“The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden; and like a mirror, they also reflect the person looking into them.” ― Paulo Coelho
As a part of the “warm up” in yoga there are exercises that emphasis also eye movement. Just because we didn’t got the chance to practice them until now, doesn’t make yoga less complete.
These days there are many workshops helping people with eye problems, doing various exercises so they improve their sight viewing. A part of the exercises come from a long time ago, because it was understood that vision disability is mostly, like all things, related to muscles of the eye, and there are only imbalances that trough exercises they may improve, prevent or heal.
But we are looking at the bigger picture today. It was a subject that I was paying attention more this week.“When two people meet and make eye contact they find themselves in an immediate state of conflict.They want to look at each other and in the same time they want to look away (*duality of thought*). The result is a complicated series of eye movement back and forth” Body language – James Borg
Emotions as feelings, as many other things are expressed through movement of the eyes, different muscles, vocal cords, gestures, postures etc. So even if the mind is thinking she can hide the truth, the body is always revealing the truth about someone. Some of them can be controlled, but there is always a part that is out of our reach.
“Three things cannot be for long hidden: The sun, the moon and the truth” Buddha
You can tell somebody’s mood just by looking at them. The body is like an open book. Are the eyes looking, relaxed, anxious?
We just need to pay more attention to the body. We developed an intuition that sometimes tells us not to trust, some people, even if they communicate something that sounds truth, the body contradicts the words.
So you may pay more attention to your intuition, since you are such an amazing machine beyond your knowledge or belief.
Every time a speaker is trying to deliver a message it will start by giving a gaze to the listener, just to verify he got the attention. After the eyes are looking away, in order not to have distractions in conveying the message. When the message is delivered, he looks back to notice the impact of his message delivered to the listener.
The listener in the meantime, if he’s interested, is keeping 70% of his gaze on the speaker eyes, gestures, voice etc.
If the speaker is looking too much at the listener it means he’s trying to force a message, if the listener is looking too much time away studying the surrounding it means he lost the interest in the subject
If the speaker/listener is keeping his eyes relaxed he will express confidence and trustworthy, if his eyes look anxious, fast movements, you will feel something is wrong.
When you are speaking with someone and you keep the gaze to their eyes and higher, most probably that person is a stranger.If it’s going to be in his eyes and to his mouth, he’s probably a friend, colleague, someone familiar.If a person is looking even lower than the chin, it means that probably that person is interested for more.
Staring to much in the eyes of someone brings discomfort. Usually if you will look too much it means you think you are dominant, usually the person who feels dominated/irritated it will look down.
If you feel superior you will raise your chin up, and blink slowly, like people don’t deserve your attention, your look.
When someone is speaking and looking:
-right and down, they most probably are accessing feelings
-left and down: talking to themselves
-right up: imagine something
-left up: visualize something like a memory
-right middle: reconstructing a sound
-left middle: remembering a sound
So what has this to anything related to yoga? Well yoga is studying all the behavior of the body through its postures. Every posture in yoga is a posture of strength, it activates something, either the strengthening of something, healing of a particular part, release of some stack emotions in the body, or just preparing the body for higher energies.
Some of the postures are there in a position of strength for the body, mind, something that is changing the perception about yourself, that keeps you present, that reminds you who you are, accessing a forgotten memory or dwelling in the future.
There are so many things that cannot yet be explained, and probably never will be. But what we are interested in is the results. Is the result of one action that really counts, not how the alchemy takes place.
“One can talk endlessly, describing, pilling words upon words, coming to various forms of conclusions, but out of all this verbal confusion if there is one clear action, that action is worth ten thousand words“
The consequences of an action. Yoga is making you aware of the consequences. So instead of being a victim and just falling into situation, you become an aware being, taking the decisions and life in your hands.
You can notice a fake smile, just by looking at the muscles that activates during the smile, the symmetry of the face.
Every single feeling, every single thought, every imbalance of the mind is manifested in the body either through a chemical reaction- subtle or a diseases-gross.
Technology and ignorance are mostly creating more comfort to our sedentary life and poison our body with artificial products and unnatural food, thoughts and misdirected actions. Makes it impossible for the soul, to live in this “temple”. It is not the soul who is feeling bad, the soul is immortal, is the body who feels all your decisions and choices, like you are lowering/depleting your body of energy instead of rising it.
Practicing yoga is healing, bringing balance back to the body due to your imbalance life style, thinking, and actions. We are helping the body to perform its duty, to keep ourselves happy and healthy. We increase our awareness into the body, bring more sensibility to each part of the body.
How can we listen to the body if we are “deaf”? The body for long periods of time sent us messages through disease and all kind of reactions, saying that we have to make better choices. But it is like after years and years of ignoring, we don’t feel anything anymore. We just get sick, instead of preventing it from the first signals the body is sending. The body just got numbed.
Let’s remember who we are, and what this body can do for us. Yoga is just another mean to your betterment. Used to reach the full potential of the body, not only the physical one.
|Improve your own being.|