All posts by Darius_II

mini sugestii spre 21 mai 2016

pentru ca sunt putin departe si vreau sa clarific unele mentiuni legate de aceasta perioada, astern aici si informatile ce le-am mentionate la cere mai recente clase:

  • cow (vaca)
    • cat-cow
    • cat-cow-tiger
    • face
  • fluturi ampli (baddha konasana)
  • bridge (podul)
  • hip-openers (deschizatori de solduri)
  • triangles

plus cele din perioada anterioara (plug / plow, warriors, virasana, vajrasana, lumanarea / shoulders stand)


cat mai multa curatire, nu doar prin practica unor kriyas (neti pot, kapalbhati, bastrika) cat mai ales prin runde dimineata si seara de:

nadi shodhana – respiratia prin alternarea narilor (incepand de pe stanga) si pastrarea duratei inspiratiei = expiratiei, fara rententie..

  • scaldarea picioarelor in rau

enjoy 😉

Astre, culori si zilele saptamanii

ma intalnesc din ce in ce mai frecvent cu persoane care poarta (involuntar) anumite culori in respect cu unele zile ale saptamanii, ii intampin zambind, mai ales cand probabil purtam si acelas tip de articol asociat cromatic  si atunci deschid ei usor subiectul (asortarii)..

MM: “[…] verde”
Eu: “foarte bine, azi e miercuri”

putin nauciti de raspuns si in acelas timp curiosi imi lasa spatiu sa continui ideea:

Eu: “[…] fiecare zi a saptamanii are asociata o planeta, azi Miercuri, Mercur, verde”

Dar ce treaba are verde cu Mercur? ca doar planeta nu e verde.. vom deslusi in cele ce urmeaza.. insa inainte de toate trebuie sa recunos ca prietena mea e foarte happy ca mi-am gasit un sistem de selectie mai viguros al alegerilor vestimentare :)) Iar in alta ordine de idei, tot mai multe persoane vor sa la scriu odata legenda acestor asocieri cromatice cu zilele saptamanii.. Cum ziceam, 7 astre din sistemul solar – 7 zile in saptamana:

  • Soarele – Sun – Sunday – Duminica
  • Luna – Moon – Monday – Luni
  • Marte – Mars – Tuesday – Marti
  • Mercur – Mercury – Wednesday – Miercuri
  • Jupiter – Jupiter – Thursday – Joi
  • Venus – Venus – Friday – Vineri
  • Saturn – Saturn – Saturday – Sambata

Daca am mentionat anterior ca Miercuri e verde, probabil exista asteptarea unui ROGVAIV, insa aceste sincronizari cromatice nu au legatura nici cu chakrele, nici cu spectrul de lumina.

Pentru a inlatura efectele sau influentele negative ale unor planete in astrologia vedica erau prezentate aceste tehnici ce se imparteau in materiale si spirituale. Metodele materiale includ purtarea unor pietre pretioase sau semipretioase, ce poarta energia unor diferite plantele.

Spre exemplu, daca in horoscopul personal, Mercur e slabit se poate purta un inel de smarald pe degetul mic si/sau purtarea unor haine verzi, Miercuri (ziua Mercur) de asemenea postul pana la orele pranzului. Insa toata povestea cu inelele este ca nu sunt asa de usor de procurat, marimea pietrei trebuie in general minim 5 carate, sa fie de o calitate buna si asa ajung scumpe, in plus cel mai important este ca piatra trebuie sa atinga mereu pielea (ca e inel ca e medalion) si pe cealalta parte sa patrunda lumina Soarelui + in cazul personal, fiecare piatra o duc spre consultare unui guru (care se uita si dupa incarcatura pietrei, intampinand des cazuri in care reconstruirea unora prin diferite procese, oricat de bine ar arata in final, nu trece prin filtrul lui, zicandu-ti daca e multumit de vibratia pe care o are, daca sa mai cauti sau daca e goala). Si mai sunt si alte metode, ritualuri si actiuni de caritate care se pot face in acele zile asociate cu planetele mai slabe (in horoscopul personal).

Interconexiunea vedica a planetelor cu culorile si zilele saptamanii este:

Sun – Sunday – Orange; Moon – Monday – Milky white, silver; Mars – Tuesday – Pink, red; Mercury – Wednesday – Green; Jupiter – Thursday – Yellow; Venus – Friday – White, blue; Saturn – Saturday – Dark blue, black; Rahu and Ketu have no days of the week, but Rahu is like Saturn – Saturday, and Ketu is like Mars – Tuesday.

Cromatica zilelor saptamanii

Duminica | Soare | rubin | red spinel & red garnet | Surya
Luni | Luna | perla | moonstone & white coral | Chandra
Marti | Marte + Ketu* | coral  | red carnelian & red blood stone | Mangala
Miercuri | Mercur | smarald | tsavorite & green tourmaline | Budha
Joi | Jupiter | safir galben | yellow topaz & tourmaline | Guru
Vineri | Venus | diamant | white sapphire & colorless quartz | Shukra
Sambata | Saturn + Rahu** | safir albastru | iolite & indicolite | Shani

*Ketu – Cat’s eye – tourmaline & fibrolite – 
**Rahu – Hessonite  – hyacinth & spessertite –

in speranta ca de acum o sa aveti zile cat mai colorate,

hari om, tat sat, namaste!

last 7 weeks of India – part 2 – Goa & Prenatal

I want to express some gratitude, so I thought, initially to post this in English, now I think that i’ll alternate between Romanian and English between these parts..


here i was, landing in GOA.. where, we were announced that NO PHOTO is allowed to be taken at the airport, so i already started to ask myself why? Is it this airport maybe so small? is it that jungleish? or dirty? or diseases? security issues? anyway..

dressed all in black mountain clothes – with the idea to be protected against the cold (Romania & Germany) as also against the hot/sun in Goa – i already started to have the feeling that i need to breathe more with my skin.. got my heavy backpack.. the phone was not registering to any service – another reason to be happy (when you charge your prepaid phone with a lot of $ so that you can use it in roaming and there nobody wants to accept you 🙂 ). I sit myself on the taxi line, then trying to find an ATM, cashing out at some tourist agency (with a 10% fee for minimum 10000), then finally going to the taxi…

it started to look like a rich environment, comparing the Green with Jamaica and already feeling that it would be a great experience.. then after maybe 1h I arrived into some place a bit more deserted that expected..  somehow i was expecting it to be closed to the beaches, to the ocean..

i don’t know what was in my head that moment, but when I looked at this map.. i thought.. hey.. this green/forest whatever could be foot-passed for the beaches


getting of the car..

I was remembering my 1st arrival to India [2013].. shortly someone run to me, asked my name and took the luggage to the room… the house, was just over the street of the school,  BIG, trying to impress with a green like american grass before the porch, then a large day room – except of big closet the room was empty (while on the right side of the house, the same space was filled with a kitchen), then ahead after one door there was the bedroom with 2 beds and ants/mosquito nets over them and one bathroom..

bed india guest house trimutri

dropped the luggage and went straight to the school, the staff from kitchen area were very friendly and smiling faces, they asked me to sit, have a drink, asked about my travel and communicated a short schedule of the next day and the services they provide inside.. what the travelers would say.. a WELCOMING and smiling ATTITUDE 🙂

the 1st day

the previous experiences in India, my plans to have some remote working from there as also that my phone was not registering to any network turn the remaining time of that day to the journey of getting a phone prepaid sim card..

with a small, sketched on paper, map to Chaudi Market 🙂 I planned a 5-6km trip, on foot, to experience the surrounding, maybe make some shopping.. but i didn’t realize how tired I was.. and I had to walk a lot until some shops started to arise..

starting to experience the Sun set on the way to.. Great.. or not so great :))) because in the end it was a long tiring trip, with no results (i had to had passport copy and a lot of things for get a sim card).. so the only things i bought was water..


the road back was filled by darkness and thoughts, hurrying to catch at least the dinner as a comfort way to end the day… and so it was.. 1st day summary: we are deep enough in the nature, if you want to reach something better ride a scooter (or bike)..

the 1st impressions

trimurtri goa panorama

The school looks great is like yoga camp Oaza, the staff are very friendly, everything looks clean, the food included in the course is great as also there would easily prepare you something else from an option list in change of a specific money donation – like if you are craving for sweets or for something else to drink they can please you to some degree, still in a healthy way (e.g. kombucha).

The Training

initially when I thought Prenatal Yoga, you’ll view some postures and some techniques that need to be avoided.. you’ll focus on the space and how not to touch it.. but as an outsider.. that’s how you’ll consider it.. basically.. and this was the space of my preconceptions..

From the 1st day we started, we were asked to find ourselves a story, about your pregnancy, where we are, etc. then that during all prenatal yoga classes we’ll be practicing with a pillow sticked to our abdominal alea, that we would start to feel & understand our future students by limiting ourselves to what we believe is the available expression. Hearing that, our first class was very strange, we want so far pretending that on the end-class feedback everyone felt that was sick/ill – that was our primary lesson – these beautiful women are full with energy, they kick life with two hearts in the same body and without any reason.. we are tagging them instated of understanding.

Like this, day by day, we grew on understanding and learning things that we didn’t know nor had any idea they were there. Karo had a beautiful structure of the course so that each part of the program was a step further and higher.

the group

the expecting yogis

We had the honor to have with us also a pregnant colleague, Adriana, which was almost each time teaching us that pregnant women are way more stronger, fit for exercises and willing to get involved that we estimated. Then by the end of the course we understood why Karo was so into (street-)picking even local women to train with us or hear their feedback, as also why everyone wanted to pair with Adriana if there was any activity demanding a partner 🙂

Erica Prenatal Yoga Teacher

some other colleagues were experienced with pregnant women or kids, either by teaching prenatal Pilates, dancing, arts or sciences. I don’t want to explicitly associate them with their background, just that here I wanted to thank them for their presence and sharing: Niha, Sandra, Celine, Letitia, Paula, Vicky, Nanika & my brother.. thank you!

Kad local indian prenatal yoga teacher

the material


we had 6 teachers during the prenatal phase of the course, where Karo was leading the majority of the hours teaching us about the 1-3 trimesters, special conditions and the labor as also leading some classes (some very thematic as openings, warm-ups, standing & walll, mat sequences, etc). Beryl took care of the anatomy and Bhaskar of philosophy. For our experience we also had normal and prenatal yoga classes lead by Claire, other prenatal by Erika and Kad (an local indian prenatal yoga teacher).

Bhaskar teaching prenatal philosphy

The remaining time was filled by classes where we were teaching something that we learned that day (or the previous one) in a small group or full class.


following a familiar structure but a bit faster we went over what’s the need, place of postnatal yoga.. having experience from almost all the previous teachers.. learning also more about props, restorative, adjustments, nutrition (with Susan) and partner yoga..

the feedback

just to leave some numbers, we had 7 teachers, each with their specific focus, who lead about 37 sessions + 17 other assisting (were we had some teaching practicum). The information and the knowledge that was shared exceeded all my expectations, in such a way that this part of the journey became one of the richest experiences (training & location included). I will return to this place, to this school, to these people with open heart as I also recommend it, starting from my closest friends and family 🙂



cele 7 saptamani in India – partea 1 – agenda

acum 65 de zile am inceput a 3-a aventura in India.. 

a 3-a x India?

pentru multi acest spatiu nu este nici macar in lista de destinatii, fiecare a auzit de mizeria lor, de listele de boli, de miros si orice invazie nepoliticoasa a fiecarui simt, de maimute agresive, de numarul “mare” de violuri, talharii, droguri, bombe, teroristi, etc – si daca n-am fi intrat deja pe firul rosu, cu aceste cuvinte, al agentiilor de securitate.. as mai fi amintit cateva..

de ce atatea vizite in India, oare nu sunt alte destinatii mai interesante?

probabil ca sunt, insa inca n-au intrat in prioritatile mele, in acelas timp India este atat de inepuizabila, acum, atunci, mereu.. este asemenea unui teren de joaca, locul unde expansiunea experientelor nu cunoaste limite, unde inveti sa-ti eliberezi fricile, sa cunosti aceea libertate, bucurie, prezenta (atentie) pe care ai avut-o cand erai mic..

am pasit prima oara in India sa invat yoga – atat cat sa o pot preda, apoi a 2-a oara aveam mai multe planuri – sa-mi adancesc practica, sa invat cum sa invat pe altii ce vor sa invete pe altii :), sa re-experimentez gaselnitele din prima colindare si alte cele..

acum a 3-a oara planul era mic

foarte mic si durata parea atat de intinsa de parca poate prea.. voriam sa dezvolt ceva skillset in paralel cu yoga – ceva sa fie totusi prin Yoga Alliance U.S.  si atunci am gasit Prenatal Yoga – apoi ma mai gandisem eu la cateva cursuri, ca era masaj, ca era ayurveda, ca era pressopunctura, astrologie.. eram pregatit pentru orice aparea ca destinat pe drum..

Deci cum mai ziceam si in alte ipostaze, deseori experienta yoga consta mai mult in a realiza ca exista o perioada (40 de zile) in care poti sa schimbi orice la tine, regimul alimentar este specific construit pentru asta iar acei teacheri nu fac nimic mai mult decat sa-ti rupa din pattern-urile posturale (prin asana) sau mentale (prin anatomie, fiziologie si filozofie).. in plus locul are si el inseamnatatea lui… dar daca ai deja spatiul-timpul-alimentatia si un drum.. schimbarile sunt posibile..

 alte destinatii

sunt.. sa vedem insa cum se vor aseza lucrurile pentru Thailanda (ceva kudalini-tantra probabil), Angkor Wat (imi doream sa ajung acolo inca dinanite de India si se pare ca primesc semnale sa efectuez misiunea) si alte locuri mai specifice, incluzand tarile asa zis civilizate si bineinteles, Romania.

 aceleasi locuri in India?

acum a 3-a oara am fost si in Sud, insa in primele dati am fost intradevar in acelas loc, acelas gen cartier monahal yogic al Rishikeshului. Motivul pentru care alesem acelasi loc era exact pentru ca il cunosteam cat de cat si imi reducea din tentatia de a pierde timpul explorand (exteriorul). Acum insa, ar fi fost prea frig daca aterizam asa devreme.. si in acelas timp imi facea Sudul cu ochiul..

drumul in India

daca nu ai vazut vreun videoclip cum se conduce in India, sigur ai auzit despre aceasta viteza de reactie intre intelegerile rutiere nelefigerate de banda dreapta..

taxi / masina / scooter

astea fac parte din experientele pe care le sugeram fiecarui noi ajuns in India, un fel de botez, de cedare a increderii, de predare in mainile divinitatii.. insa sunt diferente intre Nord si Sud. In Nord nu e doar mai aglomerat dar si strazile sunt pana si de 2 ori mai inguste ca in Sud, in plus nu este vizibilitate in Nord precum in Sud..

avion / tren

astea sunt cele mai rapide si cele mai ieftine forme de a calatori in India, atat ca pentru tren ai nevoie de minim 2-3 spatamani inainte sa-ti asiguri un loc.. iar aproape toate marile orase au cate un mic aeroport.. atentie doar la greutatea bagajului cu care calatoresti / firma cu care zbori 🙂 sa nu te trezesti ca mai platesti aproape un bilet pentru diferente cumulate de 13kg 😀


intr-un final planul acestei de 3-a vizite in India se aseza asa:

  • mergem in Goa pentru Prenatal
  • avem 1 saptamana in care alegem ce sa facem (Goa vs Bangalore vs ???)
  • Inner Engineering la Isha Foundation (gen Coimbatore)
  • avem cateva zile poate-l vedem pe Sadhguru
  • Yaksha & Mahashivratri cu Sadhguru @ Isha Foundation
  • zburam spre Nord (Rishikesh) pentru ultimele 12 zile

si sa vedem ce s-a intamplat… in urmatoarele postari 🙂

Yogathon: Ancient Yoga Flows – descriere clasa

acum o saptamana, la yogathon am propus o clasa de yoga in care cu anumite pauze de observatie. Am experimentat cateva serii, secvente posturale dinamice – flow-uri, ce au fost cunoscute in practica pre-clasica yoga, ce sunt prezente in anumite linii mai traditionale de yoga, retete terapeutice sau partial modificate si in kundalini..


in partea de incalzire nu am apelat la cunoscutele serii Pawanmuktasana 1 sau 2 ci pentru partea superioara am corpului am amintit de o incalzire activa din picioare a degetelor memberlor inferioare, flexie si rotatie glezna, flexie si rotatie genunchi, rotatie sold – succesiune ce a fost importata si de unele arte martiale. Apoi..


Upa Yoga

contituita din miscarea incheieturilor in cele patru directii prin sincronizarea cu momentul respiratiei, respectiv expirand deschid pumnii de la piept ca si cum as scapa ceva din palme in timp ce intind mainile (directia 1 lateral, 2 inainte, 3 sus, 4 jos) iar cand am ajuns la expresia completa a lungimii mainilor, re-aduc, inspirand, mainile la piept inchizand pumnii ca si cum as prinde ceva. Exista intensitate musculara, contractie, pe toata durata miscarii astfel ca la inceput incheieturile pot aparea usor sensibile si miscarea poate sa fie usor disconfortanta.

Apoi urmeaza incalzirea genunchilor prin o usoara rotatie de 3 ori in sensul ceasornicului si 3 in celalat sens, cu expiratia pe momentul cand genunchii se intind in fata.

8-12 leganari ale bazinului

miscari de incalzire la nivelul gatului, avand momente specifice de respiratie – unde amintim de cea mai vizibila diferenta, inspiratia pe twist in axul coloanei (barbia spre umar) – ajutand asfel mai mult la alongatia coloanei decat adancimea rotatiei.

Vajrasana Series

pozitia picioarelor a variat de la cea clasica in care genunchii sunt apropiati si degetele lipite, la o talpa in arcul talpii opuse, la glezna peste glezna (gen shimhasana), genunchi departati iar apoi picioare departate.

Intre aceste variatii au fost introduse rotatii de sold, cat-cow stretch, cat-cow-tiger stretch, eye of the needle strectch

Observatia fiind orientata in special spre respiratie – abdomen – si apoi alternarea narii dominante in functie de pozitia picioarelor sau variatia mainilor.

spre flow-uri din picioare
Shakti Bandha Series (Energy Block Postures)

Vaslitul in aplecari, trasul funiei alternand mainile, twistul dinamic de la un varf de picior la altul, invartitul mamaligii, salutatul din stat pup (squat), twist cu un genunchi jos si priviere peste umarul opus, taierea lemnelor, twist cu bratul intins contra/sub genunchi, usoare intinderi de picioare cu degetele mainilor sub talpi

cateva salutari
Shiva Namaskar

dupa fiecare serie – recomandarea este de o pauza in Pranamasana – Prayer pose – ochii inchisi

Yoga Namaskar

de asemenea pauza, dupa fiecare revenire in standing si se inchide cu palmele spre sol, formand un triunghi cu degetele mari si cele aratatoare..


Copacul aruncator de sageti

pentru a rupe din pattern-ul momentului cinetic creat intr-un singur plan

Surya Namaskar (Traditional)

pentru a practica ceva familiar cu ochii inchisi


Flying Dragon

pentru twisturile dinamice, echilibru, deschiderea soldurilor si schimbarea dinamica a centrilor de greutate


Cool Down

foarte putin din Moon Salutation cat sa mai schimbam planul in care ne angajam cu miscarea..


Laghoo Shankha Prakshalana

apoi bridge, barcute london-bridge, lumanare, plugul, pestele, twistul universal, aumkara, shavasana..


si cum ziceam la Yogathon, este o practica de aprofundat personal

hari aum, tat sat.. namaste!


Lumbar/lower back pain – from thought to body


Lumbar/lower back is one of the regions I see a lot of us struggle with. It seems the whole world is experiencing this. It can lead to disk herniation, inflammation of sciatic nerve, In some cases to surgery, any scenario is to be avoided but how? 

It seems like a lot of people are showing signs of pain in this region and I was trying to understand it. It often happened to me also, after long hours of working standing on my feet I would feel the most painful part of the body is in my lumbar.

It was because of shoes, it was because of bad posture, but mostly because of my thoughts.
I was talking with someone who recently had a surgery on the lumbar, after long pains, after sitting in bed for days, feeling with every breath the sciatic nerve. It eventually ended with surgery.

Now this person was active, sporty, good food and healthy lifestyle, not a cigarette or alcohol, not lifting weights, not a sedentary lifestyle. Doctors would say it shouldn’t had happened.

But still, how come it happened? Or what was the cause of it?

We talked about the period when this was starting. It had to do with work. With this person working double (mentally) feeling used, unappreciated, abused, a situation you cannot run from because your job depends on. Having this feelings not only on him/her but also on the person who left him/her with all this to deal with.

But from mind and thoughts and feelings all the way to the body, seems like such a long way, or almost impossible to believe…

We say it is fatigue, postural imbalance, a lack of strength in the back and abdomen especially. But then how come, most of the people are siting, doing office job, some are in an amazing shape and know how to protect themselves, but they are  also the ones  which are getting surgery on their lumbar or experiencing pain in that area and there are some, no abdomen no back muscles, with a good attitude who remain untouched by this.

Trough postures and exercises I try to correct this, in me and those around me, but it seems it is more than this.

This year my experience with India was a more subtle one, moving to the mind, moving to the thoughts. Whatever we are suppressing, or denying, the things we are aware or unaware of, moving through all the known layers: conscious, unconscious, subconscious.

Whatever we are unaware of, the body, sooner or later will point out those things. We stock different emotions, on different parts of the body. So it is not really the body who is stiff 🙂 or a specific part of the body, it is us who are unwilling to deal with “old shit”.

It seems like whatever bad thought, emotion, feeling we experience, we are trying to bury or suppress it. We create more and more garbage every day, but one day is going to come out, one way or another, often trough a disease, giving you enough time to think about your past or future.

I really loved the way the word “disease” was dissected by someone “dis-ease” when we are not at ease, when we are not relaxed, when we are troubled by something.

Now on the opposite side of the lumbar/lower back you have your 2nd chakra svadhisthana.

Energetically on this chakra we can talk about 3 things:

Deficit you are resentful, shy, freeze with fear, sexual guilt, un-trusting, buries emotions.

Excessive you become aggressive, see others as sexual objects, manipulating, volatile emotions, self-serving.

Balanced you are creative, friendly, intuitive, concern for others, attuned to feelings.

It is also called the OLD STUFF center : Childhood conditioning, violation of body and personal space, something done to us or taken from us without our permission, molestation, abuse rape, frigidity, impotence.

The behavioral Barometer of the body says when we experience pain in that area:

At conscious level you might have experienced–> Resentment –> Hurt, used, abused, unappreciated, embarrassed, dumb, offended.

At a subconscious level: Grief and guilt->Betrayed, conquered, discouraged, unacceptable, ruined, defeated, self-punishing

Now it seems that even if you do massages, take medicine, trying to correct your posture,
strengthening your core, after a period you are back to square 1, back to the pain.

Every single disease, imbalance, we experience has a source, the rigidity you find in your body, is the rigidity you will experience in your mind, emotions. Probably you will find yourself a very balanced person, in tune with spirituality, a man of God, but you also feel, if you are honest, there is still space for improvement in this perfect person that you are.

Be honest with yourself, at least with yourself. Try to find the period when the pain had started, try to find what was the reason, why where you feeling the way you were feeling, is it the work, is it the way you feel about yourself? Is it the relationship you have, or is it just something you are trying to deal with for a long time, is it something old from childhood, whatever it is take some time for introspection.

Try performing a new action, or activity that will make you feel:

(For resentment use interest) fascinated, needed, welcomed, appreciated, essential, caring, tuned-in.

(Replace grief and guilt with equality) lucky, involved, sincere, productive, purposeful, co-operative.

Find out how hyperbaric chambers can be your gateway to feeling better. Correct your posture. Work for a strong core. Learn how to use your body and breathe in different activity in your life so you experience less of this unpleasantness.

Or just come to yoga 🙂 .

One good thing about being sick is you will realize how much we need one another, how weak we really are sometimes, how important is to help others, that being humble is not a weakness is the way to approach everything.

So a disease from time to time 🙂 it is a blessing. It is a lessons when we are so busy with life, to come back and analyze things, look at our life and change it. Adjust it to nature.

Before you judge 🙂 before you create again your own silly opinions 🙂 any excuse not to change this “perfection” you call yourself 🙂 be open to new things 🙂 embrace new mentalities 🙂 And know no matter how big you are, there is always someone bigger 🙂 The only thing that is everlasting, never changing, is truth.

Every emotions is affecting the body and conversely the body is affecting your mind. The body you hold today is just a manifestation of your thoughts. If we cannot change or control what we think or feel, let s try to correct how we sit or breath. The mind will follow the body.

in Bucuresti

🙂 nu este o gluma, momentan sunt in Bucuresti pentru a participa in principiu la Yogathon evenimentul din 2 Aprilie unde se vor desfasura 15 clase diferite de yoga..

In ultima perioada am construit / intuit o succesiune de serii posturale, atat prin inspiratia descrierilor gasite in cartile de terapie prin yoga cat si intalnindu-ma cu ele in India, in cursul unor programe specifice de dezvoltare / realizare personala. Accesibilitatea lor este foarte ridicata insa exista o diferenta majora de la un practicant la altul.

Am observat, in diminetile cand imi finisam personal acest drum – ce l-am numit Ancient Yoga Flows – o surprinzatoare adancime a atentiei in special colorata de diferentele observabile intre fiecare serie, uneori chiar intre fiecare ciclu.

Ce se intampla cu corpul, cu respiratia, cu gandurile.. imi stimula mai puternic disciplina si sustierea unei linisti, unui echilibru doar pentru a gusta pana si cele mai subtile experiente. Respectiv eram cuprins de o tentatie continua de a reduce orice fluctuatie din corp, din minte si a surprinde tot ce aceasta practica avea sa imi ofere.

asta este cadoul meu pentru Yogathon, o particica accesibila dintr-o practica personala, eficienta sau aducatoare de beneficii prin respectarea indeaproape a unor serii traditionale, intr-o succesiune ce deschide 1000 de petale de lotus, pentru cei care cresc o asemenea floare sau pot privi indelung rasaritul sau apusul Soarelui..

hari om, tat sat, namaste!

spre Cluj

dupa 7 saptamani de India, care n-au fost nici multe nici putine, ma acomodez cu temperatura spre Cluj.. intre timp cateva cuvinte despre ce urmeaza in viitorul an..

ne vom sincroniza cu unele evenimente prin yoga, asta va insemna atat o practica cu elemente specifice cat si cresterea unei sensibilitati, unei capacitati de observatie a sinelui in acest dans al manifestarilor. Spre exemplu clasele sau practica yoga (oriunde se vor desfasura) se vor focaliza pentru o perioada limitata pe 1-3 posturi sau technici, precum alte elemente se vor repeta zi de zi – oferind atat o continuitate, o observatie a unei potentiale cresteri cat si un gust al momentului exterior, ce este mereu in schimbare.

Procesul pana acum nu a fost atat de constient, atat intuitia cat si logica au reusit sa ne puna deseori pe un drum bun dar am realizat asta doar dupa si poate nu am fost atat de dedicati, atat de disciplinati. Surprinsi de intrebari, ezitari poate n-am oferit nici acel 80% din potentialul nostru, n-am fructificat pe deplin momentul, n-am fost sufucient de atenti.

Noi nu suntem Pamantul, dar traim pe Pamant, noi nu suntem Clujul dar traim in Cluj, noi nu suntem acest corp, dar traim in el. Vom valorifica experientele locului unde suntem gazduiti, respectand si cunoscandu-l mai din aproape, mai din detaliu, din adancimea posibilitatilor. 

Pentru cineva care n-a vazut, auzit vreodata un avion si conceptul de a zbura, sa se trezeasca dimineata in curte cu un astfel de obiect ar putea produce diferite experiente. Una dintre ele ar fi curiozitatea si aceasta persoana l-ar privi din exterior si poate intre geamuri ar reusi sa vada cateva randuri de scaune. Ce ar zice aceasta persoana? Intr-un caz fericit ar crede ca e vorba despre un fel de autobuz mai mare. Poate daca ar merge pe ideea asta ar ajunge intr-un final in cabina de pilotaj, ar reusi intr-un in final sa porneasca motorul, sa faca cativa metrii modesti cu el pana cand aripile ar incepe sa se loveasca de copaci, de alte case etc. Apoi si-ar zice ca ceva este gresit la acest model si ar incepe treptat sa taie din aripi pana cand va reusi sa se strecoare, mandru, pe cate mai dese drumuri. Sa fie asta experienta pe care o dorim? Sigur cineva care ar vedea toate aceste lucruri si ar stii ce este un avion ar incepe sa planga cu lacrimi.

Deci vor urma niste momente de aprofundare a intelegerii a prorpiului corp (nu doar fizic), a gazdei in care viata se manifesta, a legilor universale si trairea intensa, respectiv experimentarea la un inalt nivel a acestora.

N-am spus sigur nimic nou, poate sunt alte cuvinte, ca nu vom pluti inconstienti ci contienti. Daca ramane sa plutim, sa vaslim sau sa zburam asta depinde de efortul si dedicarea fiecaruia.

In curand voi putea fi observat prin Cluj 🙂
iar pentru 2 Aprilie va invit la Yogathon, Bucuresti..

Rutina de dimineata

Pe scurt – dintr-o practica de dimineata – urmand sa extind din termeni si detalii ulterior
05:30 trezirea
  • fratele meu are obiceiul de a-si freca usor palmele si acoperii ochii inainte de ai deschide
  • se pune la fierta apa pentru ceai (si dupa caz neti pot)
  • intre timp se consuma apa la temperatura camerei (probabil pastrata peste noapte in pot/vas de cupru)

te asezi pe salteluta in postura vajrasana (poate chiar practica in intregime seria vajrasana)

05:45 se poate consuma ceaiul – inainte sau dupa curatarea narilor prin neti pot
06:00 inainte de a incepe practica unor tehnici sau asana, ne vom focaliza pentru eliberarea circulatiei si energiei in corp.

Putem face asta de asemenea prin seria pawanmuktasana 1 sau printr-o simpla rotire observative a capului (in fata, spate, lateral, rotatie in ax si circumductiue – rotirea cu barbaia in piept – inspiratie umar drept, expiratie umar stang barbie in piept si intoarcere)

Apoi cateva extensii laterale ale coloanei, un mic forward si backward bend + twisturi in abele parti – toate din sezut.

06:15 Pranayama
  • Surya Bhedi: 5 inspiratii de pe nara dreapta – urmate de expiratii pe nara stanga – lungi si egale ca si durata
  • Kapal Bhati: 1-3 serii x 108 contractii
  • Bastrika: 1-3 serii x 40-60 respiratii
  • Anulom Vilom – alterate nostril breating – respiratie alteranativa pe nari – incepand cu nara stanga, in proportie de 1:2:2
06:45 Shavasana – 5min
07:00 Forward Bends
  • Janushirshasana (+variations)
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Plansa intoarsa (piept spre tavan) – upward plank pose
07:15 Kneeling – In genunchi
  • cat/cow x 5
  • tiger – varful unui picior intins spre tavan/cer si cu pana opusa priza pe talpa sau incheietura
  • rotatii de sold cu genunchiul flexat x 5 pentru fiecare parte si fiecare directie
07:30 Standing – in picioare
07:45 Balancing
07:50 Prone – pe bazin
  • locust / bow
07:55 Supine – pe spate
  • bridge
    • shoulderstand – lumanarea
  • plow – plugul
    • fish
08:00 Shavasana
  • Universal Spinal Twist
  • shavasana – 5min

enjoy – i’ll detail this later – iar pentru (ne)lamuriri va astept intrebarile mai jos..



Yoga – Pause/Play – Intrebari/Raspunsuri

Q: Cand o sa fie urmatoarea sedinta, clasa, intalnire de yoga (in Cluj)?

A: nu mai devreme de 29 Martie, insa doar cu doua zile inainte o sa va pot confirma mai clar data, ora, locul – ce va aparea bineinteles pe

Q: Ce o sa facem pana atunci?

A: O sa practicati in continuare 🙂 .. as vrea ca din experienta pe care am avut-o pana acum impreuna sa va fi ramas cateva ganduri si detalii prin cap.. sa va asezati pe saltelute si sa lasati sa vina de la sine. Cel mai important e sa va oferiti timp si sa va asezati pe salteluta.

Q: Este o succesiune sau ordine importanta a posturilor sau tehnicilor de respiratie?

A: In principiu in practica personala ar trebui sa va lasati ghidati de gurul vostru intern, de intuitie. In primul rand sa ascultati, sa observati care ar fi postura pe care sigur nu vreti sa o faceti, care vi se pare neadecvata sau inconfortabila – si odata identificata sa pasiti usor spre ea sa o executati. Stiu ca unora nu le place in intregime Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) – dar oare nu este un ego in spate care ar trebui sa fie diluat cu o practica, determinare si disciplina?

Q: Ai zis de o rutina de dimineata – poti sa-mi scrii ce ar presupune?

A: voi sumariza intr-un articol urmator (cel tarziu maine pe drum) cateva lucruri care se pot practica dimineata.. depinde insa si de fiecare persoana cum isi poate adopta din tehnici.


In alta ordine de idei nu vreau sa va opriti din a practica yoga, reamintindu-va din nou ca este o practica personala, multe se vor schimba la de la nivelul corpului, la al mintii si energiei daca va exista suficienta disciplina si determinare pentru a continua.

De asemenea.. daca sunt intrebari.. o sa incerc sa va raspund cum gasesc disponibiltiate!