I will say 90% of our prayers are always asking for something. Whatever it is we have, we ask for something more, or at least for the things to stay the way they are.

No matter how atheist you think you are, no matter in what you believe, when you are in big need, when you need a miracle, you look up, you close your eyes, get on your knees or whatever ritual you are performing and you read your list.

Now when you ask for something, consciously or unconsciously means you are in need, which implies that whatever you have is not enough. How can you expect, to feel complete, to feel happy, to feel good, when you know you need something for those feelings to happen?

You exclude the idea that happiness can happen for no reason. Just being. Because the way you have been made to think, is that for a any feeling you need to do something.

You feel that the world, how it is right now is not enough. You think that things would be better if it where the way you think. Sometimes when we ask for something which is not for us, we are led to think it is selfless, but it affects you in a certain way, so to a small percentage you still ask for yourself.

You think praying for the health of your family is so selfless, but still if the family is sick you feel bad. If you pray for the well being of your partner, you think is selfless, but still his wellness is affecting you directly. 

Asking is like going to a Dj and tell him which music he should play, going to a painter and tell him what to paint, somebody coming to you and telling you how to do your job. The way you feel when a manager, your chief or whomever you consider knows less then you, comes and tell you how the job should be done. So automatically you feel frustrated, deranged, attacked or whatever “who does he think he is, to tell me how to do what I do best…??”. Always somebody is trying to change you, because they think their opinion and way of seeing things is better than yours. Same thing you thing about God.

Now God, Universe everyone know you are wrong, but still they say “Ok I will do the things your way”, so you can suffer your own decisions. I don’t care, i ll do things your way.

A Dj will change the music, a painter will do your painting, god will grant your wish.

In the process you may feel happy, for a while at least, but everyone around you will suffer your choices, your individuality and poor taste in music, art, life. You see the consequences of your thinking and you realize, you might have been wrong.

You need a better job, someone else needs to be fired. You want a bigger house a mountain has to be cut. A beautiful coat, an animal has to die. An amazing car, the environment get polluted. You ask for love, the lover comes but he’s an alcoholic. You ask for a bike and that bike is getting you in an accident. 

You might get happy for a while, but it will not last. After sometime a new wish comes into your mind, if you look at it, with a brain, is a never ending process.

The way you wish for things so are others, others also want a better life. So they wish for a job you get fired ! for someone else, now life is not good 🙂 god is doing a bad job. 

“I have to pray, he seems he forgot about me and what I want, he s got amnesia I have to remind him.”

So your wishes should be granted, but not for others. That is how you want the world to work. What you want is ok, others should be neglected. The way it works, you live on the misery of others.

When you feel like something is missing from your life, that is the energy you create, that is what you will attract, missing will attract more missing. The energy makes no difference, you attract what you are. Look at your friends, your environment, it looks like what you wanted in a certain percentage. If you are really honest, almost all of your wishes came true, it is just that, it is a distortioned version of what you have believed it will be.

So instead of asking of what you think you need, be grateful, pray with gratitude. Let yourself surprised by life. Let god do his job and you do yours. He knows what you really need and sometimes is not what you want. But it will get you further than, what you want.

Instead of looking for what’s missing, be grateful for what it is. The only reason of your unhappiness is that you have lost perspective on life. You have forgot how lucky you really are. So a disease, a disaster, a marriage broken, someone dying, someone begging has to remind you where you are, so you become grateful again, at least for a period of time 🙂

Heaven is already here, it is just a question of enhancing your perception on life. Be
sensitive and observe.

Self-realization. Wake up from ignorance. Open your mind. Don’t get stuck in your own beliefs. Change, embrace change. Accept what it is, rather what you think it should be.

You don’t even know if you have 2 gallbladders, 1 stomach, you don t even remember the date of birth of your mother 🙂 but you want to change the whole universe. From where this kind of mentality comes? Be honest with yourself, you know nothing. So just trust and try to manage to the best of your potential whatever is coming. Be sensitive, try not to harm others in your process, make your wishes benefit everyone, we are all a family on this planet, we all want to live good and have a healthy society. So share your wealth and well-being, help others realized theirs. Whatever you want for yourself, try doing for others.