What is meditation? Too much confusion on this subject…

“To be? or not to be?” that is the question…

One teacher used to say “to be? or not to be” that is the answer

My teacher used to say that we are all meditating, all the time, we are just not aware what meditation is. Meditation is keeping focus on one particular thing, and you are so focused on that thing, that you never lose track of it no matter what.

And he said you are Samy. From the moment you were born, you may change the perspective on who you are, but you never forget your identity. You can sleep, and wake up being yourself, have a massive party, and after 2 days you are still being yourself.

But I will say meditation is even deeper than that. Medicine, drugs, alcohol, a mental imbalance can take away that focus, can make you forget about the identity you had until that day. So who are you really?

Most of the time we believe that who we are is what we do, or what we posses, or what other think about us. So we are struggling to create appearances, to gain importance, to become special in the eyes of everyone. But the truth is, this is a never ending process, you cannot satisfy everybody. And the truth is even if you satisfy 99 people out of 100, you will always pay attention to that 1 individual, rather than be grateful for the bigger success you had. And the sad story is that they appreciate actually someone else, someone who you are trying to be rather than who you are.

Wayne Dyer says “The ego is only an illusion, but a very influential one. Letting the ego-illusion become your identity can prevent you from knowing your true self. Ego, the false idea of believing that you are what you have or what you do, is a backwards way of assessing and living life.”

A student went to his teacher and asked him.

“Teacher what is truth?”

“Truth is the thing that never changes, no matter what.”

And then in the scriptures of different religions “And the truth will set you free…”

You are free when you escape from this fear, that you will die, the pressure that you have to satisfy everyone, and that your existence will end one day. Believing that your true self is the person who you are today is the greatest lie.

You are the soul, and the soul will never die, in Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible there are passages that say you can kill the flesh, but there is no weapon to kill the soul.

“What is true in the morning, will be a lie in the evening”

What you think you are in the morning, will end up being a lie in the evening.I don t know about you but there is a different version of me every day, i m always changing, actually this is the only constant thing in the universe “change”.

So that is not the “truth” about me. The truth is that i am something more, something else.

Meditation for me is not something you read, “I see a blue energy coming, and rising me to the sky, the mind stops, I fly with the birds…”.I don’t know what you’re taking, but this is my Facebook page, send me a private message.

So meditation for me is being yourself, your true self, being the “I” in “I am …” being awareness, paying attention to what is happening around you, that is how you define awareness, you are behind the thoughts, you are that something that cannot be defined. When you are in a coma, or in a deep sleep you forget that you can die, you are not afraid, for not waking up exactly how you used to be.

The you spend some time being more close to your true self, the self that even you cannot define, understanding that you are more than a body, more than a brain, you are something intangible, behind. This human experience can be heaven or hell depending on how we “build” our perception.

So why are you afraid of dying? In fact the next thing after you wake up from a deep sleep, you just want to go back again, to that peace, the place that never wrongs you. The place that so many people are trying to reach by smoking, drinking, taking drugs…

Meditation is something that gets more and more intense, with practice. Like practicing yoga in a class, but doing yoga outside the class.

That is the moment that you are the real you. So you’re washing your false identity, and you become awareness.

Buddha defined meditation “You just sit, and listen to your breath.” Isn’t he saying the same thing? But just in a simple way, all his teaching where simple. Just pay attention.

“Improve your own being…”