All posts by Darius_II

Pasta de dinti fara fluor

de cam o luna am inceput un experiment personal (fara fluor):

  • sa nu folosesc o vreme pasta de dinti care contine fluor / flouride
  • sa caut si sa testez cateva din aceste produse
  • si probabil sa fac un mic review / rezumat al experientei pe acest drum + detalii si diferente intre produse

fara nici o tenta de reclama, acestea sunt produsele testate pana acum, daca aveti sugestii inafara celor prezentate, astept cu curiozitate alternative 🙂

bucura-te de viata, in fiecare moment 😉

A (Yoga) Teacher’s Role

few days ago i highlighted some differences between for e.g. what is a yoga teacher (role) and a yoga instructor… so i’ll expand a bit into the topic even if some ideas i communicated already before:

starting with few points on what is Yoga:

  • yoga is a tool
    • to experience
    • to control
    • to manifest
  • yoga is an educational system
    • science
      • health
    • culture
    • beauty
  • yoga is fitness
    • of the mind
    • of the body
    • of the soul

if in the past, all the famous writers (on yoga) wanted to remain if not as anonymous as possible, discreet or modest.. starting always with the fact that they are not saying anything new but repeating or re-clarifying the same things.. NOW, in this small speck of time that we remember, many (attempt to) copyright their teachings.

It seems that somehow these new teachers (that didn’t reach or culminate any higher state, realization or enlightenment) have succeeded in inventing *new* yoga, finding new yoga secrets, by themselves and by so want to monetize this information 🙂 – for them i have few questions:

  • was the information divine or constructed by you?
    • who is that you? is your ego?
      • isn’t yoga about dissolving that ego?
    • if the source is divine – how can you ask money or copyright it?
    • if the source is a personal study – do you have generations that test it and prove its authenticity? benefits?
  • do you know what is the price of a single rice bean?
    • behind all the costs (transportation, storage, cultivation, etc)?
      • what’s the price that you pay Earth and Sun for growing it?
  • is any of your yoga books suggesting, promoting such a proprietary idea?
  • any yogic source older then 100 years shared yoga on your business principles?

Yoga is knowledge – knowledge means sharing

one really important concept:

I don’t teach Yoga, I share Yoga

many of the teachers have or still wear on their respective wrist a red-yellow-white thread, this was also a reminder that the teachers who presented them yoga had no retention of information and by so you as new teachers should answer – accordingly, caring and in best abilities – to what is required or asked to share from yoga..

A yoga teacher can only guide their students as far as she/he has gone herself in her personal journey. While teaching yoga, we may never know the impact we have on our students. That is why it is so important to come from a place of truth, compassion, honesty and humility.

 The role of a teacher

especially a yoga teacher, has not only a role, but a duty, to share yoga..

“the teacher is there to help, to facilitate the student’s deepening relationship with yoga”

yoga should be in the hands of everybody

one should not only react when the opportunity arises to share freely to the community, or to the ones who desire to know.. but should seek, display and create opportunities so this can happen

it should not be in the hands of the guru or empowering any organization, yoga is a personal practice

Pattabhi Jois one day in Mysore said that the: “practice is much more important than the teacher.”

yoga has to be in the human hands

one who knows yoga, one who teaches yoga, understands yoga.. will find it necessarily that every human should have this tool in their hands..

as one has the tooth brush for the teeth.. yoga should be also there as part of their holistic hygiene

that should be the commitment of a yoga teacher – everybody should have access to it – this is the reason that I am happy when I see more yoga teachers growing in the city, in the country at least with a primary desire to share yoga..

Well, being a good teacher is very different from being a good practitioner, so one must really want to be of service to others. Teachers should have a solid relationship with their own practice, so that they understand why they are teaching yoga and what they have to offer.

And there is always more to learn, so one should be humble in one’s knowledge, and always keep learning , studying with other teachers.

yoga international day

put yourself in the service of yoga, share yoga to your community, share freely, share from all your heart, share with passion, share as your all teachers shared…

how you are within youself is your spirituality

last 7 weeks of India – part 4 – Inner Engineering

my last trip to India was the richest experience (compared to the previous visits), one may say that this is because i visited the South, others might link it to Sadhguru & Isha Foundation.. personally i would highlight that each time was an improved experience because i embraced more, i was ready for more and everything else like South, Goa, Sadhguru, Isha.. was just filling that which I was ready to receive, to be part, to be present..

now because of time, language and also other barriers as also my previous post suffer from, I would try to offer a tinny impression.. what I would like actually is to seduce your hearths and follow me into this or that journey, but for that i have to start writing some books 🙂 or videos..

the plan

we wanted to visit this consecrated place at Isha Foundation and stay as long as possible to catch also Mahashivaratri there, but there was a condition, no more then 10 days for the people who didn’t had this Inner Engineering training..

what did I knew about this training? – nothing

i would only guessed that this is a program which is trans-formative in such a way that you either are more balanced with your energies either you will tune better with the place and customs… but since my brother wanted so much to do it i joined his boat 🙂 but my original plan was to stay in Bangalore, do some work & experience the city..

the arrival

we planned the trip in such a way – as was also suggested by the Isha Team – to don’t disturb the animals time (which was the night time) – so what our arrival won’t create unnecessarily sounds and lights or discomfort for the nature..

from all the airports i visited, the Bangalore one is the most beautiful one – they way they melted the nature, museum and the technology inside it is really inspiring.. so if you have to wait between the planes, you might consider this one as a stop over 🙂

there is a wall full of painted history, some inside faces of houses, ancient war and flight machines, agricultural tools..

arriving at the airport, we moved to a taxi office, where without even opening the mouths, one old bearded guy said “Isha Foundation” :)) so we confirmed smiling, get a non-AC taxi and drived thru a lot of Sadhguru’s advertising of Mahashivaratri

the time before the program

as we arrived to the “welcome point”, we presented ourselves to multiple windows, i guess the second one was the “overseas” where we met J[…]ish, a tall looking indian that was a very familiar and resembling face – like Jean Reno 🙂 – he quickly grabbed my right hand and looked at the ring, smiled and said something […] then looked into my eyes again and we knew this will be a start of a friendship… I told him that i knew him from somewhere.. then i realized that he was in Paris.. by the end confirming that he is part of the staff when Sadhguru is visiting some European places..

that was already cool, finding someone that close with Sadhguru, he was curios a lot about Romania and we ended our little conversation with the plan that i’ll read some of our poems that will be covering some of his interest..

we received a map with the place and some daily events that we could enjoy until the program starts


as everyone was talking about the Surya Kunda bath then a short visit to the Devi temple and at the end (if not directly after) to enter the Dhyanalinga we did so.. but we were also interested in the other activities which in the end we almost covered them all..

below is the place, where early in the morning, especially the male individuals was gathering to conduct their sadhanas (practices).. but is hard – initially maybe – to surrender to your practice when around you there are 100s styles and sounds everyone is making and i’m not talking about some breaths.. but one things he’s a monkey, another one a dog, seagull, the whole jungle :))) .. so i only once practiced here..


to the right a spring will fall into the Surya Kunda, not only a refresing place, but a purifying tool, on which you enter only sourunded by a orange towel, then once out you will continue your journey without getting dry or using any towel (the shower is mandatory before), the water that remains on your body will be conductive for the next steps (of your practice or Devi Temple / Dhyanalinga) – for women its a different place called Chandra Kunda which is not that “public”..


there are other places to be mentioned, like the Biksha were we eated before the program, the kinda coffeteria place – a small public pushing-table place where you could buy masala tea, coffee, sweets but also a full meal.. the Isha Shop, etc.. like this lotus garden full with fishes and water snakes..

but actually you were only allowed to make pictures in these areas – with the Bull and Shiva’s face:

the inner engineering

never been in a more luxurious yogic place before 🙂

when you attend this program, they want you fill as satisfied as possible with all the services, and this is how the perimeter might look:

there were wild peacocks flying from roofs to roofs.. and the food – OMD – amazing, maybe too amazing, too much, too rich, that we were talking at some point.. how is it possible that this is yogic food :)))

the program

we were asked to commit that we won’t divulge the content of the program, so I can’t say more than what is already known on the internet.. that there is in the end an initiation into the shambhavi mudra.. and some helping pre-shambhavi mudra exercises which are also led by upa-yoga..

we were around 130 participants, from all levels of India and from all places of the world.. with generally little knowledge or no knowledge o yoga.. which was a bit surprising to me.. but the techniques there are approachable by everyone..


there were always volunteers to greet you with a smile and help you in any way possible, you can say that you have an all-inclusive-service provided 🙂 as this is anyway the most expensive basic program one can follow – but mandatory for some govt. agencies in India or companies.. like some people were paid from work to get here and do the training..

a recent feedback

from the beginning i recognized some elements of the practice, some were familiar, some were different.. and i went everything to ask the teacher… “hey.. aren’t the women supposed to have the legs in different direction” or “why do we use this (configuration) and why the other (configurations i knew) were not ok”.. but each time i was getting a wall-response “this is how we practice for this” or “on this we all do the same”, etc.

so i was a bit curious and the answers didn’t ease my mind :-/ doing something without understanding.. with a promise that it will come.. surrendering in that way was not my thing.. so i was not enjoying this strictness and rules and blinded following.. but i was willing to continue and allow this… to manifest…

i was in the same time amazed (not in a positive way) how these Indian fellows, the majority of them, were not following the instructions.. even the most simplest i met.. they still were finding ways to do it differently.. even having one of the assistants or volunteers closed to them.. they were like still fighting not to obey direct personal indications 🙂 crazy.. so the thought come to my mind.. that.. just because they don’t want to leave space for debate for such type of characters… the teachers have an absolute no-deep clarification of the exercises outside of what was in the curriculum or videos.. in other words i think they were instructed not to give any personal feedback, instruction or information.. just to follow word by word what Sadhguru told them..

and when I say word by word 🙂 it could end in gesture by gesture.. habit by habit.. sound by sound.. as for one who watched several videos with Sadhguru could comment that this is Sadhguru quoting / impersonation 🙂 – initially frustrating, confusing.. but you eventually let it go.. manifest..

a maturated feedback

I understand now.. why.. or at least i found many reasons if not answers for many of those questions.. One has to surrender enough and let things come by their own experience.. it is a process.. a program.. for self-development, self-realization.. and I’m recommending such a personal experience..

hari aum, tat sat, namaste…

Yoga Teacher – Instructor – Student?

cand, ca yoga teacher te intalnesti deseori cu mesaje ce contin sintagma “sunt incepator / incepatoare la  yoga” incepi sa zambesti si sa le raspunzi dragut ca nu ai prea intalnit practicati avansati in yoga.. dar oare de ce? 🙂

nu incercati sa urmariti o ierarhie, incerc doar sa va deschid putin termenii pentru a va mai inlesni intelegerea concetului de yoga


sa fii yoga student.. nu e o perioada fixa de timp.. ci un drum care nu se incheie uneori niciodata, asta nu pentru ca ai avea mereu ceva de invatat din yoga – pentru ca invata este o metoda de cunoastere exterioara, iluzorie, infinita. Yoga insa te invata, iti pregateste intreaga fiinta pentru intelegere – si atunci cand intelegerea este deplina, nu exista lipsa de cunoastere ci contopindu-te cu yoga “studentia” nu mai exista 🙂

pe scurt.. atat timp cat nu esti una cu totul.. sa fii un student yoga este o calitate, nu un grad, este o capacitate, o flexibilitate, o deschidere, o posibilitate 🙂 un efort, o recunostinta, etc 🙂


aici intram putin in a marca o pozitie intr-un grup, vom intelege prin intructor yoga o persoana care coordoneaza anumite practici yoga intr-o forma pe care le-a cunoscut printr-o invatare personala, didactica sau alte forme ce nu implica o intelegere si o practica constanta a metodelor sau tehnicilor propuse.. cateva intrebari adevate situatiei:

  • Exista o practica personala zilnica?
  • Daca particip in fiecare zi la o ora de grup am o practica personala?

in primul rand yoga nu este doar asana, asta inseamna ca un practicant de yoga nu o persoana care are un ritual sau o clasa de asana pe care o executa in fiecare zi acasa sau in alt spatiu.. un practicant este o persoana care urmeaza un drum yoga ce implica atat experimentarea unor tehnici din mai multe capitole, cat si studierea unor texte, aplicarea unor conduite.. vezi spre exemplu yamas si niyamas


nu e nimic rau daca esti un iubitor sau amator de yoga, e un inceput, lucrurile se vor schimba natural in timp – daca asta e drumul tau – your coup of tea, la inceput yoga vine cu niste fructe sau beneficii ce sustin practica insa ulterior este nevoie de disciplina.. mintea, ego-ul isi vor gasi mereu scuze sa te indeparteze de practica.. si repet.. yoga nu este doar asana.. poate intr-o zi esti bolnav sau din alte motive nu te poti desfasura cum ai dori.. incearca sa fii curios sa vezi si ce altceva este yoga.. practica svadhyaya


un mic inceput.. dar cum stim ca weekedurile le vrem din ce in ce mai libere, mai pentru noi, oare o sa lasi practica de weekend pentru altceva?

sunt persoane care se plang ca spre ex. cursul de inot le face tot programul – si l-au lasat din motivul asta :-/

daca vrei sa inveti ceva, procesul de invatare trece peste obiceiuri si atunci macar o perioada trebuie sa exista o completa dedicare – perioada cunoscuta si sub numele de mandala (in general 40 de zile)

practica zilnica

doar cand o sa incepi sa ai o practica zilnica o sa intelegi ce inseamna yoga in viata ta, ce inseamna sa pornesti intr-o zi fara sa fii inceput cu yoga 🙂 ..  la inceput crezi ca doar tu simti diferenta, ca e doar in perceptile tale.. dar o sa te surprinda lumea din jurul tau care o sa inceapa sa se uite putin mai diferit si daca au curaj chiar sa te intrebe ce faci.. mai mult sa realizeze zilele in care faci sau nu faci ceva 🙂


aici intalnim o persoana care impartaseste din yoga in special influentat de practica sa zilnica, scopul acestuia – spre deosebire de un instructor – este sa impartaseasca yoga, nu sa-si faca un nume, o cariera, un patrimoniu, un grup social cat mai mare, etc..

el intelege ca yoga este un set de unelte ce trebuie sa ajunga in mana tuturor, cat mai accesibil, cat mai corect, ca este un mediu prin care trec informatile si impartasind creste si el impreuna cu si deseori si prin studentii lui.. prin calitatea lor nu prin numar 🙂


ca vorbeam la inceput de un incepator sau un avasat in yoga, poate un yogi sa fie considerat un avasat in yoga.. pentru ca el este devotat unui drum, isi consolideaza practica personala si adapteaza mereu in functie de evolutia lui.. este suficient de prezent in sine incat sa nu aiba nevoia de a aprea la vreo clasa de grup (de aceea nu prea intalnesc eu studenti avansati).. poate ocazional din curiozitate sau din nevoia de a fi observat, corectat, ajutat isi face prezenta pentru asi expune practica, a experimenta si altceva, a intelege cum sa-si continue un drum

o carte ajutatoare pentru un yogi este spre exemplu Hathayogapradipika..


o sub categorie a unui yogi este un meditator, des intalnit termenul mai ales in India sau unele ashramuri, facand apel la acele persoane care in practica sa zilnica includ o perioada pentru manifestarea meditatiei. E egal, ca aceasta face parte dintr-un program specific pe care il executa (intr-o mandala) sau pur si simplu isi aloca acest timp regulat


apare deseori discutia asta daca poti face yoga si manca carne, well din anumite puncte de vedere este mai usor fara carne.. insa o astfel de intrebare merita verificata inainte prin ayurveda si tipul de corp pe care il are fiecare individ

yoga insa nu se masora, nici nu se judeca dupa alimentatie.. sunt insa unele tehnici, unele mantre unele exercitii care nu se pot implini fara o anumita atitudine si educatie alimentara.. insa doar pentru ca cineva este vegan nu inseamna ca este mai spiritual, mai yogi.. cum de asemenea nici practicarea unor exercitii mai complicate nu inseamna ca este mai altfel in general, ci doar punctual acea tehnica ii este mai naturala sau in experienta lui..

“Lowest type of Pranayama will take 12 + 48 + 24 = 84 seconds x 2 = 168 seconds for one round of Nadisodhana Pranayama.” HYP 2:12


conceptul de guru este pe cat de popular pe cat de neinteles, iar acum poate nu e momentul sa ma intind pe acest subiect..

un guru insa nu este o eticheta sociala, respectiv gurul tau poate sa nu fie gurul meu, dar pot sa-l respect ca si pe un teacher. Nu este o declaratie publica 🙂

Pe de alta parte relatia dintre guru – discipol este acceptara de guru, respectiv doar pentru ca cineva se dedica invataturii unui guru, il urmareste, vorbeste doar despre el, etc poate sa nu aiba nici o legatura cu relatia dintre ei (si invers).

Este un guru cel care isi alege un student, un discipol si nu invers. Multi aici confunda ideea de guru cu persoane pe care le considera teacheri, sunt o inspiratie sau invata ceva de la ei.


este un tip de guru care nu a insistat in studii exterioare 🙂 adica nu are nici o pregatire, mai mult nu cauta nici o forma de educatie decat propriai lui perceptie si intuitie.. pe scurt un guru ne-educat.. a carui cunoastere are doar o sursa interioara

pe scurt, nu o sa va citeze din cate carti religioase a citit Bhagavad Gita, Upanishade, Vede, etc.. stie insa de existenta lor si de ce trateaza ele, insa el vrea sa redea prin experienta personala acele sau alte invataturi.. si sa un se lase corupt de ideea ca cunoasterea este o manifestare exterioara..

in speranta ca am adus putina lumina si diferente intre acesti termeni.. hari aum, tat sat.. namaste!

why never say “thank you” to a Yoga Teacher?

it is rooted in the Indian culture, the difference between showing gratitude and thank somebody.. shortly, you never say thank you to your parents and to your teachers – its their duty – but you can show gratitude (in action)..


nu este o de lipsa de respect, cand printr-o forma sau alta ii adresezi unui yoga teacher vreun “multumesc” si el nu iti raspunde “nimic” inapoi.. ci cel mult isi pleaca capul, isi atinge cu mana dreapta inima, aduce mainile unite la piept in namaskar/prayer sau raspunde ca nu e el ci yoga..

Despre raspuns

in primul rand, un yogi nu doreste sa-si ridice / creasca ego-ul in vreo forma.. si daca spre adresa lui s-ar ridica astfel de cuvinte, va incerca sa-si pastreze o pozitie cat mai umila, sa exprime unicitatea prin yoga (ca intre sursa si destinatie nu exista diferenta), sa nuanteze ca este doar un canal si ca practica lui in yoga ii ridica intuitia sau ii ofera o anumita forma de expresie.. posibilitatea fiind universala

Profesorii multumesc studentilor

nu pentru faptul ca sunt intretinuti de cotizatile lor, nici pentru ca au venit intr-un numar mare sau mic, ci pentru atentia sau disciplina observata in timpul cursului, pentru posibilitatea pe care studentii o ofera profesorilor de a canaliza aceste resurse / informatii divine, de a impartasi – pentru ca, prin aceasta actiune, yoga se manifesta mai altfel si prin ei..

Despre aplauze dupa yoga

nici la aterizari sau decolari de avioane – decat daca au fost conditii speciale si oricum pilotii nu aud – dar asta e alt subiect 🙂

nu sunt aplauze in primul rand pentru ca vrem sa gustam cat mai mult din starea de liniste, din ultimele vibratii, din interiorizare, din “reducera oscilatilor mentale”, din zen, etc.. din starea de para-simpatic..

in plus placerea, bucuria, fericirea si alte emotii sunt (perceptii) personale, nu toata lumea le impartaseste la fel, din aceleasi motive, yoga teacherul a propus doar un drum, senzatile ulterioare va apartin

si nici pentru ele n-ar trebui sa ridicati aprecieri 🙂 – totul este temporar, iluzoriu, maya 🙂

Despre fresh / hot feedback

se recomanda a lasa practica sa se adanceasca in tine pentru inca 1h, in care de preferabil orice forma de comunicare mai ales pe acest subiect sa fie redusa daca nu inexistenta 🙂

sunt unele persoane au tedinta sa-si promoveaze rezultatele, simtirile, etc – sa ne amintim pe langa ca aceastea sunt persoanale, yoga nu este un sistem de comparatie.. apoi toata lumea e anatomic diferita, nimeni nu este mai superior / inferior / egal in practica sa personala pentru ca a sau n-a simtit experientele de pe alta salteluta..

Recunostinta / Be Grateful

pentru atentia, prezenta, disciplina oferita practicii, pentru drumul propus, pentru impartasirea experientei, pentru tot ceea ce consideri si iti apare in acel moment in minte..



Does a hand need to know how much work she needs to do this whole life?

Does a person need to know how many things it needs to endure?

Does anyone deserves honesty if they are not ready to accept it?

Why this urge of knowing, if it will bring only suffering. Where is the mystery of life in knowing everything?

How to approach things, in order to do “whatever needs to be done”


Knowing the future it is not necessary, it will just damage the process which has to be fulfilled, the ultimate plan of creation, of matter, of all this ilusionary  world.

My grandmother is known in her village as a workaholic, whenever we would go to the fields to work the earth, we would just wait for lunch, the first sign ½ of the day has gone and the beautiful moon, the time to go home.

But she is a stubborn one, even if the moon would come, she would say “We can still work, there is still light from the moon, we are  able to see”. Everybody was needed to convince her there is still another day tomorrow and it’s time to go home.

Now if we would start the morning by her telling us “today you will work 12 h, in the sun, probably no wind and very little break”.

That would be a terrible way to start the day! But she had her way of taking everything in small steps.

“Now we wake up, now we eat, now we prepare the stuff for working, now we march, now we settle down, now I explain, now you try, now I correct, now you try again! “

Like this hours where just flying by. We were yogis on the field!

From time to time I would raise my head to see how, many rows we still have to work and OMG It looked impossible, still so much work to do, it is useless, we would never finish.

I just wanted to end things! Go home and just sit and rest.

But she had a way, she always had somethings to say “The eyes will scare you, but your hands will bring you joy!” .Or she would just start a conversation to take your mind of things, with laughs we would work, remembering things from childhood, by the end of the conversation we would just focus on what needed to be done, step by step, meter by meter.

Sometimes with thoughts sometimes thoughtless. We would appreciate the wind, the fresh air, the food, a good rest and by the end of the day you would go to bed, with a feeling of having a purpose, that everything was done, you did your best, yogis nights.

I say some of the people are natural yogis, they have no knowledge of scriptures, no mantras to chant, no breathing exercises , no regime to watch over. They are just doers. Naturally in them in their behavior and actions, there is yoga all written.

Whenever unhappiness arise, just get your attention, focus back on the moment. Where you focus, attention is that is, what will get amplified.

Being sorry about yourself, will just amplify that feeling. Thinking how much you have to do, will amplify that feeling. Being angry, will just hurt yourself. If not you ll make sure you hurt others 🙂 So focus your attention on what you want, not on what you are avoiding. It is like changing the frequency on a radio, you don’t like the music, just change the station.

If you would know you have to work your whole life, you would just resigned  before you get the job. But you only get 1 task at a time. Don’t look at how many things has to be done, just take 1 at a time. For every change step by step.

This is the attitude to perform anything.   

Day by day, moment by moment. 

Most of the suffering we have today is because we think of doing things, not actually doing them. Is like thinking to walk, but not walking. Of course it is frustrating. You are just looking at the tons of paper you have to do. So much stress, stress in not coming, from actually working, but from your thoughts, by you projecting all the work you have to do, by you imagining the future. It is your thoughts that create suffering most of the time, not the situations you find yourself in.

Just do! One thing at a time, one dish at a time, one task, mono tasking … and see ““The eyes may scare you, but your hands will bring you joy!”

Have a wonderful day :*    

cele 7 saptamani in India – partea 3 – Goa

scurta introducere – goa

ceva istorie

spre sfarsitul cursului de Prenatal am inceput sa socializam, ca sa zic asa, cu Ajay, sotul lui Karo, teacher de yoga si respectiv co-director ar scolii Trimurtri.. a terminat geografia si pasionat de pietre mi-a remarcat instant inelul si m-a intrebat daca cred in ceea ce reprezinta.. apoi in urmatoarele doua zile (dupa ce ne-am cunoscut), oriunde plecam cu Sami aparea si el sau invers, asa ca dupa cateva schimburi de zambete a inteles ca daca tot gasim intuitiv cele mai bune locuri, se ofera el sa ni le prezinte pe restul..  asa ca, printre altele, intr-o plimbarica pe scootere la un lac din apropiere am aflat o istorie (nescunoscuta mie) a Indiei, a zonei..

Indienii sunt de fapt niste africani, placa lor (tectonica) a fost desprinsa din Africa, iar in zona Goa inca mai sunt triburi cu indivizi care arata foarte specific unor astfel de origini si vorbesc o limba ce nu are legatura cu nici un dialect indian. Acesti africani indigeni sunt folositi deseori pentru munci fizice de ceilalti localnici, recunoscuti pentru forta si dibacie in constructii sau munca campului.

Pe de alta parte, Goa, a fost sub mana atator colonii, incat e foarte greu, bani sa ai, sa cumperi un pamant si sa ai toate actele in regula.. pe langa ca tre sa fii din zona sa iei pamant peste o anumita suprafata si apoi.. se mai complica cu proprietatea e pamant si alta pe copaci si ce mai pluteste prin aer 🙂 .. deci daca Africa e vanduta chinezilor, Romania in alte zeci de directii.. India e a lor 🙂

Ne-a mai povestit si despre alte aspecte, cum ar fi esecul de a cultiva eucalipt in India, nu ca nu ar creste ci cum distruge toata fauna din jur.. si alte note istorice si geografice a zonei..


n-am intalnit foarte multe oceane, insa frecventa cu care m-am lovit de cel Atlantic din mai multe laturi si alte experiente (mai sezoniere) mi-au intarit o idee ca oceanele astea sunt purtatoare de iceberg-uri..

Oceanul Indian – partea cu Marea Araba – este cald ca Marea Neagra in primele zile de August prin Mamaia sau unde sunt plajile late si diferenta de nivel atat de mica incat intrarea in apa sa nu fie invigoratoarea deloc, mai mult.. este si atat de sarat, incat de preferat sa ai ochelari de inot la tine daca vrei sa petreci ceva timp in apa pe care oricum il inchiei oricum cu un dus cu apa dulce – in cazul in care nu vrei sa-ti manace adanc sarea din tine..

ba calm invitandu-te sa inoti departe spre Soarele ce apune in el, ba te intoarce in genunchi de la cativa pasi in apa..


fiind o statiune turistica, au mai ramas pe aici tot felul de culori de piele..

cautam o masa pentru mai multe persoane si o branica, in toata splendoarea ei la 80+ ocupa un spatiu de gen 8 persoane si dupa ce m-am fatait putin prin fata ei incercand sa-i imprumut fara permisiuni una din bancute, deranjata ca o printesa s-a ridicat si plecat.. afland intr-un final zvonuri despre sangele ei austric si altele..

se stie ca e accesibila India pentru o viata mai mult ca decenta la pensionare, iar aici in perioada buna a anului, poti sa gasesti aceste exemplare golden age savurand intens din ceea ce perceptile lor mai pot experimenta

chiar daca sunt turisti sau adoptati ca localnici au imprumutat pacea si starea de intampinare cu intelegere a tot ceea ce urmeaza.. nu exista nici un rush, nu exista un consum ci o extensie a timpului si a expresiei acestuia.. fete zambitoare, haine omogene si adaptate, nici o poluare audio-vizuala.. ca si in zilele de vara in care domneste puternic Soarele si nu exista nici un interes in a lupta impotriva acestui destin 🙂


valurile invazilor in India au impins o migratie spre Sud a populatiei bastinase, respectiv ce gasesti deja la nivelul Goa, sunt acele fete late si zambitoare de indieni.. cu tenul luminos, lucios… cu inimi deschise si foarte domestice – avand in vedere ca suntem totusi intr-o statiune turistica.. vazand acesti indieni, iti ridici multe semne de intrebare despre cine sunt cei ramasi in Nord..


desi, ca in orice tara, politia este considerata o banda organizata si corupta, nici indienii n-au o parere buna despre a lor, gen cu cat ai mai putina treaba cu atat mai bine.. cu cat de vad mai sigur si mai stabil pe pozitie cu atat de lasa in pace.. dar altfel.. mai ales daca e ora de pranz sau vor sa-si culeaga o pauza de masa… ies la cautat verigi slabe..


daca in Nord sunt jigarite si mananca tot ce sta pe jos sau in mainile trecatorilor.. aici falnice cornute care mai de care mai colorata, mai gratioasa, de parca ar fi toate salbatice.. una nu vezi sa semene cu ceva din Nord.. inalte ca cerbii.. si diferite ca toti cainii pe care i-ai putea intalni intr-o viata..

si cand aveam ore (de prenatal) la socala, cum le auzeam cum navaleau printre copacii din apropiere ma ridicam sa le admir, peste gard, culorile, coarnele, privirile.. considerandu-le baza modelulul pentru care au ajuns sa fie respectate in India..


cate ciori si somi am avea noi la un loc.. atata gramada de vulturi este in Goa.. de la specii pitici (de n-ai zice ca-s vulturi) la mari si foarte mari.. imi zicea Ajay ca odata cand alerga cu catelul lui pe un dig (unde am vizitat un lac) a coborat la un momendat unul sa investigheze cainele.. crezand de sus ca e vreun iepure sau ceva 🙂

sau alte salbaticiuni prin casica..


sau locurile alea uneori prea intinse la orele pranzului cand jumate din drumul de la valuri la dus sau de la dus la masa era facut aproape levitand sa nu-ti arzi talpile 🙂

The Beaches Around

de la baza (Trimurtri) aveam 3-4 deschideri la ocean pe care ori cu scooter-ul cu Sami ori in masina cu colegele ajungeam in 5-10minute.. Un scooter pe zi se invarte la vreo 300 de rupii iar un drum pana la plaja venea cam 50 de rupii de cap..


era locul preferat pentru pauza de pranz, pe langa gustaricile ce le puteam avea la Fatima’s Corner, H20 sau Dunhill, in ultimele 2 locatii, fiind terase “pe” plaja aveau in plus dusurile lor atat aproape de ocean cat si inchise in toalete foarte frumos si tematic dichisite..

in plus Agonda este foarte linistita.. un fel de Euforie la noi.. adica tema un este distractia..


e un fel de vama veche.. mai mult tineret, putina agitatie dar asa mai naturala, mai eco.. cu multe casute din bambus.. nu prea am facut poze, are oricum google destule.. gasesti insa aici locuri precum Art’s unde in fiecare seara sunt alti artisti care canta live..

de altfel am si iesit cu fetele de cateva ori.. insa.. ca si in vama.. se poate lasa cu povesti lungi pe plaja.. umblat de la Art’s la Silent Disco (unde numa bine dai castile jos si poti sa intri aproape nepoluat fonic in taclale)


nu am o experienta decat culinara.. sunt atatea restaurante pe plaja ca ti-e greu sa te decizi, odata ajuns la unul iarasi te lovesti de meniu.. asa ca prea multe cuvinte din experienta n-am.. decat ca este in apropiere.. dar asa din impresile colegelor ar fi gen un Mamaia..


am facut insa o descoperire in ultimele zile.. o plaja mai indepartata.. linistita.. cu apa usor mai racoroasa avand intr-o oarecare apropie si un rau ce se varsa in zilele lui bune..

zona e foarte linistita, cu ceva zona de golf in apropiere si alte figuri geometrice.. cred ca un fel de Saturn la noi..

Alte plaje


The AUM Beach

uite aici merita sa te plimbi putin si chiar sa iesi de fapt din zona (districtului) Goa, pentru o plaja in forma de AUM.. nu e chiar accesibila.. fiind la vreo 2.5h de mers cu masina, dar unui sofer pentru vreo 3000 de rupii ii poate conveni chiar si sa te astepte… astfel ca intoarcerea sa fie si printr-o mica piata sau temple din zona…


plaja AUM intra deja in districtul Karnataka..


Secret Beach


inca dinainte de sfasitul cursului de prenatal am fost invitati la acest Full moon party pe o plaja secreta.. 🙂 deja imi imaginam, focuri, ritualuri, toata lumea pe val, lume in pielea goala.. si nu eram sigur daca doream asta.. oricum… cica era cu stat treji pana dimineata.. full moon, dancing, fire-joggling din astea… asa ca intr-un final… am mers..

dupa ce ne-am plimbat prin intuneric indeajuns de mult.. am gasit drumul spre plaja.. de aceea nici nu avem prea multe poze introductive cu jungla pana jos.. apoi.. am ramas oricum fara baterie…

ajunsesem destul de tarziu.. mai era un foc care avea nevoie curand de atentie.. fetele zburdalnice alergau goale in umbre de la foc intre ceva pietre unde se scaldau (vorba lu Creanga).. iar restul pareau destul de poeti deja.. anyway.. asta era atmosfera de seara..

dimineata am observat insa o plaja frumoasa, intima, unde as vrea sa mai revin.. unde poti zari deseori delfini.. chiar si eu zarisem niste foci pitici ce alergau pe langa stanci dupa micul dejun.. pe google apare ca si kakolem beach.. iar intreaga zona se poate rezerva..


pffffffffff sunt multe de povestit.. si am scris deja mai mult decat este recomandat (ca se poate urmarii :P)

din toata India, aici, in GOA te topesti dupa mancarea indiana.. combinatile de sosuri din lapte de cocos, cu tot felul de condimente (insa nu prea picante), uneori prea uleioase.. bogate in branzeturi.. iar peste.. daca vrei sa mamanci peste sau fruncte de mare in India.. aici e locul..

te poate impresiona pana si painicile lor Naan cu masline, busuioc, brazica, usturoi.. etc.. pe care le-ai inmuia in orice sos.. chiar daca te saturi repede.. mananci de curios.. si te opresti.. doar pentru ca mai sunt zile de experimentat 🙂

cu deserturile… insa nu ne-am inteles :-/

enjoy every moment..

Trataka – focalizare pe lumina lumanarii

poate multi dintre noi vor avea o lumanare in mana in zilele ce urmeaza, nu ii intereseaza nici ce zice preotul, nici bunica, prietenii sau altii din preajma si se gandesc ce ar putea sa faca mai constructiv cu acel moment.. trataka?


trataka candle lumanare

inseamna a privi focalizat, a-ti pironii privirea, a te uita lung, a contempla – ca metoda se foloseste un punct (sau un cerc plin cu un diametru specific), flacara unei lumanari iar in unele cazuri mai avansate alte flacari, Luna si Soarele.

Cum se face trataka?

in principiu exista multiple succesiuni sau serii de focalizare intr-o practica, vorbind acum de lumina unei lumanari, in prima sesiune voi fi foarte atent la baza flacarii, in a doua sesiune voi fi foarte atent la centrul flacarii, apoi la varful flacarii, margini si intr-un final la toata flacara (sau tot obiectul in focus)..

ochii raman deschisi

cu tot efortul posibil – sa nu clipeasca in timpul unei sesiuni, promitandu-ti tie insusti ca nu-i vei inchide pana cand rauri de lacrimi nu vor cadea pe obraz (destu de greu ca din primele sesiuni sa existe o asemeanea disciplina, insa e de inteles directia acestieia)

dupa ce se inchid ochii

atentia si “privirea” ramane indreptata spre flacara (sau obiectul focalizat), incercand sa privim flacara cu ochii inchisi pentru aproximativ aceiasi durata de timp petrecuta in sesiunea anterioara cu ochii deschisi

pozitia flacarii

coloana vertebrala trebuie sa ramana alungita, dreapta, erecta in totalitatea procesului.. respectiv flacara (sau obiectul focalizat) nu trebuie sa fie prea jos sau prea sus (incat sa se plece capul) iar distanta sa fie de aproximativ 1 m fata de ochi


(vorbind aici de lumanare) vrem sa absorbim aceasta flacara in interior, sa ramana prezenta in noi chiar si atunci cand inchidem ochii sau ea este indepartata din fata noastra

Cum se termina Trataka?

dupa ultima sesiune proposa se intind picioarele si se pastreaza 2 x durata unei sesiuni in shavasana

Alte indicatii
Cate sesiuni?

trataka se efectueaza in minim 3 sesiuni

Ochelari sau lentile de contact?

ca aproape in orice practica se elibereaza ochii de ochelari si aici in special inclusiv de lentilele de contact


efectul este marit in lipsa sau cat mai redusa prezenta a stimulilor senzoriali, fara muzica, fara alte surse de lumina, miros, senzatii, etc..

De ce am face Trataka?

Printre altele unul din efectele technicii este kriya, respectiv ajuta la curatarea gandurilor suprimate. Creste disciplina si capacitatea de concetrare, elibereaza glandele lacrimale si detensioneaza muschii ochilor.

Mai sunt si alte detalii legate de purificarea elementelor din care suntem construiti si amintim aici de Foc si in acest caz pozitia flacarii poate fi usor diferita – in dreptul buzelor la o distanta de 20-30cm.

savurati momentul!

I will say 90% of our prayers are always asking for something. Whatever it is we have, we ask for something more, or at least for the things to stay the way they are.

No matter how atheist you think you are, no matter in what you believe, when you are in big need, when you need a miracle, you look up, you close your eyes, get on your knees or whatever ritual you are performing and you read your list.

Now when you ask for something, consciously or unconsciously means you are in need, which implies that whatever you have is not enough. How can you expect, to feel complete, to feel happy, to feel good, when you know you need something for those feelings to happen?

You exclude the idea that happiness can happen for no reason. Just being. Because the way you have been made to think, is that for a any feeling you need to do something.

You feel that the world, how it is right now is not enough. You think that things would be better if it where the way you think. Sometimes when we ask for something which is not for us, we are led to think it is selfless, but it affects you in a certain way, so to a small percentage you still ask for yourself.

You think praying for the health of your family is so selfless, but still if the family is sick you feel bad. If you pray for the well being of your partner, you think is selfless, but still his wellness is affecting you directly. 

Asking is like going to a Dj and tell him which music he should play, going to a painter and tell him what to paint, somebody coming to you and telling you how to do your job. The way you feel when a manager, your chief or whomever you consider knows less then you, comes and tell you how the job should be done. So automatically you feel frustrated, deranged, attacked or whatever “who does he think he is, to tell me how to do what I do best…??”. Always somebody is trying to change you, because they think their opinion and way of seeing things is better than yours. Same thing you thing about God.

Now God, Universe everyone know you are wrong, but still they say “Ok I will do the things your way”, so you can suffer your own decisions. I don’t care, i ll do things your way.

A Dj will change the music, a painter will do your painting, god will grant your wish.

In the process you may feel happy, for a while at least, but everyone around you will suffer your choices, your individuality and poor taste in music, art, life. You see the consequences of your thinking and you realize, you might have been wrong.

You need a better job, someone else needs to be fired. You want a bigger house a mountain has to be cut. A beautiful coat, an animal has to die. An amazing car, the environment get polluted. You ask for love, the lover comes but he’s an alcoholic. You ask for a bike and that bike is getting you in an accident. 

You might get happy for a while, but it will not last. After sometime a new wish comes into your mind, if you look at it, with a brain, is a never ending process.

The way you wish for things so are others, others also want a better life. So they wish for a job you get fired ! for someone else, now life is not good 🙂 god is doing a bad job. 

“I have to pray, he seems he forgot about me and what I want, he s got amnesia I have to remind him.”

So your wishes should be granted, but not for others. That is how you want the world to work. What you want is ok, others should be neglected. The way it works, you live on the misery of others.

When you feel like something is missing from your life, that is the energy you create, that is what you will attract, missing will attract more missing. The energy makes no difference, you attract what you are. Look at your friends, your environment, it looks like what you wanted in a certain percentage. If you are really honest, almost all of your wishes came true, it is just that, it is a distortioned version of what you have believed it will be.

So instead of asking of what you think you need, be grateful, pray with gratitude. Let yourself surprised by life. Let god do his job and you do yours. He knows what you really need and sometimes is not what you want. But it will get you further than, what you want.

Instead of looking for what’s missing, be grateful for what it is. The only reason of your unhappiness is that you have lost perspective on life. You have forgot how lucky you really are. So a disease, a disaster, a marriage broken, someone dying, someone begging has to remind you where you are, so you become grateful again, at least for a period of time 🙂

Heaven is already here, it is just a question of enhancing your perception on life. Be
sensitive and observe.

Self-realization. Wake up from ignorance. Open your mind. Don’t get stuck in your own beliefs. Change, embrace change. Accept what it is, rather what you think it should be.

You don’t even know if you have 2 gallbladders, 1 stomach, you don t even remember the date of birth of your mother 🙂 but you want to change the whole universe. From where this kind of mentality comes? Be honest with yourself, you know nothing. So just trust and try to manage to the best of your potential whatever is coming. Be sensitive, try not to harm others in your process, make your wishes benefit everyone, we are all a family on this planet, we all want to live good and have a healthy society. So share your wealth and well-being, help others realized theirs. Whatever you want for yourself, try doing for others.

mini sugestii spre 21 mai 2016

pentru ca sunt putin departe si vreau sa clarific unele mentiuni legate de aceasta perioada, astern aici si informatile ce le-am mentionate la cere mai recente clase:

  • cow (vaca)
    • cat-cow
    • cat-cow-tiger
    • face
  • fluturi ampli (baddha konasana)
  • bridge (podul)
  • hip-openers (deschizatori de solduri)
  • triangles

plus cele din perioada anterioara (plug / plow, warriors, virasana, vajrasana, lumanarea / shoulders stand)


cat mai multa curatire, nu doar prin practica unor kriyas (neti pot, kapalbhati, bastrika) cat mai ales prin runde dimineata si seara de:

nadi shodhana – respiratia prin alternarea narilor (incepand de pe stanga) si pastrarea duratei inspiratiei = expiratiei, fara rententie..

  • scaldarea picioarelor in rau

enjoy 😉