“Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara
Guru Sakshat Para Brahma, Tasmai Sree Gururve Namah”
Meaning: Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance, and I Salute such a Guru.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/darius2yoga/guru-mantra/ width=420 height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 light=1]
“Dhyana moolam Gurur Murti, Pooja moolam Guru Padam
Mantra moolam Gurur Vakyam, Moksha moolam Guru Kripa”
Meaning: Guru’s form is the best to meditate upon, the Guru’s feet are the best for worship, the Guru’s word is the mantra; the Guru’s Grace is the root of liberation.