vreau să scriu doar cateva cuvinte despre următorul retreat, nu că merită, ci că oportunitatea este unică!
Două ramuri consacrate din yoga, în combinatie cu nutriție la nivel de bio-hacking, curătări prin băi de Gong – toate adunate într-un singur loc, retreat, scurt și concentrat pe tine.
Eu unu m-as inscrie dacă n-aș fi avut un alt rol în el. Și în plus sunt entuziasmat să-mi reîntâlnesc acești frați de drum (Ana și Bralgei) și mai entuziasmat pentru toți care o să participe.

The Conqueror Express Retreat
Creativity, Communication and Caliber
Yoga-Nutrition-Sound Therapy
As spring has arrived, nature starts to blossom, and Sun’s dear sister, the moon goes full.
It is the Worm Moon, and it seems like being aligned with the cycles of the seasons. Native Americans used lunar phases to track the seasons and found an inspiring name for the story that is about to be written in the spring. According to them it is the time to explore our senses, as a gift from March’s full moon, inviting us to use our intuitive instincts in soft ways, gain our vitality, reach for higher goals by strengthening our roots, nourishing our gifts and revealing our true power.
Spring gives us the opportunity to work deeply on all levels of body – mind – soul. A time to celebrate within. It is the season to be curious, boost our inner fire, shedding light in chambers we forget about. And maybe ask ourselves, as it is a season for rebirth -> We live by labels, we experience by labels, but how is it to surrender, create, communicate and reach our caliber ?
We are creating the space for you to experience the inner fire that stirs your imagination so you can communicate within, and set sail towards the highest realms.
Three passionate exquisite teachers, biohackers and funky humans inviting you to start a journey for yourself, reach your potential, act consciously from your highest caliber and simply enjoy the process.
****All meals are carefully chosen nutrition wise by our biohacker/nutritionist.
****All classes will be focused on the subject/goal of the retreat
****All classes will have clear information about all yoga styles, sound bath and pranayam (breath work) chosen for the class structure-Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Sat Nam Rasayan, Traditional Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga.
****All participants will receive a personal schedule at the end of the retreat -yoga, meditation, nutrition basics- to be followed at home.
Please follow all event details and full schedule at : https://gabrielpesa.com/blog/conqueror-express-retreat/
****All classes will be focused on the subject/goal of the retreat
****All participants will receive a personal schedule -yoga, meditation, nutrition basics- to follow at home.
Nutrition and Biohacking
What is right nutrition for the modern man?
In a thriving society where food is plenty and available any day and night, we reached a threshold of great illnesses and nutritional based diseases. The paradox is that we have all we need but we do not know how to eat right.
This course is for the people that needs to learn the right choices in nutrition, based on their gender, age, body type, location, activity, etc. All these things mater. Greatly
We do not have the time and the patience to learn all about nutrition
We need the essence, delivered simple, focused and customized for each one of use. We need to learn how to custom nutrition for our daily needs.
What is nutrition and biohacking?
I focus on optimal nutrition which delivers the basic elements for the proper function of the body. We include in the course:
The main purpose is to balance INPUT/OUTPUT. All problems derive from the imbalance of the INPUT (water, nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, etc.) with the OUTPUT (bad waste management and lack of detoxification). As you will see, 80% of the problems are due to bad OUTPUT.
Hydration management and rebalancing enzymes (Optimized water and enzymes are keys and the secret for and healthy long life)
The key role of good fats in nutrition and anti-ageing
Optimal nutrition in the social context (we puled out the nutrition form the social and geographical context, which propagated the human race in to a state of illness and frustration. We need to re-learn how to balance this aspect into everyday life)
What you can find in the content of the nutrition and biohacking workshop?
The main rules in nutrition and how to integrate them into day-to-day life
How to listen to your body and not to go against it.
What is biohacking and what it takes to become a biohacker?
The most harmful habits and foods and how to counter-balance them?
How to decode guilt in nutrition?
Simple instruments for optimal nutrition
How to eat what you like and be healthy in the same time – healthy gourmet lifestyle
Main vitamins, enzymes and mineral the body needs for optimal homeostasis
The most harmful traps in nutrition; how to avoid them.
Main tips and tricks in nutrition and biohacking
What kind of nutrition and biohacks you can find?
Main types of nutrition that we can use for our lifestyle
How to hack the water
How to hack the food in order to avoid fattening and obesity
How to get more energy from the food
Energy boosters and natural nootropics
Other tips and tricks
http://www.pensiunepiatracraiului.ro Piatra Craiului Satul Sătic, Com. Rucăr, Arges, Romania GPS: Coordonate 45°26’57.85″N, 25° 9’40.05″E Decimal 45.449404°, 25.161125°
375 Euro (Including training, lodging and food for 3 days) * Online payment via Paypal or Credit Card * Revolut Payment * Cash Payment or bank transfer via Pawan Yoga Studio +40735981239
REVOLUT Payment Available
Bralgei Shackry (aka Gabriel Pesa): +40726678526
Instructions: Add payment for “Conqueror Express Retreat” or request payment via message
15 spots available in 2 bedrooms rooms
Food is included in the price of the event. Vegertarian gourmet menu. Meat based menu is also available upon demand
FROM: 22 March 2019 : 12.00 PM TO: 24 January 2019 :17.30 PM Details in the event page
Pawan Yoga Studio:+40735981239 | office@pawan.ro | Gabriel Pesa: +40726678526 | Mail: office@gabrielpesa.com
About our TRAINERS:
Bralgei Shackry
Nutrition and medicine is for Bralgei a passion for life. Started from a child’s dream to live 1000 years and has evolved into a system of life, which, let us recall that each of us can we get what we want.
In the first part of his life he was self-taught, and then to specialize in disciplines such as medicine, chemistry, physics, nutrition, regeneration, holistic medicine, Reiki, Well Being, energy Practice Qi gong, Tensegrity, Chang-zhang, Ling-kung-jing.
It was initiated as shaman and has 10 years of experience in the Sekhem-Netcher-East Wind-ancient System of Medicine (traditional) and Egyptian vibrational medicine.
For the last 2 decades he worked with people on an individual basis in order to assist their development and health.
Ana Popescu
Yogi, Actress & Human
Ana’s career and experience in the artistic field at the beginning, from acting, to dance, coaching and later on yoga , meditation and sound therapy shaped her unique style of teaching- an alchemist yogi.Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer Gong Master, Ana teaches Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Hatha Yoga and Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga.
Her care and unique approach comes from her own recovering journey and a vast experiennce of practicing various types of yoga, studied from Hawaii to New York, Portugal and London, Rome teaching and working with people from all over the world.
Guided by her teachers she followed her mission and dedication to kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, and went back to her home country where she opened Pawan Studio of Yoga & Sound Healing- un urban yoga sanctuary in the heart of Bucharest, dedicated to many yoga styles with an emphasis on sound and Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
Sat Nam Rasayan and Kundalini Therapy Medicine are her most beloved healing techniques that she works with and applies for her students. Among her work she studied with: Guru Dharam, Mahankirn Kaur Khalsa, Deborah Coehn, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Amanbir Joe Singh, Don Conreaux, Angelo&Katia Surinder, Guru Dev.
Funky and full of energy, Ana lives now in Bucharest, acts, dances, rocks the gong, shamanic drums, teaches yoga and travels for both acting and yoga.
“My joy, gratitude and love to my teachers who taught me gracefully to seek and embrace my higher self, stay on the path of awareness and be a guide to those in need”
Peace, Light and Love
Ana (Prem Shakti Kaur)
& me (Darius Moldovan)