The beautiful process of yoga

This is how my teacher will summarize yoga.

What, Why , How? – what is it, why to do it, how to do it…

Three questions that you will need to use them eventually in every single thing you do or try in life. Understanding everything “Less is not enough, more is not possible.

In some yoga classes you will fell sometimes that some exercises are  not really from the scriptures, that the teacher/instructor is somehow bending the rules, he’s being sometimes to flexible or too harsh.

Well in the conception of my teachers and many gurus, yoga is understanding.

So you are trying to understand how your body works, and try to improve the things you feel or lack in your body.

Lack of exercise and a sedentary life style or improper thinking will bring imbalances to the mind, body and here is where yoga intervenes and is slowly bringing everything back to its balance.

Buddha used to say life is like the strings of a guitar: “If you pull a guitar string too tight, it will snap. If you let it out too loose, it will make no noise. Only medium tensions allow the guitar to work. So too is the path to contentment.”

So we are trying to adjust life in such a way we feel contentment at a regular basis.

If you are in a kitchen and you understand how to cook something, sometimes you can bend the rules, and add some personal things, some of your taste into that cooking, is the result a disaster? No, it’s your perception that what you bring to that recipes will improve it.

And this is what we try to bring to the world, by our existence, an improvement.

Every yoga class will be different, even if we all are talking about the same thing. Everyone is trying to trigger something in you, some different muscle, or some different perception about the same thing, and it seems like every time we look from a different angle, it is like things change, but fundamentally it is the same.


It is like looking at someone from different angle, it is still the same person the same body, is just that your attention gets fixed on different aspects.

So for example if we want to relief-improve the lower back pain-muscles, in the begging we can start stretching that part of the body, creating space and flexibility for nutrition to come in, for oxygenation, everything what the tissue-cells-molecules-atoms need in order for us provide the necessary condition for our body to heal that area.

And we don’t stop here, just on the gross part, we can add some subtle practices, chanting, breathing, awareness, the healing energy or warmth of our hands to heal that particular area, or meditation, which is such a strange concept to most of us.

Now, the body is an incredible mechanism, we cannot understand even a small percentage of it, but we are trying to use all our knowledge in the best way we can to support the body needs to keep this soul inside so it can manifest itself freely.

This is the whole feeling of levitation, so levitation is mostly how you move through life, you feel like you are flying, everything is easy, you are just putting a thought in your mind, and that thought is manifesting itself with the indulged speed of the universe.

We still follow this cosmic, universal law, so since we are matter, we follow the rules of matter on this earth, like the force of gravity. The same laws apply to us.

After we have relief the lower back from pain, we go to the source, what was the source of this pain? And how can I prevent it the next time for happening?

So you go to your posture, to your abdomen, and most of us we lack a lot on this subject, or even deeper, the thought. What was that thought that made me bend like that?  or depleted me from all the energy so I could put all this pressure on the lower back? Am i working myself too much? Is my life style against the health of the body? How can i serve ?

So yoga for me is a science, for which the main purpose is to observe the body, mind and energy implied for this arrangement to work at his best.

Just because you do yoga doesn’t mean you have to stop here, yoga is a 24h practice, is the laboratory that you take with you every day of your existence.

Go and explore the beauty of this world, go paint, do Pilates, run, do cycling, enjoy yourself in every activity but do it with awareness, be  less harmful with yourself and your environment, be honest and strong, show compassion and love, try to build your understanding and be less ignorant each day.

We are doing yoga so we can enjoy life more. So we can move easily trough life. Yoga is just a mean for you to experience yourself to the most of your potential.

Stop comparing yourself with everyone, you are not the same, you had different experiences, different start, the universes never makes a copy.

Everything is the same, fundamentally, but has slight differences, embrace this differences and allow the universe to observe itself through your perception.

And just enjoy this short experience…

Being thankful, showing gratitude, is all that you have to release into this universe…that is the purpose of your existence.