All posts by Darius_II

Yoga Schedule Cluj – For Smart Phones / Pants , etc :)

For those who regularly use a calendar to schedule their daily activities, GREAT NEWS 🙂

if you want to check & always be in sync with my next Yoga Classes in Cluj-Napoca (at Club Moving Cluj, in another place or outdoor) together with other Yoga Events I promote, support or contribute somehow (e.g. Yoga Forum Cluj, a new Zen festival in june 😉 ) you can add to your calendar this link:

for Outlook Users:  Add Calendar – > From Internet
for Google Calendars: Other Calendars -> Add by URL
+ e.g. for android phones just go after to your S Planner, settings button – > Calendars -> Display and select to view Darius 2 Yoga

namaste 😉

good tip to share to other yoga teachers you know 😛

Yoga Forum Cluj – Let’s start talking about Yoga

comunicarea unor posibile prezente aici sau

de abia astept sa aud zumzait din toate colturile despre yoga, experiente, intrebari, curiozitati, raspunsuri, o mini comunitate in cluj, o expresie libera si lipsita de frica

un eveniment pentru inceput cu scopul de a aduna idei, pregati viitoare intalniri, probabil workshop-uri, clase in aer liber sau yoga retreaturi, unlimited flow of yoga 🙂

nu vreau sa ma extind nici sa ma limitez pe acest subiect acum, aici, cat imi doresc sa va citesc feedback-ul, comentarile despre o astfel de intalnire..

Namaste! 🙂


first get the pose to go into the mind then the mind to go into the body..

if it is shallow… let it be shallow
if it is deep… let it be deep..

if you can’t sing the mantra listen to its vibration..