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A few words on digestion

These days while some are struggling with starvation, others are trying to manage their indigestion.

So what is the cause of it?

I will say there are many factors, since everything in this existence is not just a simple thing but a complex reaction to everything there is.

I will name just a few which are in my experience.

Time of meal, the way we sit, the food we eat, The way we eat, the way we are, if it is something we share or not.

I am sure there are millions more 🙂 but these seems to me to be some of the most significant and are the only one coming in my mind in this moment.

***Every article may be improved as Is written, something more can be added trying to improve it. It may take an eternity to bring it to perfection and after some time it may seem irrelevant, as time is an illusion, perfection a concept and separation a lie.

Time of meal

When I refer to this I am not talking about a specific hour. Of course time of the day influence it in a significant way, but more powerful than the arrangement of planets and their influences 🙂 it is your own system / body how it works.

So it is definitely important that your body is ready to take food.

Waking up with almost closed eyes, moving directly in the kitchen and indulging ourselves, may be damaging. The stomach is not ready for what is about to receive and may lead to indigestion, especially when you take a heavy breakfast. *Sometimes we eat like we‘re preparing for holocaust.

So when morning starts, try not reaching to your phone, leave it on airplane mode still, even if it is the end of the world, somebody died, or big emergency is there, it can wait. It has waited all night and anyway for you to give maximum results, it is best that hunger is not an impediment.

Some stretches even in the bed helps J start your yoga in bed J turn to sides, disturb your “partner”:)J kisses and hugs may be there, take your time and move towards bathroom.

Clean yourself, instead of using hot water, which will get you more asleep try some cold/ slightly warm water. Either a shower or just wet hands all over the body will do it also, imitating washing your whole body and notice how the whole body feels more energized, alive, awake.

Time to create even more energy moving the neck, fingers, wrists shoulders arms, spine twists, quads knees ankles… so many things you can do in just a few minutes with some deep breaths .

Tumeric and neem on an empty stomach can do wonders, If not try lemon juice with warm water or a warm tea. Avoid having caffeine.

Caffeine might be creating a habit in the body that he doesn’t need to wake up, external factors will do it for it. One day 🙂 you cannot wake up without it and starting your day with an addiction is not very empowering for the possibility of a human being.

Then, depending on your schedule, go for a run, have your yoga practice, or a walk in fresh air.

*If it is any other time of the day, the important thing is to create some heat, energy in the body before, helping with digestion. Space then heat.

The food we eat.

Start with a light breakfast, simple, warm. Lunch make it bigger. Diner definitely lighter. Eating heavy
food will get you lethargic, asleep. The Food we eat is a big subject and in the same time subjective, so learn what suits you best. Try it on yourself, don’t necessarily follow others what works for them, can be damaging for you, there are different body types and lots of people who fake it J or are unaware of how food impact them, so do your own thing J

The way we sit
Major impact. If using chairs J Cross-legged sitting posture can be comfortable, you have the impression it keeps the blood in the stomach also increasing the focus/energy/attention on the lower part of the body. You will feel how you are reducing the energy sent to your legs and bring it to your stomach. Sitting on the knees it is said to have even a better impact, but that I would use after eating, to settle down for a few minutes.

Straight back. Big difference. Is like someone pressing on your belly while you’re trying to eat, irritating. You can breathe more freely. No obstruction in digestion.

Also big difference if you can maintain a straight back not using the support of the chair. You will feel you’re not pressing on the nerves behind, which have an impact on the whole “working” of the body better connection for the veins and nervous system to do its work.

This is like watering a garden. But someone puts a foot on the pipe responsible for the watering. Some water will go, but not full on. It will just take more time for digestion, when time is not something you can spare.

The way we eat

Digestion starts with your tongue. With mastication. At least 30% of digestion can start in your mouth. So do a favor to your stomach chew your food, your saliva brings enzymes and proper lubrication to food so it can go easily on the pipe J Mastication makes small pieces so it is easier to break down food and bring nutrition in your body. Yoga says 24 mouthfuls, masticating 24 times each one, which is more than enough as a quantity for a meal.*Now don’t become a machine 🙂 enjoy the process just a little more chewing.

How much we eat

At rest the stomach has the volume of a fist. They say around 75 ml. So eat reasonable, let’s say ½ kg max that is almost 10 times your stomach at rest. More than enough. Little bit of water after a few minutes or a warm infusion helps and keep some space for air. Stomach is also masticating, using contractions and movements. When it’s to full how can it move? How can it contract?

Don’t worry you will not die of starvation, only with water you can manage for a few days. So for a few hours why are you acting like this is your last supper?

Don’t eat fast J Take your time, or you’ll bring more air than food. Which can cause bloating and gasses.

The way we are

Before eating. Try calming yourself. Don’t rush into food. Take your time to become stable. Don’t talk if it’s not something that can enhance the quality of the process of eating. Don’t use the thoughts to eat, try being with your mouth, tongue, mastication, breathe, stomach, small intestine. Try keeping your energy on yourself, on the food in front, be grateful/appreciative.

Indigestion is also related to the way you “digest” thoughts. SO a rested mind definitely is a better way to avoid indigestion. Or at least avoid anything labeled as *new* or *old* “to digest” while you’re eating.

Talking while eating, It may be consider ethical and polite while, but definitely damaging to the digestive process. You are eating but your focus is on your mind, thoughts altering the way you breathe, energy goes to brain not to stomach. Is like J running and drinking in the same time, just in a milder way.

If you are with someone who needs to talk say “mmhmmm-mhhh-” many ways to avoid a conversation to continue, usually when you want to finish a conversation just agree 🙂 and approve to that person, they are just trying to make a point usually 🙂  but keep a blank mind.

Conversation can bring stress to the system, you already know how it feels when you’re under pressure/stress and you’re trying to enjoy food. So just be the weird one, not talking. There should be quiet tables.

Share your food with someone

Not your plate, But the action of eating. This is common when you do any activity, when you’re alone most of things seems harder to do, but when you share something, you can call it anyway you want, but it seems like is a collective energy all working towards the same thing, in our case digestion. It is just easier and more pleasant to eat together.

Take some time after

For a few minutes don’t move. After that a walk ca do it, or just sit on your knees for some time, with your attention on the stomach small intestine. Just observe it. Breathe calm. Notice the digestion how it feels.

And then back to life . Work or whatever you do. This are some small advice that you already have practiced unconsciously. You have felt the benefits already. But now because someone else talks about it, it enforces what you have felt and believe. It is true it can be difficult to be practiced in some circumstances but we try and try until it becomes in our habit .

How can anyone talk of anything if not from experience?

As it gets better 🙂 i m just pointing out what i have changed.

“What I know I know, what I don’t know I don’t know.” SG

If we would just limit ourselves to just this.

The power of sound, vibration, invocation, mantras

Chanting or invocation… 

The first time I heard about yoga and chanting ohm I didn’t mind, I thought it was cute. “OM OM OM ” and a few Shanti 😀 

The moment I got to India in the first “Non studio- Non Gym” environment and they started the ritual of initiation I knew I was in a cult! They chanted for an hour putting stuff on your forehead, giving food to imaginary gods, thread around your wrist, I’ve said to myself “oh my god I will be here for 50 days, with this crazy people.”

But what are we rejecting? What are we afraid of? Do we believe or not in the effects of chanting? Is there something to it, we don’t know?

If it is a matter of belief, what is the big deal? If it doesn’t work, you can do it, anyway it is harmless, if it works, good for you.

Resistance to the unknown, putting yourself in a weird situation, because you cannot say the words, because they need a specific pronunciation.

At least use it as a mean to grow your self confidence, only those who have a strong confidence can do strange things, or act stupid, because they don’t search the approval of others.

The fact that you may lose that false image that you created about yourself, that you are a big man, we all know you’re not. Strong people don’t mind doing stupid stuff, only the weak, are worrying about their image.

But it is all mainly ignorance, we don’t know, so we reject. – like this you will never know anything in your life, a book may be knowledge, false knowledge. But Experience is wisdom.

So let’s look deeper into it.

Every vibration takes a form, conversely every form has a vibration.

When the vibration ends, the form deteriorates. When the form starts decomposing or it is damaged, the energy also get’s distorted.

Let’s take an apple. If you damage the form, the apple will dry faster, if you alter the vibration, the apple will die faster. So you can use bot either physical force or a certain vibration to increase or decrease the deterioration of an apple. There are many experiments around this, done on water, plants, food.

For every action there is a certain sound that is conducive to that action.  If it is war you need a certain music, if it disco another, if you want to relax another sound, for sport a different sound, for every state a sound may be conducive or unfavorable.

Now you go to the gym and you are lazy, a way to push yourself is to listen to 50 cent or put some active music, this will give you a boost. You are lazy and you put some nature music, you will go to sleep.

So it’s mantra and specific sounds in yoga. They generate energy, or direct energy, or invoke something which is dormant in you.

Sound gives you power over others. 

Imagine there are 1000 people. Somebody says

“You! Clean the toilet.”

Nobody wants to answer that. But once he says your name, it is like you have no escape. Giving your name, you give power to others over you. Because you where thought to answer or obey. What if you don’t understand the words? What if words are just sounds to you, whenever you experience another language. Can anyone affect you? give you orders?

But still there is a universal language, tonality pitch which can shake you, relax you etc. Somebody screaming at you, or somebody whispering in your ear different effects no matter the language.

You hear a lion roar in the night 10 m away from you, you will freeze. You hear some fish playing in the water you relax. So sound it is definitely a big impact in your life. You just never analyzed in that much depth.

If you chant “I want to go to hell.i want to die. May we all die” you will feel very weird about it, so because of that, they had to change the words to something that may engage your emotions positively.

“May there be light. May we create energy. May all be happy”

But the real important thing is the reverberation you create in your body by uttering those sounds.

So OM is not om but AUM, A – U –M every sound is producing a specific vibration to a specific part of the body, uttering this you generate a pathway for the energy. Which in Hatha is from down to up.

Another aspect you are 73% water, water and everything in creation changes its attitude physicality by thought, sound, intention. There are many experiments done on water, how sound is affecting water. How different particles take geometrical shapes for every vibration, unique and different, more and more complex.

So mantra may arrange geometrically your whole body, to become more receptive, to clean, to be as creation made you perfect, not distorted how you made yourself.

There is a whole system, as there is for asana, Nada yoga, the yoga of sound, if you want to know more, try learn experiment, see the facts and then form an opinion.

It is a shame to be an ignorant directly, at least get interested before, when you know nothing about anything, to form an opinion is pointless.

Are we all entitled to heaven?~From Person to Self

Is there such a thing as a second chance? Or are we doomed to an eternal hell?

In one of my conversations with a religious person, I realized that this cannot be true. What I call as God cannot and will never doom any of his creations to hell.

He will give unlimited chances, but everyone will experience the consequences of each action. He gives you the freedom to create anything good or evil, but attached to everything is the consequences of each action, to creates thoughts but also take responsibility over them.

On the other hand is the mind, the whispers, temptation, that are testing you to see how much you treasure something, may that be love, health, God, wealth, peace or ultimately your soul.

The mind is also one of your abilities, powers, that you didn’t yet took control over. So it seems like it s acting on its own, but it is actually being used and programmed by everything that you pay attention to, consciously or unconsciously.

The mind alone takes no action, only suggests. It is you who take, or not, into considerations the suggestions of mind, friends, heart and act upon.

So you will support the consequences of your actions, even thoughts. Because your mind, is your responsibility. How you will educate the mind, what you will allow the mind to experience or taste, that will determine also how the mind will act.

You can see it as a dog, once you are the owner, if it pees you have to clean, if it bites, it is your responsibility, whatever the dog is doing is on you, because you didn’t educate the dog. Same with the mind it s going to do its own thing until you take responsibility for it.

It is your duty to discipline and educate the mind.

When I refer to the soul, many will say it is my soul, well in order to be yours, you had to create it. Nothing is really yours, because if it would have been yours, nobody can take it from you.

You don’t really have a choice, to have or not a soul, a self. You can chose to have or not a mind, a body, a family, possessions.

Somehow you where created, and this is an extraordinary thing. You will exist forever. It is also  in your power, what you will experience, to some extent.

But your existence, is not yet or may never be in your power, for the moment, only your actions are.

As long as someone can take something from you, it does not belong to you. We have a false sense of propriety and belonging, but all this with time will fade away.

Body, propriety, health, mind, relationships, energies, it will all go and you cannot do anything about it, you can prolong it, you can maintain it, but even so, there are forces which are not yet in your control.

In the process of life, your arrogance, all mightiness, “better than everyone else”, immortal,  power, will all fade so you realize you are nothing, and just because you exist it is enough.

Life eventually will make you a pure being, in service which is the highest form of action, not being served, but to serve.

The weak needs to be served, the strong can serve itself and others.

Everything is actually given to you, either to test you, or to learn a lesson from. But you cannot keep anything other than your soul, without which, you cannot be.

The self/soul is also the “place” where you start feeling the presence of God, which is nothing else than your own presence. But this is a place, where you cannot bring the mind, the moment the mind tries to enter this place-state, you have the impression you are leaving this state.

Where you put your attention is where the energies are directed and is what you experience. If you move your attention from presence to mind, you will experience the mind, and it is not a beautiful experience. Presence is formless, while mind is a form. The problem is you are formless and holding a form, keep it for too long and it will cause pain.

Even a prison can be fun, if you know you will only be in the cell for a few hours, just for the experience of it. But knowing you are stuck and you cannot get out for an unlimited amount of time, or a long time, amounts to great pain.

It seems to be like a choice, either be in heaven or in the mind. Sometimes you can experience states in between, while you are trying to be practical in life, manage things, but always return to your soul, to your self and you ll be fine.

In the self, in the “isness”, in the being,  we are all equal and eternal, we are all one, we are all you. If you can use this term as “we are” because there is all acting like a whole, all acting as one, one being all.

You need the mind, or a concept, in order to create separation. As you feel you body, your breath, your mind, your heart, you will also feel everything exists.

In all other cases, you experience something else than you, but in this case you experience yourself.

“You taste the honey and in the same time you are the honey”

Do not be deluded by the mind which will say, if it is me, i should be able to move it or to have some ability, or be able to exercise a power over it.

Your heart, blood, cells ,  liver, neurons, electrons everything is in your body ,  but do you have control over them? Can you tell to 1 neuron to stop?

Can you command your pituitary gland to stop? Or the kidneys to stop or move at your will?

It is working as a car. You have some pedals and a driving wheel, some buttons for comfort, for practicality, you don’t need to hold the car, the suspensions the cables, everything is created so it works as a whole, to take you from a to b.

But they all form you, they are all in service of the one occupying the body.

They help you function as you are now, they are not separated from you, they serve you. But you also have to serve them. 

Just like this, everything applies to all around you, with which you have a relationship, either you are aware of it or not. It is still a relationship, if there would be no relationship, you could not even perceive it, or being perceive by it.

The soul or self is the ultimate destination, destination in the sense, it is not a place where you can arrive, or travel, it is not something you do, it is something you realize, it was always there as part of you, and you cannot be anything else than that.

The purpose of the mind-ego is to keep you separated and deluded by this place “state”, and the farther you are from it, the more the suffering, the further you are from yourself, from your soul, the farther you are from God.

Universe is giving you this freedom, for you to chose, will you be apart from the universe, or part of it?   But even this is an illusion, which is happening only in your belief, in your mind, because you cannot be separated from the self, you are the self, it is just you didn’t realize it.

Once you are separated from the universe, from life 🙂 you are dead.

You are in relationship with everything. Either you like it or not. You can use it or be used by it. Served it or be served by it. And the totality of all, and beyond all, is God.

Being the self and not realizing it, is like looking for food, while caring a bag of food with you, but you don’t know how to eat or what food is.

Looking for something you don’t know, it will take eternity.

“The thing you are looking for, is in the place you are looking from.”

So sometimes this things are showed to you, by the self, your higher self, something you may see, a taught, a disease, a guru a spiritual teacher, or just a nobody in a bus station, unlimited forms of expressions for you to learn.

All the knowledge and abilities are given to you, but are hidden by the mind, so you have to transcend the  limitations of the mind and find out who you really are.

This is why enlightenment is also called realization, you actually don’t learn a new ability or something new, you just realize something that was there all along.

Being hungry, caring a bag of food which never goes bad or empty.

If you just smell the food and bring it next to your mouth you will eat it intuitively. If you feel is causing pain to the body, you will renounce it. If you feel is bringing ease and health, you will continue.

So it is with life, just a learning process, a discovery of the self and everything around you, pointing or sending you back to yourself, all is the self.

Trust it and be it, it takes no effort to be yourself, No mantras or practices, no prayer no process, no distance or time.

You cannot be something else, you can just act, but no act will last forever.

The only thing which is forever is God, is you.

Because of doubt, you brought yourself where you are now, and by doubting the doubt itself, which came from mind, you will get the lesson and arrive home which is no distance from where you stand right now.

This came to me while thinking, if it is ok for a prisoner to experience freedom. There are many masters and spiritual teachers going to prisons, no to free them from their cell, but to free them from their mind.

Some prisoners in their cell, they experience a sense of freedom more than in liberty .So how can a person who robbed, or killed or did I don’t know what, deserve this freedom?

Well because God would never allow anybody to hurt you, because once the soul was created, the soul will be eternal, like God. But because you identify yourself, with something else than the self, with a person, that one day is going to die, you have the impression you will die with the body, if you think you are the body, everything happening to the body you will suffer.

If you think you are the mind, everything the mind is experiencing you will experience. But if you know you are the self, everything is just a passing experience, you are not attached to it.

PERSON= Prosopon (UK: /ˈprɒsəpɒn/,[1][2] US: /prəˈspɑːn/;[3] from Ancient 

Greekπρόσωπον; plural: Ancient Greekπρόσωπα prosopa) is a technical term encountered in Christian theology. It is most often translated as “person”, and as such is sometimes confused with hypostasis, which is sometimes also translated as “person.” Prosopon originally meant “face” or “mask” and derives from Greek theatre, in which actors on a stage wore masks to reveal their character and emotional state to the audience. 

So thinking you are a person, is like believing you are superman, if you really are superman, your super power should be at your will. But because you are not, you will suffer all illusions created or imagined, but never experienced how you expected.

So drop the person that you are, the act that is tiring you, discover the original self that you where meant to be.

The mind, devil, or evil forces of darkness can touch only this person, but they can never touch you, the real you, the self.

You may think it is the end of the world, but it is just a lesson, it will pass, you may loose your body in the process, the mind, your abilities of the body, but you may never lose your soul.

So maybe in our perception, only good deserves a chance, but in the eyes of God, everyone deserves all the chances, but they must first endure their doings.

Eventually we will all be in heaven. We will all realize the self.

Because once you identify with your true nature, you can never do wrongs, only when you are a person, every action is contaminated by the mind which is not pure. When you are a person, it is impossible not to contaminate the world with impurity.

Pain and uncomfort will only push you to move from person-hood to divine, because this is the only way to experience peace, going closer not further from life.

That which you are not

    Sometimes people need to put a mask, to feel stronger, until they realize it is still belief, in something they consider stronger than them.

Reality is, that strength, actually hides behind the mask. Without that, the mask by itself has no power other than hiding your fears and disappointments.

Same with identity, you may use it, until you realize that actually real strength lies behind that. This game may be played until we are mature enough to know that whoever created identity is stronger than identity itself.

Now the thing is, you assume an identity and think it is you. The identity you assume of course it will be imperfect because it is created mostly with the imperfect taught of protecting yourself, with a false identity.

We are here in this human form to solve some of the issues, to evolve, some of the karma from previous life, of just from this one, if reincarnation is not a fact for you or life after death.

It is called enlightenment or realization, because you don’t do anything really it is just a realization. You realize who you are, why you re here, how you get here and where you go. You can take a purpose or you can accept already the one who was given to you. Accepting it it just make is easier, it is like going with the flow, not swimming against it. It is just too tiring  and you are tired of all this nonsense, you just want some peace of mind and from there life starts.

So your identity is a problem. In order to solve it at least you should show your true identity. Because coming with your false identity is like going to a doctor, saying you have a cough and he gives you treatment for that, but you actually have ulcer. SO the true disease is not solved, you toke some wrong medicine for it.

SO start with what you are, not with the illusion and your belief of yourself of what you think you may be, like this you may get somewhere.

Sadhguru: Two cows were grazing on an English meadow. One said, “What’s your opinion on the Mad Cow disease?” The other said, “I don’t care a hoot about it. Anyway, I’m a helicopter.”

If a cow realizes that it is a cow, it becomes a celebrity – a holy cow. It is that simple. It is just a question of realization. In India, we have always called mystics “realized” beings. Realization is not about inventing or discovering something; it is just about realizing who you are. If there is something you do not understand, it is mysterious to you. Someone who seems to know what others do not is called a mystic. But the mystic is just someone who has realized what is there. Others don’t because they are too self-engrossed to pay any attention to life.”

Stronger than identity, is no identity, because it can take any shape. By giving it a shape you just limit its power.

When “ God created mankind in his own image …” it didn’t say it for you to become something, but to realize you can be everything and that is eternal.

You can only take a complete image of God when you are formless, shapeless, no identity, empty.

Even science came to the conclusion that empty space has more energy than the entire universe.

Emptiness can hold everything, but when you re so full of yourself, there is no space left for anything, just limited potential.

Hold love for truth, search for truth, and discover truth.

Mumbling mind, materializing thoughts

God-atman-the universe-creator-Allah- Shiva so many names trying to define something that is infinite in nature, same nothing, described and put into religion by all nations. It has infinite forms and cannot be described and its most beautiful form it is “Nothingness” ultimate intelligence.

Its message it is being delivered through so many forms, religions, cults, nations, yoga, nature everything there is, but you have to make yourself worthy of the message, from an opinion making machine to an receptive being.

It will be given to you through a person you discarded, ignored, believed is lower than you, a beggar, an ignorant, a person who in your opinion has totally messed life, in that person is your salvation.

Through an action that you ignored, or thought you were above, that is not worthy of your attention or time.

The person you are not willing to listen, the action you think is not for you, to everything you put a resistance, create a new wall. But walls are not for protection but to imprison. You are protecting yourself from that which will make you stronger, thus making you more vulnerable.

Behind that wall, that you have raised, there is a massage, a lesson, something you need, but you are unaware of.  You will only become free after you put down all the walls.

Freedom make you vulnerable, only by showing your vulnerabilities you will become stronger. By facing your weakness.  

Behind every wall, something is waiting, that can change your life in better, but you will never get it until you are humble and willing to recognize that probably all this time you were wrong, mistaken, that your opinions or beliefs where self-created based on imagination, not objective observation, based on ignorance.

That now you are ready and willing to take a chance on something you disregarded as low, false, fake, stupid, or anything lower than yourself.

There is no lower than The Self, everything is Above it. The Self is the foundation of everything. Without The Self there is nothing; and still the self is a Devout to everything. Holding everything together.

The moment the individual self turns against creation, it turns against itself. Doubting yourself is doubting the creator.

There is no above or higher, of the self, this is just the ignorance of mind, there is only the mind-created concept of “outside” and still the self is in everything. You exist in the self, and think there is a separation.

There is a signature of the creator in everything that is created and this is what the created will always look for.

Its entire existence it is just a lesson, to realize that the creator was always right and should not be doubted, that there were never a separation, separation was just an imagination.

That the only way is forgiveness and that is nothing to be forgiven.

It is just a self-created game in which you think you are separated from everything. But thoughts are of the mind, without the mind you are part of a whole. All creation is just realization. You have to create the illusion of separation so you can rejoice in the joy of union.

Until the encounter with creator, you will never feel fulfilled. You will always search for fulfillment, and never cease to search until you recognize the feeling, the connection.

It is a homecoming feeling.

Being fulfilled means not gathering all, the only way to become everything, is to empty yourself and become a part of everything. From Individual to whole.

Ready to lose your individuality.

To “die”. The only gift we ever needed. The ultimate lesson. Going blissfully without fear, in what is the continuity of life, the source of life, not the end of it. There is no beginning or end, just the moment.

Always “now”, you never knew anything else. Just now. “Now” transforming in all kind of forms.

It is the comfort of knowing “life” that scares us of the unknown, death, fear of change, of what it was familiar.  Like a snake is changing its skin so are we changing our body, from physical to subtle, and still everything is just but a subtler form of creation, moving to another level of subtleness.

Until the ultimate, the infinite, when there is no more subtleness, when you just break the bubble of individuality and becoming one, one with all.

The source of life is death.  Try living without sleeping.

And what is a sleep but a conscious way of putting yourself to death, without knowing if you will wake up again, trusting, it will happen.

The source of energy is rest. Only by touching death, which is absolute rest, we have the energy to create life.

In stillness lies the infinite energy. Creation is just a consequence of that, a moment of vibration, a drop of stillness that never ends.

In the bible there was a passage

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

A drop of nothingness …a drop of nothingness is the source of all life, the whole creation. An “accidental” spill of nothingness.

This is yoga

We start by practicing yoga with no idea of what really is, if we have an idea that idea has to constantly change if not, we didn’t understand a thing.

The only constant thing in the universe is change. 

The most known and approachable practice this days is asana. Bending the body in all kind of way, twisting it to another and while you do this you discover with every posture new things. You increase the resistance of body, you become lighter in mind and body, you will levitate one day 🙂 Levitation not necessarily in the way of lifting of the ground flying, but flying sensation, everything is easy, walking, thinking, doing nothing you are in a “high-mode state”.

Sometimes some thoughts and memories may appear, that you never knew still existed, sometimes you discover small adjustments by yourself (* and later on realize where discovered before 🙂 )

Sometimes small things as breath, or feelings that you had no idea you can generate without consuming or using something from outside of you.

With every practice as deeper you go as more focus you get , you realize is not about bending the body and going in amazing positions, the practice moves to a more deeper aspect. But this is a temporary adjustment, with your practice you are moving towards a permanent state.

Every posture is a feeling, every posture has a consequence. Like in life every action has a consequence. You realize that whatever you practice on that small carpet,is actuality your life, with your limitations, with your beliefs (* which most of them needs to break) you realize that actually you are simulating your life and dealing to the best of your abilities that day.

You deal with being lazy :)) problems in actually doing something with yourself, pushing yourself, having a discipline, moving from compulsiveness to conscious actions. An investment in the future, not years 🙂 future present. Because what is present now, dosn’t work for you.

 Is there a difference of how we experience  a thought or the consequence of an action? A diference in between stress in trafic stress at work stress i don’t now where, is it not just the same stress at different levels?

This is not about managing stress, but creating the good circumstances that you experience it less and less, until stress becomes a fairy tale.  Or stress is not something you fall in to 🙂 you put yourself consciously,you can start it and stop it at will.

Because freedom means you get to do whatever the hell you want, go in an out when you want at will. If not you are just a prisoner, if you cannot get out you are a prisoner. Even if you are in the most wonderful castle, whit everything you wished for, even that castle has a door. So you can get out when you want. If not you are a king, but in a big prison. 

Anxiety feels the same either on the mat or in the world. Anger is approached the same way either on the mat or in the world. Panic attack, love, patience, gravity, missing, or wanting everything there is to experience can be experience on the math or in the world.

You can generate the same kind of reality or world inside. Experience-like there is no difference.

If you learn how to deal with them on the mat, you learn to deal everywhere, the mind makes no difference, stress – ok go to the breath, anxiety whatever it is you are dealing with it at a daily basis on a mat.

I see people coming to practice, the first minutes they are moving like crazy, watching their phone not finding their place, watching around they can do anything but not sitting, they have to move. That is their mind in that present unsteady unfocused monkey mind.

By the end of the practice they look like stoned. Still as a rock focus, calm as a tree and they can get either very focus or totally spaced out in relaxation. A tremendous difference in 1 h of practice.

Practice it every day and you realize, realize, that actually it is all you, there is nothing else than you. That the only way out is to look in. A relationship or the world is going to go bad not because of someone else, but because of you.

Whenever you fall in a state, you don t like, you know what it takes to get out, next time you recognize the action and deal with it better. You just learn every day how to deal with yourself, how much bullshit you have been given to yourself, by listening to others or not paying any attention to you.

You will drag all your craziness with you until you learn how to deal with it.

It is not a vacation place, or a country, or a new job, a better job, a new car, a new something-something that will grant you the escape ticket from your state, yes for a period it will work but after you re back at square one. Until you deal with it, paying attention, understanding it and doing the necessary adjustments to solve it.

Reality is : ” it is all your fault and you know it, you feel it. You are not upset on others but on you. It is your responsibility towards everything.”

Your responsibility to manage yourself. Everything comes from an unconscious mind, alcohol bad modes, indigestion. Even if you had no awareness you have the duty of knowing how you work and how the world works.

Only doing the good things, good things will happen to you.

On a certain situation I had difficulty with the law of one country, being unaware that doing some actions can bring prison or a big pay to the state. The person managing me said “You have a duty written in the constitution that you have to know the laws of the country, it is your duty to know your rights and duties. You cannot say I was unaware and escape the consequences.”

 The same duty you have to yourself, in this world. First learn the laws and the consequences and only after do action.

But the way we go is opposite. We do and then see what comes :)) it is not going to work. You are damaging yourself and suffering in heaven. This is heaven and you make hell out of it.

Is like going and killing someone, and you say, well I didn t know I have to do prison, or death penalty for that. Either you know or don’t you will pay the consequences.

So is life, like it or not, you not paying attention to the world, yourself, or doing any work on yourself, you will pay the consequences.

So a stressful life, a bad marriage, a job who sucks, anything you like or dislike, your whole life is only your doing.

Please, please, please start paying attention and don’t bring misery to others because of your own silly and unaware action.

Start making a better world by not changing another. Start changing yourself, transform and the whole world will change with you.  A better you a better world. 😀 :*

Does a hand need to know how much work she needs to do this whole life?

Does a person need to know how many things it needs to endure?

Does anyone deserves honesty if they are not ready to accept it?

Why this urge of knowing, if it will bring only suffering. Where is the mystery of life in knowing everything?

How to approach things, in order to do “whatever needs to be done”


Knowing the future it is not necessary, it will just damage the process which has to be fulfilled, the ultimate plan of creation, of matter, of all this ilusionary  world.

My grandmother is known in her village as a workaholic, whenever we would go to the fields to work the earth, we would just wait for lunch, the first sign ½ of the day has gone and the beautiful moon, the time to go home.

But she is a stubborn one, even if the moon would come, she would say “We can still work, there is still light from the moon, we are  able to see”. Everybody was needed to convince her there is still another day tomorrow and it’s time to go home.

Now if we would start the morning by her telling us “today you will work 12 h, in the sun, probably no wind and very little break”.

That would be a terrible way to start the day! But she had her way of taking everything in small steps.

“Now we wake up, now we eat, now we prepare the stuff for working, now we march, now we settle down, now I explain, now you try, now I correct, now you try again! “

Like this hours where just flying by. We were yogis on the field!

From time to time I would raise my head to see how, many rows we still have to work and OMG It looked impossible, still so much work to do, it is useless, we would never finish.

I just wanted to end things! Go home and just sit and rest.

But she had a way, she always had somethings to say “The eyes will scare you, but your hands will bring you joy!” .Or she would just start a conversation to take your mind of things, with laughs we would work, remembering things from childhood, by the end of the conversation we would just focus on what needed to be done, step by step, meter by meter.

Sometimes with thoughts sometimes thoughtless. We would appreciate the wind, the fresh air, the food, a good rest and by the end of the day you would go to bed, with a feeling of having a purpose, that everything was done, you did your best, yogis nights.

I say some of the people are natural yogis, they have no knowledge of scriptures, no mantras to chant, no breathing exercises , no regime to watch over. They are just doers. Naturally in them in their behavior and actions, there is yoga all written.

Whenever unhappiness arise, just get your attention, focus back on the moment. Where you focus, attention is that is, what will get amplified.

Being sorry about yourself, will just amplify that feeling. Thinking how much you have to do, will amplify that feeling. Being angry, will just hurt yourself. If not you ll make sure you hurt others 🙂 So focus your attention on what you want, not on what you are avoiding. It is like changing the frequency on a radio, you don’t like the music, just change the station.

If you would know you have to work your whole life, you would just resigned  before you get the job. But you only get 1 task at a time. Don’t look at how many things has to be done, just take 1 at a time. For every change step by step.

This is the attitude to perform anything.   

Day by day, moment by moment. 

Most of the suffering we have today is because we think of doing things, not actually doing them. Is like thinking to walk, but not walking. Of course it is frustrating. You are just looking at the tons of paper you have to do. So much stress, stress in not coming, from actually working, but from your thoughts, by you projecting all the work you have to do, by you imagining the future. It is your thoughts that create suffering most of the time, not the situations you find yourself in.

Just do! One thing at a time, one dish at a time, one task, mono tasking … and see ““The eyes may scare you, but your hands will bring you joy!”

Have a wonderful day :*    

I will say 90% of our prayers are always asking for something. Whatever it is we have, we ask for something more, or at least for the things to stay the way they are.

No matter how atheist you think you are, no matter in what you believe, when you are in big need, when you need a miracle, you look up, you close your eyes, get on your knees or whatever ritual you are performing and you read your list.

Now when you ask for something, consciously or unconsciously means you are in need, which implies that whatever you have is not enough. How can you expect, to feel complete, to feel happy, to feel good, when you know you need something for those feelings to happen?

You exclude the idea that happiness can happen for no reason. Just being. Because the way you have been made to think, is that for a any feeling you need to do something.

You feel that the world, how it is right now is not enough. You think that things would be better if it where the way you think. Sometimes when we ask for something which is not for us, we are led to think it is selfless, but it affects you in a certain way, so to a small percentage you still ask for yourself.

You think praying for the health of your family is so selfless, but still if the family is sick you feel bad. If you pray for the well being of your partner, you think is selfless, but still his wellness is affecting you directly. 

Asking is like going to a Dj and tell him which music he should play, going to a painter and tell him what to paint, somebody coming to you and telling you how to do your job. The way you feel when a manager, your chief or whomever you consider knows less then you, comes and tell you how the job should be done. So automatically you feel frustrated, deranged, attacked or whatever “who does he think he is, to tell me how to do what I do best…??”. Always somebody is trying to change you, because they think their opinion and way of seeing things is better than yours. Same thing you thing about God.

Now God, Universe everyone know you are wrong, but still they say “Ok I will do the things your way”, so you can suffer your own decisions. I don’t care, i ll do things your way.

A Dj will change the music, a painter will do your painting, god will grant your wish.

In the process you may feel happy, for a while at least, but everyone around you will suffer your choices, your individuality and poor taste in music, art, life. You see the consequences of your thinking and you realize, you might have been wrong.

You need a better job, someone else needs to be fired. You want a bigger house a mountain has to be cut. A beautiful coat, an animal has to die. An amazing car, the environment get polluted. You ask for love, the lover comes but he’s an alcoholic. You ask for a bike and that bike is getting you in an accident. 

You might get happy for a while, but it will not last. After sometime a new wish comes into your mind, if you look at it, with a brain, is a never ending process.

The way you wish for things so are others, others also want a better life. So they wish for a job you get fired ! for someone else, now life is not good 🙂 god is doing a bad job. 

“I have to pray, he seems he forgot about me and what I want, he s got amnesia I have to remind him.”

So your wishes should be granted, but not for others. That is how you want the world to work. What you want is ok, others should be neglected. The way it works, you live on the misery of others.

When you feel like something is missing from your life, that is the energy you create, that is what you will attract, missing will attract more missing. The energy makes no difference, you attract what you are. Look at your friends, your environment, it looks like what you wanted in a certain percentage. If you are really honest, almost all of your wishes came true, it is just that, it is a distortioned version of what you have believed it will be.

So instead of asking of what you think you need, be grateful, pray with gratitude. Let yourself surprised by life. Let god do his job and you do yours. He knows what you really need and sometimes is not what you want. But it will get you further than, what you want.

Instead of looking for what’s missing, be grateful for what it is. The only reason of your unhappiness is that you have lost perspective on life. You have forgot how lucky you really are. So a disease, a disaster, a marriage broken, someone dying, someone begging has to remind you where you are, so you become grateful again, at least for a period of time 🙂

Heaven is already here, it is just a question of enhancing your perception on life. Be
sensitive and observe.

Self-realization. Wake up from ignorance. Open your mind. Don’t get stuck in your own beliefs. Change, embrace change. Accept what it is, rather what you think it should be.

You don’t even know if you have 2 gallbladders, 1 stomach, you don t even remember the date of birth of your mother 🙂 but you want to change the whole universe. From where this kind of mentality comes? Be honest with yourself, you know nothing. So just trust and try to manage to the best of your potential whatever is coming. Be sensitive, try not to harm others in your process, make your wishes benefit everyone, we are all a family on this planet, we all want to live good and have a healthy society. So share your wealth and well-being, help others realized theirs. Whatever you want for yourself, try doing for others.

Lumbar/lower back pain – from thought to body


Lumbar/lower back is one of the regions I see a lot of us struggle with. It seems the whole world is experiencing this. It can lead to disk herniation, inflammation of sciatic nerve, In some cases to surgery, any scenario is to be avoided but how? 

It seems like a lot of people are showing signs of pain in this region and I was trying to understand it. It often happened to me also, after long hours of working standing on my feet I would feel the most painful part of the body is in my lumbar.

It was because of shoes, it was because of bad posture, but mostly because of my thoughts.
I was talking with someone who recently had a surgery on the lumbar, after long pains, after sitting in bed for days, feeling with every breath the sciatic nerve. It eventually ended with surgery.

Now this person was active, sporty, good food and healthy lifestyle, not a cigarette or alcohol, not lifting weights, not a sedentary lifestyle. Doctors would say it shouldn’t had happened.

But still, how come it happened? Or what was the cause of it?

We talked about the period when this was starting. It had to do with work. With this person working double (mentally) feeling used, unappreciated, abused, a situation you cannot run from because your job depends on. Having this feelings not only on him/her but also on the person who left him/her with all this to deal with.

But from mind and thoughts and feelings all the way to the body, seems like such a long way, or almost impossible to believe…

We say it is fatigue, postural imbalance, a lack of strength in the back and abdomen especially. But then how come, most of the people are siting, doing office job, some are in an amazing shape and know how to protect themselves, but they are  also the ones  which are getting surgery on their lumbar or experiencing pain in that area and there are some, no abdomen no back muscles, with a good attitude who remain untouched by this.

Trough postures and exercises I try to correct this, in me and those around me, but it seems it is more than this.

This year my experience with India was a more subtle one, moving to the mind, moving to the thoughts. Whatever we are suppressing, or denying, the things we are aware or unaware of, moving through all the known layers: conscious, unconscious, subconscious.

Whatever we are unaware of, the body, sooner or later will point out those things. We stock different emotions, on different parts of the body. So it is not really the body who is stiff 🙂 or a specific part of the body, it is us who are unwilling to deal with “old shit”.

It seems like whatever bad thought, emotion, feeling we experience, we are trying to bury or suppress it. We create more and more garbage every day, but one day is going to come out, one way or another, often trough a disease, giving you enough time to think about your past or future.

I really loved the way the word “disease” was dissected by someone “dis-ease” when we are not at ease, when we are not relaxed, when we are troubled by something.

Now on the opposite side of the lumbar/lower back you have your 2nd chakra svadhisthana.

Energetically on this chakra we can talk about 3 things:

Deficit you are resentful, shy, freeze with fear, sexual guilt, un-trusting, buries emotions.

Excessive you become aggressive, see others as sexual objects, manipulating, volatile emotions, self-serving.

Balanced you are creative, friendly, intuitive, concern for others, attuned to feelings.

It is also called the OLD STUFF center : Childhood conditioning, violation of body and personal space, something done to us or taken from us without our permission, molestation, abuse rape, frigidity, impotence.

The behavioral Barometer of the body says when we experience pain in that area:

At conscious level you might have experienced–> Resentment –> Hurt, used, abused, unappreciated, embarrassed, dumb, offended.

At a subconscious level: Grief and guilt->Betrayed, conquered, discouraged, unacceptable, ruined, defeated, self-punishing

Now it seems that even if you do massages, take medicine, trying to correct your posture,
strengthening your core, after a period you are back to square 1, back to the pain.

Every single disease, imbalance, we experience has a source, the rigidity you find in your body, is the rigidity you will experience in your mind, emotions. Probably you will find yourself a very balanced person, in tune with spirituality, a man of God, but you also feel, if you are honest, there is still space for improvement in this perfect person that you are.

Be honest with yourself, at least with yourself. Try to find the period when the pain had started, try to find what was the reason, why where you feeling the way you were feeling, is it the work, is it the way you feel about yourself? Is it the relationship you have, or is it just something you are trying to deal with for a long time, is it something old from childhood, whatever it is take some time for introspection.

Try performing a new action, or activity that will make you feel:

(For resentment use interest) fascinated, needed, welcomed, appreciated, essential, caring, tuned-in.

(Replace grief and guilt with equality) lucky, involved, sincere, productive, purposeful, co-operative.

Find out how hyperbaric chambers can be your gateway to feeling better. Correct your posture. Work for a strong core. Learn how to use your body and breathe in different activity in your life so you experience less of this unpleasantness.

Or just come to yoga 🙂 .

One good thing about being sick is you will realize how much we need one another, how weak we really are sometimes, how important is to help others, that being humble is not a weakness is the way to approach everything.

So a disease from time to time 🙂 it is a blessing. It is a lessons when we are so busy with life, to come back and analyze things, look at our life and change it. Adjust it to nature.

Before you judge 🙂 before you create again your own silly opinions 🙂 any excuse not to change this “perfection” you call yourself 🙂 be open to new things 🙂 embrace new mentalities 🙂 And know no matter how big you are, there is always someone bigger 🙂 The only thing that is everlasting, never changing, is truth.

Every emotions is affecting the body and conversely the body is affecting your mind. The body you hold today is just a manifestation of your thoughts. If we cannot change or control what we think or feel, let s try to correct how we sit or breath. The mind will follow the body.

The Buddha – from there to now

Just feel, without explaining, without trying to define. It is, what it is, and it is beautiful, just as you observe a piece of art.

The moment you define one thing, you limit that thing.

One of the worst things we ever did is trying to define god, something that cannot be defined, that is infinite in all possible ways, we are trying to put word into it. God is like that, and not like this, does that and don’t do this.

Whit your limited mind you are defining things you don t understand. You cannot even define yourself, if you are honest. But your ignorance tries to define god.

Another big mistake human kind, has made, is separation, thinking that God is somewhere out there, and not inside every living thing, everything that exists. Inside you and outside you, everywhere, the only wall between you and god is an imaginary wall you have created, the same kind of wall you are building every day. What you are, what you can do, what you can’t, just limited versions of yourself.

This walls are imaginary and it is time, to break them.

To think, god is something and not everything, just because your mind is limited. You want to give him shape, so he can occupy a space, because you cannot explain something which has no shape, something that cannot be defined by its surface, you cannot understand it, so, you define it.

If we would identify everything as god, there would be no more wars on this earth. No more
confusion, no duality.

“Accepting the earth, not owning the earth, not possessing the earth. But the Earth just as it is!

Abused and exploited, Despised and rejected … it is Earth and we owe everything to it!

Realizing we always have been in nirvana, nirvana has always been here, Reality itself is nirvana!

Is your ignorance that makes you think you are this self-centered being, trying to fulfill that void you feel inside with  accomplishing desires. You are already enlightened.”

“Nirvana is this moment seen directly, There is nowhere else than here! The only gate is now, the only doorway is your body and mind, there is nowhere to go, nothing else to be, no destination, something to aim to, is simply the quality of this moment!

Just this, this, this where you are, just pay attention to that pay attention to who is there, pay attention to what everyone is thinking and feeling, what you are doing there, just pay attention, attention to all. Observe and feel.”