everything you are learning in the practice you bring it in your life and create new habits reprogramming, re-patterning your life.

Yoga is a 24h process. Changes are happening even if you are unconscious of those things. It is something that works, even after you finished the practice.

You may not practice asanas for 1 week, does that mean your yoga is off?

Probably the more Gross effects you feel are reducing, but some things are still on.

Many events of your life becomes a moment of practice. The way you sit, the way you eat, the way you walk. You are trying to see what is working best for the body and how still to indulge some of the pleasures of the body and mind. Balance.

How do I sit? How do I walk? Why do I have pain in the lower back?

Where is the blissfulness in this? It looks like a stressful practice, no break, always doing something.

Use this whenever you feel your mind goes rogue, when you re not having a good time, when you feel bored, when you want to take control over the circumstances that affects your body, only then….. the rest of the time enjoy.

Is it stressful, to feel most of the time good? Is there a possibility, I can feel good,a sense of contentment, all the time?

Yes in the beginning until a habit is formed, it is going to be challenging. But then it becomes who you are… The outcome of your practice…

You will experience moments in your life of bliss, satisfaction. When the mind goes like “Ohh I feel so good. My range of motion is incredible. That food was amazing for my body. I chose to end this relationship, I am aware I chose it for the wrong reasons. I am strong, I feel I can breathe and I have space in my body… ”

And sometimes the mind just go “……………………”

Silence, you don t think, you are just aware that you are happy, content, blissful, in love of yourself and you either close your eyes to feel it to the maximum, or continue what you are doing.

When the state passes, go back to practice: how is my back? what do I have to plan? what to do? how am I breathing, should I rest? Am i postponing something out of laziness?

Yoga is a life style, it doesn’t have to be the best one, but at least you start making conscious choices. You are the master of this machine, called human body, you are the one in charge.

Yoga has brought some of my life back into my hands, i become less of a victim of the circumstances outside my control, less affected by the things that would normally bring my energy down. I create some of the circumstances now, i create my own life. 

Before, life was out of my control, now, even if I can control only 3%, at least I know there is a possibility to go further, I know how to get there, the discipline implied.

Be mindful about your life, be conscious about your choices.Enjoyment and bliss are just a result of your practice. 

Yoga on procrastination – Dealing with that which need to be solved



  1. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed,pro·cras·ti·nat·ingpro·cras·ti·nates

To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness..

To postpone or delay needlessly.

“I am because of you”

I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory,
I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes,
I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

The philosophy of yoga it is very complex, touching all subjects related to the creation, preservation and uses of energy.

After all, this existence, reduces itself to raising or lowering the energies in your body. And this is entirely in your power, you may created excuses, but you know it is true, it just needs your attention, focus and discipline towards it.

I don t have to tell you to be good or do good, be mindful about your habits either emotional,food or all activates in your life, and thinking process. This are just energies from a subtle to a gross form.

But now it’s about your thinking process, every single thought that is consuming your energy, the brain is responsible for this and even if it’s only 2% of your body weight it consumes around 20% of the energy. It is not the physical activity that you do, is everything else, all the so called computing process that takes place in your head.

Now for me this can go a lot higher, so high that it can deplete your body totally from the energy needed to heal a liver, or an organ, or just to be happy, happiness and health require energy or did you thought it is free?

Just imagine if you don t have enough energy to sustain an organ what can it happened to it? How can you be blissful if your body is constantly screaming for help?

How can you reduce this?

Start from your memories, thoughts, things that you are postponing.

It may be as simple as remembering you have a closet full of clothes that are not arranged, cleaning your room, reading a book that you didn’t finish, apologize to someone, do your nails.

Even if you think that you have forgotten about them, and it is placed in your subconscious, it is still there, and it consumes energy for it to be “alive”.

The more you gather the more you feel you have to do, the more busy the conscious the more energy you deplete on nothing.

After you will start doing something, anything, you will just feel good about something, either you cooked or clean your room you feel good, you run for 5 min you feel good, you are finishing the book you feel good.

Is it necessary for me to explain why? what is really happening? or the fact that you have unlocked something that was blocked inside of you, had just been consumed, rather than keeping it there for a long time.

Now you have created space, and that space will be filled with happiness. First you create the space for it, then it will come. Your whole body is lost, has a memory filled with undesired energies, every cell has a memory, that memory until now was filled with something out of your control, but now we take what it was ours in the beginning  and We fill it with what we consciously chose.

I encourage you to go to the abyss of your thoughts and start solving everything from up-down or whatever sense you may chose. Work with your thoughts or find ways to feel free from every single pressure of your life, and be here in the present absorbed by the sound of rain, the feeling of your sheets, the movements of your fingers, the sound of music, or just relaxing your eyes, by closing them, and imagine how much good you’re doing to your body.

Yoga is just a form of science that helps you to study yourself, to find your own way and your own religion if it’s needed, your own personal lifestyle that works with you for you.

I am trying to be totally selfish now, 100%, but in my selfishness I understand that there is no “I”, but a community of “ I’s ” and that makes us “we” and without your happiness it is just harder to create mine.

I don’t want to close my eyes to see less drama, stop my ears from listening gossip, and pay attention to what I eat because the society creates more sickness for the only purpose of money, and keeping people numb to their humanity.

I want to walk on streets with more smiling people, where everyone is an inspiration, where my heart is beating and makes me to stop from walking, sitting on bench and cry because everything is so beautiful.

Be a change, leave joy after yourself, or a good thought and be more sensible to the world around you, be yourself, there is nothing more beautiful than who you are, than rather who you think you should be.

Because trusting the creator-nature, rather than your mentality and what this brain has created as a society, it is always the best choice.

“I am because of you”

Who am i ?

 I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory,
I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes,
I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

Shiva- that which is not.

Isn’t it funny, how we travel in search for oneself?

How you try different experiences to see how it affects you?

How you respond to them? Just To feel more connected to yourself…

Like you are carrying this device, mechanism, human body of which you have no idea what it truly is, or what it holds, why is it necessary? And what is it carrying?

What can it do?

You feel deep down that you have no idea who you are, where you come from, what is your purpose? How is it, you exist here?

How strange is that?

You keep yourself busy because giving attention to such a thought really kills you, frightens your understanding, of how small you are, and how little you know…

And this is the person with whom you spent your whole life and yet, you know nothing about…

Yes… favorite colors and taste, feelings … this are just details … you cannot be defined by that … it is like, every passing day, you grow and transform, in something else … something different … and what you where … just a short time ago becomes what you used to be.

If it where for somebody to tell me I am who I used to be 1 year ago, I would totally denied it , to be identified with that person, because you feel you have grown so much that the image of you in the past is a children version of yourself, with little understanding.

So this “you“, it is a surprising concept. The more you grow, the more complete you fell and still, the more the abyss is growing inside you. Understanding that you don t actually know nothing because there is a lot more that you haven’t considered before.

Who is this person I call myself?!

You travel to India or different places around the world to be in contact with spiritual people, people who have come to a universal understanding of life and they may help you to better understand yourself.

You feel like you are in more contact with your soul, the source from which you have come.

You feel like you have touched nirvana, but still after a few days, that state become normal and you know there is more, that what you thought it was truth, is just an incomplete version of what really is there. Is like a finite thing is trying to touch the infinite.

You know that who you are today is just a limited version of who you really are and how can you be satisfied with this?   

“I love what I am but I am more…”

It is like a Pandora box, just awaits to be open. You feel it inside, it is not the exterior world that frightens you or feels that hasn’t been discovered yet, is a world inside that awaits your attention.

You feel you are in the presence of something, even when you are alone. Pay attention to that source, which can make you feel connected or disconnected, but to what? what is that? and how deep can it go?

I am dying to know myself

The more I love myself the more I love everything about this world. It is the experiences that allows me to unleash more about myself, to create the proper circumstance for that which is hiding, to revel itself.

Closing my eyes I was totally fascinated about the idea of this verb…this sentence…

I am….i am….ii……am…and I can just complete the sentence with whatever, and that will define what this person will become, for a second, for a thought, for life

I cannot be an elephant, it seems to be impossible to transform myself in one.

Is it enough just to fell like one? how would I act? And may i have a human awareness? is it necessary for me to forget who I am to become that? It seems the only way.

And once you are not human and you become infinite, part of an energy that has no time, how short is a human experience? Is it as short as a thought? So when I think of an elephant in this posture as a human… is it the same for the universe when it thinks at a human experience? What it may seem for me 1 mil years for him is a micro-second?

Wasn’t it the same kind of experience happening right now? The same exchange? The same question?

I am the source but I forgot that in order for me to identify myself with a human being. Is this why I feel is not enough? I know deep down I am something else…

It’s your decision to become what you want, the more you invest in it, the more you will be identified with that. But isn’t it all an illusion then and we spend time stressing for nothing, when we should just enjoy everything?

It is like the light hitting a triangular prism dispersing light. In that dispersion you have a tiny, infinitely small percentage of what light really is, but still a rich spectrum of colors. I am that rainbow and I chose which color I am, but still it is a limited nr of colors.

The source of the light is “I” when it touches the prism, “I” becomes the action the verb ”am” what follows is up to me…

One day I will go back… and feel that deep connection and become and be infinite again. That is the calling of my soul, that light, and i would never feel complete until the process is reversed.

I am dying to know more, to feel more, and feel closer to myself and connected to this source that is allowing me to exist in this way. I want to be able to close my eyes and feel everything, become nothing so I can experience everything.

        I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory,
I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes,
I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

The mind has no guilt for the way it works

The mind is a beautiful servant, but a terrible master.”

More and more people today want to be able to stop their mind. It seems like all of the thinking process got out of control, and a lot of stress is coming from that. But it is not only stress, frustration, confusion…nothing seems to go right.

Since an early age your parents and society put you to kinder-garden, school, university and different activity in order for you to learn. Since the age of 6 almost 8h a day you where programmed to think and act in a certain way. And it seems the more you could achieve and do, the more they would rise their expectation and studies, keeping you as busy as possible, making it for each generation an almost impossible task to achieve, so you can result either  as an achievement of society or a failure, in both cases society wins.

Just think of all the tests and exams of your whole life, you would never get an easy subject to have plenty of time to develop. They wanted you to be under pressure and stress your whole time, 5 min for one question, it was like time was never enough, and for 1-2 h you couldn’t breathe. Your best form of relaxation was quitting classes and enjoying some peace of mind away from that craziness.

And how can you love education, when the only purpose of it was “who is the best? Who has higher grades?” you would never hear professors and children talk “Ohh, you know how to write how beautiful, I love the math classes I understand how useful it is”.

No, it is only memory, no creativity, stress and pressure for 16 years of education. So after all this time you jump directly into a job, and there is the same system.

You get to a point where you are either sick, tired, unhappy, on medication, or other imbalances.

After school-work you go home, eat and go back to your study or tv. So, now you feel you are doing nothing, not thinking, you are just relaxing in front of the tv.

The problem is that, this is the last thing you need, after sitting all day in an uncomfortable position you come and lay in a posture even more damaging to your body.

Is not like you worked the body so the body needs to relax, you worked your brain, so watching tv is not going to relax it, will only get him more tired, jumping from emotions like love, amusement, drama, lies, once you are a pilot, once you are a politician, a wife or a criminal changing every 10 min, all these feelings are triggered in the body and it takes a certain amount of energy for the body to “live” what you’re watching. But then, you go to bed and expect everything to be perfect in the morning, and the body is trying to repair all your mistakes, but putting all this poison, one day it will crack.

It may start easy, with a headache, but medicine is there … useful for you to numb the pain, after it develops in something more powerful, again your solution is to take drugs, “go to the pill … everything will go away instantly” and you need stronger and stronger medication, until you lose total connection to the body.

Your body is talking with you, every moment of its existence, but you act like you are deaf. Only when the pain is unbearable you take measures.

When is the last time you said “I don t like it, but I do it for my body. It is not the best tasting food, but my body loves it. I am not a sport being, but I need to move for my body.”

But you don’t…until one day you damage your body in an almost irreversible way, disk herniation, schizophrenia, bipolar or other diseases and imbalances. So don’t blame the body for creating all this problems, it is just the consequences of your actions, it is not inherited, that is just an excuse.

I really enjoy when people talk about retirement, the truth is when that time will come, if you can still walk without using a stick or a wheelchair you re a happy case. But most of us are dreaming of something that will never happen. We just pay in advance the hospital and medicine and the people who will take care of us for some years, until the state will decide there is no more point or benefit out of your life.

Just search a picture on retirement on google, they make it such a joyful time full of healthy old people enjoying life, but be real with yourself how many people you know like that? Is that the reality?

Realizing this, an epiphany happens and then people go to all sorts of physical activities, with no awareness or no training they act like pro’s, they want to do the most complicated things, and the hardest things, from day 1.

Some of them have patience and it just clicks faster than others, but there is a big percentage that they come try it 1-2 times and they know is not for them.

So it took years and years of bad choices and you expect everything to be right in one day.

I say go and do all kinds of yoga and all kinds of physical activities but bring awareness to what you are doing, breath, adjust your posture in the end all yoga is … a good alignment and awareness over all asanas (postures of the body) some are more efficient than others, but that is for you to discover.

Some will try it a little and after a short time will say “Ok it is not for me, I need something energetic, I don t feel that my mind is stopping, and plus all that spiritualism and religion, it is like a cult chanting and I don t know what…”

For 16 years they made an effort of creating a habit for the mind to stress, multitasking, frustrate, think in a certain way, and they expect in 1 h X 1 time a week for everything to disappear.

The problem is not how many times you practice or go to yoga classes, is how much you use that information and that mentality. 1 h a week would be enough, but the second you get out of your “yoga practice” you return to all your old habits that put you in the first place in that state.

Now it is called practice because it is preparing you for what it’s coming, you… getting out of that room and start doing the real yoga, which is life. Have the strength and clarity to try and balance your life style.

The only purpose of yoga is to make you enjoy life more and move effortless trough each situation which you will encounter.

Yoga doesn’t care that you practice or not, nor your teacher, don’t do it for them or for anybody else to impress, do it for you.

For every practice remove all your disbelief’s, be absorbed in everything you do, every breath every limit, and once your attention will be focused on whatever you are doing there, you will have a glimpse of your “peace of mind”.

And once you know how it feel, you will know where to find it again, how to make it last longer and how to increase it’s potential.