Sometimes people need to put a mask, to feel stronger, until they realize it is still belief, in something they consider stronger than them.
Reality is, that strength, actually hides behind the mask. Without that, the mask by itself has no power other than hiding your fears and disappointments.
Same with identity, you may use it, until you realize that actually real strength lies behind that. This game may be played until we are mature enough to know that whoever created identity is stronger than identity itself.
Now the thing is, you assume an identity and think it is you. The identity you assume of course it will be imperfect because it is created mostly with the imperfect taught of protecting yourself, with a false identity.
We are here in this human form to solve some of the issues, to evolve, some of the karma from previous life, of just from this one, if reincarnation is not a fact for you or life after death.
It is called enlightenment or realization, because you don’t do anything really it is just a realization. You realize who you are, why you re here, how you get here and where you go. You can take a purpose or you can accept already the one who was given to you. Accepting it it just make is easier, it is like going with the flow, not swimming against it. It is just too tiring and you are tired of all this nonsense, you just want some peace of mind and from there life starts.
So your identity is a problem. In order to solve it at least you should show your true identity. Because coming with your false identity is like going to a doctor, saying you have a cough and he gives you treatment for that, but you actually have ulcer. SO the true disease is not solved, you toke some wrong medicine for it.
SO start with what you are, not with the illusion and your belief of yourself of what you think you may be, like this you may get somewhere.
“Sadhguru: Two cows were grazing on an English meadow. One said, “What’s your opinion on the Mad Cow disease?” The other said, “I don’t care a hoot about it. Anyway, I’m a helicopter.”
If a cow realizes that it is a cow, it becomes a celebrity – a holy cow. It is that simple. It is just a question of realization. In India, we have always called mystics “realized” beings. Realization is not about inventing or discovering something; it is just about realizing who you are. If there is something you do not understand, it is mysterious to you. Someone who seems to know what others do not is called a mystic. But the mystic is just someone who has realized what is there. Others don’t because they are too self-engrossed to pay any attention to life.”
Stronger than identity, is no identity, because it can take any shape. By giving it a shape you just limit its power.
When “ God created mankind in his own image …” it didn’t say it for you to become something, but to realize you can be everything and that is eternal.
You can only take a complete image of God when you are formless, shapeless, no identity, empty.
Even science came to the conclusion that empty space has more energy than the entire universe.
Emptiness can hold everything, but when you re so full of yourself, there is no space left for anything, just limited potential.
Hold love for truth, search for truth, and discover truth.