Plato used to say you should practice death daily.
It’s about you reminding yourself that you are not immortal. Your soul is, but your existence here on earth is limited.
When you imagine yourself dying today, or tomorrow being your last day here on earth, you remind yourself of what is of value to you, what has meaning.
I am saying this to bring one subject into discussion. Sleeping.
We believe that 8-10 h of sleep a day is a necessity. Yes it may have been when we were growing, at a young age. But now sleeping is mostly due because we feel we have nothing beautiful to wake up to. Or there is no other form known to us, of how we can relax.
When we talk about work and we feel “compelled” to wake up early, we do so much effort, alarms, cold water, coffee, whatever will get us on our feet.
But when we have to wake up for ourselves, when we “enjoy” a free day we just go for a 12 h sleep. And for most of the people it is because there is no pleasure greater than this. There is no planed day for which they should get up to do some interesting things.
It is like life it is not worth living.
It is like we are sleeping our life. Sleeping, eating, reproducing, the basic needs of any animal.
“We do so much efforts into creating problems, stress, we create so many thoughts that can bring our energy down. But when it comes to happiness, we just sit and do nothing, like we expect everything just to fall from the sky.”
We where trained to work and dedicate our time and energy for someone else’s dream rather than our own.
It is very peaceful to sleep, when your brain and thinking process is out of the way, and you forget about your identity, you are just peaceful.
But will you do the same if this where one of your last day on earth? Or would you call everybody to meet, say to them whatever you didn’t got the chance to say, your parents, that you love them and they did a great job, your loves one, how much they mean to you, go and see nature, have healthy food, do some exercise for the body and thanking him that he supported you for all this years, and all the bad choices you made. Showing love and gratitude to everyone. And probably trying out the things you never had the courage, time, resources to do.
The body is happy when you sleep because it seems like you’re not giving him a choice to experience bliss, to jump from a parasympathetic “fight or flight” when the mind is under stress to a sympathetic mode “rest and digest”- grow and heal, when the mind and body is at peace.
For me one of the purposes of you being human, is to be conscious, if not, your experience would have been reduced to one of an animal. But your purpose here on earth is so much greater than this, and you know it, that is why you are not satisfied about your existence.
It’s like being drunk on some kind of products and unconscious, and people telling you that you had fun, or you being aware and having a memory of being blissful. It is scary, and there is no fun of you being unaware, if you where in some kind of other activity that doesn’t involve sleeping.
You feel you are awake now, just because you didn’t experienced other states of being awake. But you have felt the same in other circumstances, for example when you thought your body is at your peak, until you didn’t get to do some physical exercises for at least 30 min.
So what if you can develop the means to go-jump to this state consciously, what if there is a chance that yoga with all its myths about meditation and breathing and other practices, can make your experience being awake and blissful like being asleep and unconscious, or even more, would you take that chance, would you try it?