All posts by Darius_II

Artrita – Terapie prin Yoga

cu aceasta ocazie nu am sa intru in a descrie aceasta forma de manifestare, ci doar pentru a sumariza un raspuns ateptat.. atat folosind surse traditionale, carti specifice ca Yogig Management of Common Diseases – Dr. Swami Karmananda cat si proprile-mi impresii..


Abordarea Yoga:

1. Asana

– pentru preventie cat si pentru experimentarea intregii liberatati de miscare se recomanda serile pawanmuktasana insa inainte se recomanda inmuierea membrelor in apa rece sau calda si sarata pentru incurajarea circulatiei sangvine

– shashankasana, marjariasana, shashank bujangasana, akarna dhanurasana si apoi dupa ce creste capacitatea surya namaskar intre 6 si 12 serii in fiecare dimineata

[..] ToBeContinued – in perceptia personala mai sunt unele posturi chiar si inversiuni pe care le-as sugera insa urmez sa le testez cu o persoana in aceiasi situatie inainte de a le recomanda

2. Shatkarma – se vorbeste aici despre curatarea cailor digestive prin tehnici kriya specifice [..] – pentru eliminarea acidului si a altor resturi – insistandu-se ca artrita nu se poate total indeparta din corp cat timp va exista constipatie. In alta ordine de idei se recomanda si tehnicile care implica neti pentru caile respiratorii.

3. Pranayama – textele traditionale vorbesc in particular despre anulom vilom (nadi shodhana) si bastrika… insa sunt amintite la modul general si tehnicile care implica respiratia abdominala, din care eu propun kapal bhati impreuna cu kumbakha si uddiyana bandha

4. Meditatie – forma in care ea poate influenta nu este un subiect ce se poate usor sumariza, asa ca am sa revin intr-un articol mai complex pe aceasta tema – este de dorit pastrarea observatiei asupra corpului si a mintii in ceea ce privesc obiceiurile. Pe de alta parte, daca gandul nu se poate desprinde de durere, introducerea unei stari meditative cu focalizarea pe durere nu poate aduce, ca fruct, decat mai multa durere.

5. Regim alimentar – seminte si cereale gatite in forma de mancare si forme usoare de proteina animala provenite din lapte cum ar fi iaurturile. Legume gatite sau fierte, in special cele verzi si contraindicata este ceapa. Salate cu frunze verzi, telina, rosii, sfecla rosie, morcovi, castraveti, cu germinaturi, seminte, etc. Fructe (cu exceptia bananelor), atat proaspete cat si dezhidratate, nuci in cantitati mici si in loc de zahar se recomanda mierea.

Reducerea laptelui si a produselor lactate cum ar fi branza si unturile si ocolirea alimentelor super-procesate sau rafinate precum faina alba.

Daca e neaparat necesar, cantitati mici de carne alba si peste pot fi consumate ocazional.

Mancatul la ore fixe si in special ultima masa sa nu depaseasca orele 19 pentru a permite o digestie corespunzatoare si un somn linistit.

Fara snak-uri intre mese, iar sarirea peste o masa precum si alegerea unei singure zi din saptamana fara mese (post) ajuta in momentele de prag inalt al durerilor precum si acelereaza eliberearea si refacarea sanatatii.

6. Amaroli – inmuierea unui burete si masarea incheieturilor cu urina veche sau fiarta, mai ales in cazurile lungi in care se folosesc analgezice si terapie cu steroizi.

7. Odihna – orice activitate trebuie sa-si regaseasca particica ei de odihna, mai ales in momentul cand se experiementeaza un nivel ridicat de inflamare.

8. Exercitii – mentinerea unei atitudini pozitive, corespunzatoare, chiar  determinate asupra exercitilor pana si la ideea de ati depasi confortul si a te mobiliza pentru continuarea lor si prin ele a unei vieti active, a unui stil de a trai prin auto-sustinere.

Plimbatul, inotul, gradinaritul si alte forme gentile de exercitii pentru a sustine si pastra muschii si incheieturile puternice. Exercitile pot fi integrate impreuna cu cateva asane simple.

9. Temperatura si Masaje – scufundarea totala in bai fierbinti si aplicarea locala de caldura umeda sau uscata, in special iarna, relaxeaza muschii si mai scapa din contractile dureroase. Caldura de asemenea reduce durerea si inflamatile, crescand functile metabolice, ajutat la eliminarea toxicitatilor, grabind procesul de productie a lubrifiantilor naturali, reducand unflaturile si ajutand in reabsorbirea dezpozitelor nedorite de calciu, a formatiulilor osoase din jurul muschilor, ligamentelor si incheieturilor.

Ulterior unui corp incalzit se poate aplica masaje la nivelul membrelor ce va relaxa sistemul senzorial, calmand si sistemul nervos motor, promovand circulatia si irigarea corpului cu sange si limfa.

10. Atitudine mintala – deasupra tuturor, persoana aflata in terapie trebuie sa lupte pentru rabdare si pozitivitate si sa nu se lase descurajat de durerea si disconfortul care pot aparea la inceput. Yoga Nidra fiind de asemenea recomandata pentru reducerea durerii si transformarea mintii ce va reduce dependenta de medicamente si sensibilitatea durerii.



Cui apartine Yoga?

am fost recent la o intalnire pe teme indiene la cluj si bineinteles ca s-a deschis usor deviant cu subiectul principal, ideea de yoga.. au fost intrebari la care am mai raspuns si in alte ocazii de genu: Yoga Religie? Indiei? din Bhagavad Gita? lui Krishna?…

Yoga apartine tuturor, iar spre surprinderea multora, cand invatam despre yoga in burta Indiei nu zicem ca asta ii este originea, ci facem trimitere la cele mai vechi izvoare arheologice ce se regasesc intr-o comunitate ce a trait in zona Avganistanului de azi.. (in a carui vreme de atunci, in alta ordine de idei, are interesante conexiuni cu ceea ce era atunci Romania.. ma voi extinde candva pe tema asta si in scris)

Yoga este ceva ce poate aparea, regasi ca un nou in oricine gaseste drumul spre Sine, nu apartine si nu este orginara, ea doar este. La fel cum nu Cristofor Columb, nici vikingii nu au descoperit America. Sau cum natura isi stia  perfect functiile ei si era in deplina armonie si inainte ca omul sa inceapa sa o descifreze.

Yoga este pentru toti – o metoda (de a experimeta organismul uman la cel mai inalt potential) – o unealta (auto-didacta in cunoasterea de Sine) – un drum (spre eliberare) – o stiinta (experimentala)

revin.. poate si alta data pe acesta tema..


🙂 am gasit un video, dupa cateva luni, care ar fi mers uns indianului cu care am reusit usor nelinistita argumentatie de mai sus:





  • Darius II

    Hi N. is the A-U-M symbol part of the hinduism? or more part of yoga?

  • N.S.:

    A-U-M is a symbol of supreem conciesness and in aum there r three word thats called akar makar ukar in this alfabet every name of gods godess and evry lenguage comes

    this is symbole of vedas

    and the hindu follow it

Clase / Cursuri Yoga Cluj – Octombrie – 2014

Date / Time

Class Focus



Foundational Yoga – S04E01



Morning Yoga Flow



Yoga Intro



Evening Yoga



Foundational Yoga – S04E02



Morning Yoga Flow



Yoga Intro



Evening Yoga



Foundational Yoga – S04E03 – I



Morning Yoga Flow



Yoga 210 min – Free entry for meetup group members



Yin Yoga



Foundational Yoga – S04E03 – II



Morning Yoga Flow



Yoga Intro



Evening Yoga



Foundational Yoga – S04E04



Morning Yoga Flow

Intensive – Yoga Teacher Training – Jamaica

I was invited these days to step as a teacher for an Intensive Teacher Training in Jamaica, February 1-14, 2014 by Blackbird Yoga in collaboration with Yoga Bless Jamaica.

Find more about the team, Kelly Thornton E-RYT 200 ,RYT 500 & Amber Aten E-RYT 500 as also of the even by joining the info event on the 10th of Octomber 2014.


Blackbird Yoga is a 5 star***** Rated Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Program

For more info, please email:
Contact phone:  +1 876 278 6484

Yoga is infinity, infinity of perception…

Yoga is infinity, infinity of perception. Sharing, union in sharing, the location where all this sharing take place is consciousness, where all awareness gathers.

This is all we are looking in this life to express what we are experiencing. To find the people that can empathizes what we are feeling. This is how groups take place.

And I experience yoga, a limited side of it, and the beauty of life. Sometimes is at such a higher level that you feel you just explode in love, and whenever you fell that, you look around to see if someone feels the intensity of feelings you are having.

“I don t believe people are looking for the meaning of life, as their are looking for the experience that makes them feel alive “

That is why I am trying to share this. I want everybody to express themselves, their uniquenes
s. And be appreciated for it. We are at the bottom level of our creation, love. Love for food, music, interaction, nature, people, everything.

 They say yoga cannot be thought or explained, is 1% theory the rest is experience. Is like trying to put words to something that is infinite, poets, artists are trying, but whatever they are experiencing and trying to share is just a small percentage of what really is.

Life is amazing and beautiful, and melancholic for its temporary duration.

It is said that people can read mind, heal, levitate, fly and have all kinds of supernatural power. But this is not a goal, and I think it is painful to experience something as beautiful as this alone.

Life and experiences should be limited in order for every human being to be able to get there.

So we can equally enjoy life, we can increase the level of enjoyment. But a good example is what is happening on facebook, everyone is trying to share their feelings, their states… This is what life is all about, sharing. With the love one, with your partner, with your family friends.

We needed all this war, the crimes that where made, everything we experienced until now. Because now we have the intelligence, the capability to live with nature, in a balance way, we have the maturity to love, appreciate each one for their differences, we needed all 1000 religions, to create an image of a god that is almighty, beautiful, and that we can experience in our human form, even in a small percentage, but that can bring us so much joy.

Heaven is here, on earth, we just have to open our eyes. God is the space between us, he is the axis X,y,z,t ..etc we are all connected. Scientist finally come to the conclusion that space which is 96% of universe is black matter and dark energy, it is like an invisible neuron system, that runs trough all the universe. All connected, and this energy is intelligent.Our brain is the miniature of the universe. Like a spider web when you do something in one place, that can affect the end of the web. Everything you do affects everything else that came into being. A simple thing as a breathing, on one side of the word, can influence-affect-create a revolution on the other side of the world. 

So instead of seeing space as something that divides us, we should see it as the only thing that brings us together.

There is a beautiful mantra that I use to sing as a startup of my yoga practice.

Shanti mantra

“Om Sahana vavatu sahnau bhunaktu sahavareeyam karvavahet

Tejasveena vaditamastu maa vid vishaa vahai

Om shaanthih, shaanthih, shaanthihi”

Meaning: May he protect all, may we all perform together the most heroic and divine actions, may our learning be prosperous to all, may we never quarrel on the different beliefs we may have, may we illuminate togheter, may we live in harmony, may there be peace for all and forever.

 Let us all get the knowledge we need to change our perception about our existence, may we all illuminate and find peace and love, and happiness. There is place on this earth for everyone to be happy let us not be divided by our ego but rather be connected but our love.

Namaste and love to all. Wish you a beautiful experience here on earth.

Yoga – awareness – Ego – sleep disorder

“The minds need to rest, while the body needs to work” Roshan

This iswhat my teacher used to say. We seem to do everything wrong, thinking is just another sense, but yet it comes on the 1’st place of the senses we pay attention to, the second is the eyes, the world we know is based on what we see with our eyes, but all perception comes from mind. And still we pay no attention or less attention to the other senses, or we are just not aware of them.

This is just another way of being ignorant, and is the mind who is ignorant. How can you think you have an accurate image of the world you are living in, when you use 2 senses perceive it. And even if you use all of them at 101% there is still so much we don t know/see.

A person in construction or on the fields, he is working hard 12 h a day, doing so much effort. He gets at home go to bed dead from all the work, and has a deep sleep. Wakes up back at 6 in the morning and starts the day all over again, and has no problem with it. His mind is at peace, he is doing meditation while working. He forgets about himself and he identifies himself with  his work.

“The creator is often seen in his creation.”

Someone working in the office, is stressed all day. Even if he manage to get somehow from a stressful situation, someone comes and ruins his mood again. He then takes a break, going for a cigarette, to calm itself down. What he is really doing he is hyperventilating even more, see your heart beat before and after a cigarette, the thing that s calming your mind, is the smoke, the CO2 and all the toxins in the cigarette.

All the body is experiencing is more pain, after sitting all day at a desk with the head in a wrong position, with a crunched back, and with a mind that is not helping. You are losing the appetite of life. And build frustration, but it is ok. All the money that you are making will ease that frustration by buying expensive clothes, cars, food menus, champagne, a big home that you don t have time to enjoy. In a future that is probably coming or not.

The future is promised to no one. We take every day as granted, and not only time, but everything.

Kris Rock had a funny way of saying this “We are so full of ourselves, we are so rich, that we don t even drink tap water anymore, we buy bottles now! The tap water that we use is so cheap in our eyes, that we use it only to wash our ass. While in other places of the world people are walking 20 km each day back and forth just to have access to potable water, or some of them are just dyeing out of thirst”. But we have “problems”, we are stressed. My colleague has a nicer dress than me, his car is bigger, he has a more money than me.

Yes this are biggg problems. Your life is sooo hard, and frustrating dealing with all this harsh things that life brings. pffuuu

Our ego is growing more and more, with the more things we accumulate.

We have forgotten to be thankful. We have forgotten who we are.

So there is a “counter posture” to this, it can be physical activity, running, Pilates, all types of sports, but I find that the most complete is yoga. Yoga dosen t stop on the mat, but brings more awareness to your life.

Everything is a muscle memory, “if you are not going to use it, you are going to lose it”

Many people cannot sleep. We are so tired, but still our mind cannot disconnect, it would be so easy sometimes just to have a plug, and turn it off in matter of seconds.

People are making sometimes fun of me, “I don t understand how you do it, you close your eyes and in 2 min you are asleep, in every position.”

I just take a deep inhale in, and relax everything. Of course there are times, when my mind is like a monkey J but trough respiration it calms and I get slowly into an unconscious state.

The solution to so many problems is just a fresh breath of air, bringing awareness to the most basic things we do, being in the present.

“Peace is the process of retraining your mind to deal with reality as it is, rather as you think it should be.” W.Dyer

It’s an asana (pose) good or wrong?

many times i open the yoga class saying that yoga is not a sport, that you are not competing or comparing with your yoga mat colleagues (and at some level not even with yourself).. and i would love expand into this some other time.. because yesterday night when i said this, one new participant asked, after other words:

“Then how can you say we are doing wrong?”

Oh, that was a lovely smart moment question, but in my attempt to quickly answer and get back to the class and practice maybe i was not fully understood. My fast answer was:

“Well you are right, you’re not doing the pose wrong, you are on the journey to the pose, to its full expression and benefits – i will tell you what we understand from this pose and at the limit of your current understanding, your attempt to enter the pose (if done with true presence) will always be good – but as often not what we, or the one who propose this pose thousand of years ago, like to agree it is.”

Confusing? then you are paying the correct amount of attention.

So we could manifest one asana in different forms, based on our personal “range” of understanding, motion and moment in time and depending on our intention it cannot be called differently that good, but i would rephrase it from now as “good effort”, “good understanding” or somehow else and not as “good pose” or how one of my loved teacher (Narendra Singh)  would say it “This is for you!” and very rarely “This IS!!!”
(aka between collegues as “dees ees” 🙂 “dees ees position” , “dees ees final position” [video1, video2])

STILL .. because we are all in this journey, which actually is the same journey no matter how many paths one will see, we agree that understanding is one, the truth is one.
As we come to yoga not to express our ego, but to surrender it to the practice, so our journey and understanding of the asana poses should bring us together, aligned into less “fluctuating” expressions.

I am currently preparing an article, in romanian language, about Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana A) but also including all warriors 2,3 and reversed (Virabhadrasana B, C), and while on the quest of collecting other ideas upon it, i passed over these lines:

“Yoga is the physical embodiment of myriad myths and poetic forms. If we look only at the asanas (postures) themselves, we can see each one has the potential to connect us to something deeper, something metaphysical (“beyond the physical”) within ourselves. Each posture is named and modeled after some creature, mythological archetype, or revered being. By placing our body into these postures, we become a physical metaphor for the thing we are imitating. In doing so, we can invite profound awareness around how the characteristics of these creatures, archetypes, and revered beings might be showing up in our own physical, mental, and spiritual make-up.”

so its is very important that we understand the goal of the pose, its origin, its final expression, its benefits, actually everything about that pose so that we are aware of our experience when manifesting ourselves into it.

In few words – YES, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND THE POSE AND DO IT CORRECTLY AND ALIGNED WITH THEIR DEFINITIONS, ENERGY. And [please] don’t promote, don’t public[shortcuts] personal messages from your teachers – it will only confuse others and prolong their journey [, please understand the messages behind ahimsa, satya and swadhyaya].

As i mentioned in one previous line, there will be an article on warrior poses in Romanian, but for my international friends I will shortly sum up my findings [before a focused post on this]:

Especially Warrior I, Virabhadrasana A, is not a traditional pose in yoga – where you can only track it down to Krishnamacharya, which was the teacher of Iyengar, K. Pattabhi Jois, Desikachar (which passed it to Gary Kraftsow) and this happened about 70 years ago. More recently than that by divine revelation it appeared also in Bikram Yoga but with the back heel up which is an exception of totally other understandings as also this “Bikram Yoga” which tries to mimic Indian conditions on performing asanas is let’s say “excommunicated”, not thought in India, not recognized by Indian yoga teachers and gurus.

“[..] in the East, if anybody asks you to do some practice, it is expected that the scriptures also recommend it. [..] Everybody who has gone the same road [..] should approve it because truth is the same. It is not something to be newly invented. All our present-day inventions can easily go wrong. What is the best thing today will be the worst thing tomorrow. They are still not finalized.”  The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda – in another way if we take an experiment we say that the results should be confirmed by many tests and population around generations.

Virabhadrasana is linked to an Hindu legend which involves Shiva, Shakti, Daksha and Virabhadra and all these poses interpret those events. As my initial personal feeling, these poses were initially dance poses or as previously mentioned, Gary Kraftsow – foundator of Viniyoga American Institute) said, they were present in the ancient indian martial arts – as one who performs any martial arts would notice its grounding, efficient energy to retreat and the courageous frontal gaze.

Why they were introduced in yoga? and other martial arts? – this is a journey i invite you all to understand for these and any other asana..

you can also view below some similar expressions:

Meypayatu™ is a ‘new’ mind-body practice based on the principal movements of Kalaripayattu, a 3000-year-old martial art form from Kerala, India, and the root of all martial arts. The meypayatu brand is derived from the Malayalam word Meippayattu meaning “body form” and is the physical and mental conditioning element of Kalaripayattu.


Yoga is the fearless expression of the Self..



Cursuri Yoga Septembrie 2014

clase / cursuri de yoga in Cluj luna septembrie 🙂 enjoy:

02.09.2014 – 07:30 – Foundational Yoga S01E04
02.09.2014 – 20:30 – Evening Yoga
05.09.2014 – 08:00 – Morning Yoga
07.09.2014 – 10:00 – Hatha Yoga Intro
09.09.2014 – 07:30 – Foundational Yoga S02E01
09.09.2014 – 20:30 – Evening Yoga
12.09.2014 – 08:00 – Morning Yoga
14.09.2014 – 10:00 – Hatha Yoga Intro
16.09.2014 – 07:30 – Foundational Yoga S02E02
16.09.2014 – 20:30 – Evening Yoga
19.09.2014 – 08:00 – Morning Yoga
21.09.2014 – 08:30 – Yoga 210min
23.09.2014 – 07:30 – Foundational Yoga S02E03
23.09.2014 – 20:30 – Yin Yoga
26.09.2014 – 08:00 – Morning Yoga
28.09.2014 – 10:00 – Hatha Yoga Intro
30.09.2014 – 07:30 – Foundational Yoga S02E04
30.09.2014 – 20:30 – Evening Yoga

Namaste 😉
