In prelucrare:
Ashtanga Yog Limbs – Asanas / Pranayama
Kriya – TBA
Pranayam – Bhastrika / Surya Bhedi / Anulom Vilom + Retention
Asanas – 12 of sivananda
(asane specifice pentru incalzire si surya namaskar vor fi efectuate inainte)
- headstand
- shoulderstand
- plough
- fish
- forward bend
- cobra
- locust
- bow
- spinal twist
- hands to feet
- triangle
- corpse pose
(12, warm-up, surya namaskar, 11, 10, 1, childpose, 5, 6, 9, 7, childpose, 8, ball, 2, 3, 4, 12)
(corpse pose, warm-up, surya namaskar, triangle, hands to feet, headstand, childpose, forward bend, cobra, spinal twist, locust, childpose, bow, ball, shoulderstand, plough, fish, corpse pose)
Mantras – Shakti Mantra