“Yoga is the teacher of yoga; yoga is to be understood through yoga. So live in Yoga to realize yoga; he who is free from the distractions enjoys yoga through yoga.” sri Vyasa on Yoga Sutras
“So the actual meaning of Yoga is the science of the mind.”
“Mana eva manusyanam karanam bandha moksayoh” – “As the mind, so the person; bondage or liberation are in your own mind”
“How is that we accumulate karma? When the karmic wind agitates the mind, the agitated mind expresses a strong thought or emotion that we grasp onto and respond to.”
“The irony is that we often resent roles and routines, thinking they limit our freedom of choice, when instead it is freedom of choice that often limits our ability to focus our energy.”
“Although we tend to equate choice with freedom, choice alone will never free us from suffering.”
“And although we can get some relief from expressing our emotions, the simple act of expressing emotions cannot fully release us from the bonds of suffering.”
“The mind’s fundamental nature is not neurotic and emotionally afflicted. It is of limitless kindness and compassion. However, because we have become so used to experience of mental and emotional instability, we rarely catch a glimpse of this fundamental nature.”
“And just as natural disasters occur when there is strong agitation in the air, so it is in the mind of the humans”
What on my to do list is possibly more important than taking the time to anchor myself in my own presence?
Be aware of the words you are repeating.. because you’ll start believing them..
Asana might give you the opportunity to know and quiet your body.. but instead of listening to it and learn how to make it peaceful you run (with your mind outside).. then when you get back you wonder “where from the crazy mob came?”
Asana fara a cunoaste Yama si Niyama este asemator cu aruncatul semintelor (practicii) peste pamant in anotimpuri neprielnice.
Toate religile astea nu sunt decat o umbra, e destul de greu sa intelegi Lumina dupa umbre. Iar Yoga povesteste despre obiectul care umbreste.
All religions are purely different shadows. Is hard to understand the Light looking them. Yoga is talking about and how to remove the object that reduces the Light.
Therefore, one has to realize which particular guna is in absolute power at the moment and how the countermovements are taking place. If there is more dissipation and less concentration, then it is rajas. If there is less concentration and less dissipation but more snoring and sleep, it means tamas is predominating. If there is more concetration and less dissipation and less sleep, its means sattwa is predominating.
V.B.K: … Darius, How is the yogic life?
Darius: If you are open to whatever comes, its effortless.. if you have different ideas becomes costly 🙂
they are ~ 3mil asanas, from which 84 are traditional, where some schools point to 12 or 1.. based to their personal experience or beliefs – as knife is used in kitchen, hospitals or crimes – so asanas are transformative, one cannot judge the knife, nor the holder, nor the action.. the path is personal, let everyone follow their own paths..
svadhyaya, mai inseamna ca drumul, yoga, este pe calea intuitiei – a descoperirii interne, nu poti calatori doar cu GPS – mai ales cand acesta poate ramane ne-updatat..
aceleasi ingrediente in maini diferite dau deja nastere la produse usor similare desi se urmeaza aceiasi reteta, o diversificare a ingredientelor (sau a cantitatilor) retetei inseamna alt produs..
Yoga este deja o reteta, daca crezi ca o faci mai buna adaugand sau eliminand ceva, pur si simplu nu urmezi reteta, faci altceva.
Same ingredients, different hands will create similar products even they follow the same recipe. Using different ingredients or quantity means already a different product.
Yoga is already a recipe, if you think you can make it better by adding or removing something, you just don’t follow the recipe, you are doing something else (in the name of yoga).
Yoga is efficiency – by removing the obstacles, the friction, one consumes less and experiences more (energy).
Prenatal Yoga for the moment when two hearts beat in the same body <3 <3
being part of something else and then of everything is yoga
A uni toate visele în care ești și a te trezi din toate, asta este yoga.
Practica yoga nu constă într-o repetare, o frecvență a unor tehnici, posturi sau control al respirației cât auto-observarea de sine în aceste experiențe.
“Just as the world becomes a smaller place with the development of the communication and trasport technology, so will the Universe become a smaller place with the development of meditation technology.”
Traditional Dynamic Series – este o prezentare mai rafinată a unor colecții de tehnici din yoga, ce din exterior, după un geam izolat al unui studio, club de sport sau monitor s-ar putea percepe ca niște succesiuni postural dinamice. Încorporând însă Kriya, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra și Nada Meditation ne apropiem de Hatha Yoga, transformând aceste Ancient Yoga Flows în prețioase și complete practici yoga. Impactul acestor diferențe, acestor detalii, este atât de viu încât vor rămâne prezente atât în practica personală cât și în fecventarea altor clase de grup.
Kriya & Kumbhaka in Pranayama (Hatha Yoga)
Numit un sistem complet, un drum, Hatha Yoga este uneori definită scurt K.A.P. Ordinea acestor capitole principale, Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, nu este întâmplatoare. Distincția inițială, pe care Hatha Yoga a avut-o față de alte drumuri și sisteme similare, a fost adoptarea Kriya, a acestor procese purificatoare numite și shatkarmas (neti, dhauti, basti, kapalbhati, trataka, nauli). Astfel că într-o clasă tradițională, precum și în practica personală, tot Kriya precede celelalte practici, iar noi vom experimenta cele mai la îndemâna legate de Pranayama.
with that type of mind he can only see those connections, attract those people,… please refrain yoga comparison with any drug, because a drug can do something with your mind that yoga does to.. doesn’t mean yoga is like a drug.. but some drugs go that deep inside you as yoga… so the path is yoga.. drugs are just binoculars to a destination
Îmbrățișăm Luna nouă cu #YinYoga, cu o pratică calmă, intuitivă, introvertită – prin posturi specifice ce ivită o stare de predare, de acceptare, relaxare. Iar apoi, regăsindu-te într-o mărită stare de observație, vom acorda toată atenția, cocentrația unei kriya, un proces shatkarmic prin elementului focului – #trataka, ce va săpa mai adânc, curățând gânduri suprimate; despre eliberare, despre libertatea manifestării unui nou început.
if people will start practicing and investigate yoga at least with the attention they give to buy a mobile phone.. then this would already by a different world :-/
We usually define magic as something we can’t see but affects, influences us. These eclipses create a beneficial momentum for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting (mantra repetition).
Manipura este considerata centrul energiei (hara), panoul de control, piticul sef (in samanism). Avand in vedere ca symbolul intern, RAM reprezinta si putere, majoritatea templelor construite de regi si imparati erau dedicate acestuia.
#manipura #ram #chakra #yellow #gemcity #agni #fire #tiger #bull #rudra
Triquetra – „triunghi” folosit ca apel la diverse forme, lucruri, personale care sunt (cu) trei (colțuri). Prefigurarea crucii, simbol solar hindus initial prezent in Vede. Trinitatea, intre Cer si Pamant – Omul. Axa magica, Trimurti, Aum-Tat-Sat sau starea “sat-chit-ananda”, care se traduce prin “pura existenta- pura constiinta- pura beatitudine.”, simbol Celtic, cunoscut si sub denumirea de “Nodul Trinitatii”, ceva mai tarziu crestinii l-au folosit pentru a reprezenta trinitatea lui Dumnezeu. #Triquetra #trimurti #aumtatsat #satchitananda #axamagica #trinitatea